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Vocabulary Idioms.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary Idioms."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary Idioms

2 As fit as a fiddle

3 Stick to --- like glue Follow closely

4 Test the waters Sample the responces

5 Keep your eyes peeled Look carefully

6 Lower the bar Lessen the requirements

7 From the get-go From the very start

8 In the blink of an eye Extremely quickly

9 Once in a blue moon Rarely

10 Was in over my head Face too great a challenge

11 Not my cup of tea Not my favorite thing

12 In an ivory tower A place removed from reality

13 Hit the ground running Start right away

14 Turned the corner Changed for the better

15 Missed the boat Lost an opportunity

16 On pins and needles Very anxious

17 0n cloud nine x down in the dumps

18 Half baked x The whole nine yards

19 Tip of the iceberg x heart of the matter

20 Didn’t bat an eye x went ballistic

21 Hit one out of the park x drop the ball

22 At sixes and sevens x on the same page

23 know what's what x haven’t a clue

24 With a grain of salt x at face value

25 Cream of the crop x bottom of the barrel

26 0ff the hook x on the hot seat

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