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Wider Patient Engagement (WPE) in the Nursing programme

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1 Wider Patient Engagement (WPE) in the Nursing programme
Kim Young Associate Professor (Adult Nursing) Lead: Wider Patient Engagement Adult Nursing Field Lead (Cornwall)

2 Wider Patient Engagement
Wider Patient Engagement Activity currently not mandatory but is recommended for all nursing students Mental Health Field Students already have this focus integrated within their Programme: Service User Involvement

3 2015: Establishing Links with Patient Representation Organisations

4 Enhancing Student Nurses’ Experiences of Working with Patients & Carers

5 Wider Patient Engagement Activity
Can easily be integrated within the nursing programme The focus is on: Learning about peoples’ experiences of ill-health Learning about what matters to patients Understanding the impact that ill-health has on patients’ lives (and that of their families / carers) Developing knowledge of issues that affect patients / carers when accessing health care services Volunteering with patient support groups, patient participation groups Collaborating and participating with patient representation organisations during the nursing Programme Understanding the importance of raising patient concerns and learning how these are /should be addressed by health care service organisations including their reporting structures

6 WPE Resources for Student Nurses
On the POPPI Site and Nursing Programme Moodle Site 3303 X WPE Information Sheet year 1 WPE Information Sheet year 2 / 3 Information Resources (what students need to know: WPE) WPE Information Letter for mentors WPE Activity Log Sheet Examples of other students’ WPE activity Examples of Plymouth University WPE innovations

7 Considerations for WPE Activity During Placements…
Wider Patient Engagement Activity = non-clinical hours across theory and practice periods WPE activities relate to specific clinical practice Domains (OAR Document) WPE activity should be integrated but should not impact on the student’s preparation for formative and summative assessment in clinical practice WPE activity (such as patient group meetings attendance) to be negotiated with the student’s personal tutor / clinical mentor

8 How do I Undertake WPE Activity?
Discuss WPE with your Personal Tutor if you have any queries Be sensible about how much WPE activity you undertake during each academic year Not specified by total hours but by quality of activity and evidencing your WPE learning in your E Portfolio Discuss your WPE activities with your mentor in each placement and how these link with your own development and OAR Domains Reasonable to request /negotiate attendance to a meeting during placement time with your mentor / personal tutor (could be a monthly / bi or 3 monthly meeting attendance depending on your activity)

9 WPE Advice DO… Take time to consider what you may be interested in
Make time for adequate preparation and fact-finding Discuss with your personal tutor and read resources on the POPPI site (WPE Section) / 3303X Moodle Site Communicate your WPE activity with your mentor in each placement across the Programme Upload your WPE evidence into your E portfolio Liaise with other nursing students and your PALs Leads

10 WPE Advice DON’T …. Leave your own WPE preparation and researching until year 2 if you decide to undertake it Be afraid to ask questions / raise queries Arrange to undertake WPE with individual patients /service users. The focus is to undertake non-clinical activities with patient representation groups / support groups in community / healthcare settings Undertake any clinical activity as part of your WPE. This is not allowed to occur under any circumstances. Your WPE activity is in the role of a student nurse volunteer

11 Wider Patient Engagement Activities
Current Examples Activities with national patient representation groups: Patient Opinion and the Patients Association Volunteering activity: local patient and service user support groups NHS Trust specific ‘Patient Involvement’ opportunities Volunteering with health charities within the local community Working with local Patient Participation Groups in GP Practices Contributing to the WPE Student Nurse Led Forum (Plymouth University) Undertaking EPIC Research Study engagement activity Providing evidence of learning from patient feedback: Patient, Service User and Carer Reports (written feedback) for OAR Domains / E Portfolio reflective evidence The Report template is on your Programme Page 3303X

12 Seeking Feedback from Patients, Service Users and Carers
Considerations…….. RCN & NMC advise when seeking feedback you should: • be sensitive to the timing and circumstances • assure them that your professional relationship with them will not be adversely affected by any feedback that they provide • assure them they do not have to provide feedback if they prefer not to ***There is a requirement in your OAR to seek out patient / service user / carer written feedback via guidance from your clinical mentor in placement The template for patient feedback is on your programme moodle site under placement information.

13 Wider Patient Engagement Activities
Evidenced within the E Portfolio Linked to specific OAR Practice Domains Can include evidence from your your social media activities using Twitter / Facebook with Patient representation groups Facilitates student nurses’ professional development and leadership skills Prepares nursing students for registration and supports NMC Revalidation processes

14 Wider Patient Engagement & NMC Revalidation
Practice Related Feedback - 1 of the 7 NMC requirements 5 Pieces of practice – related feedback over 3 years From a variety of sources / forms Written / verbal / formal / informal The feedback may come from: Patients Service users Carers Colleagues Management

15 Undertaking WPE Activity: Adult and Child Health Field
How much WPE activity is undertaken during each academic year? Not specified by total hours but students can take a maximum of 5 days (37.5 hours) per year for extra-curricular activities Reasonable to request /negotiate attendance to a meeting during placement time (with mentor / personal tutor) Student provides mentor with WPE activity Example Could be a monthly / bi or 3 monthly patient group meeting attendance, engagement with a charity that links to patient groups, EVIDENCE: Statement from Others, WPE Log Sheet

16 2017 Health Education England Award
In Recognition of the WPE Innovation Work in the Nursing Programme at Plymouth University

17 EPIC Project In Cornwall
E-health & Productivity in Cornwall & Isles of Scilly Funded by ERDF Research Team aim to improve the use of technology in both health and social care hoping .. to improve health and wellbeing of people in Cornwall and improve the Cornish economy in this sector. The EPIC project started in May 2017 for next 3 years

18 EPIC – Student Activity for WPE
Cornwall Project Look at web page / access recorded webinars Join in with the planned local Working Groups / Workshops across Cornwall A number of Cornwall nursing students are currently engaging with EPIC Watch Professor Ray Jones’ recording on the web page – ‘ how people can become involved’ EPIC involvement can be used for WPE activity

19 Some examples of students’ Wider Patient Engagement Activities

20 Example A Student A in year 1 used her unique log in details with Patient Opinion (PO) organisation to find out more about patient stories. She attended the PO Webinar in her first module to learn more about patient experiences. During the two placements in year 1, she logged in and accessed PO resources related to specific care specialities locally, regionally and nationally. This provided student A with a greater understanding of the type of experiences patients and their families have. The student learned how varied patient experiences are and also diverse types of responses that were provided to these individuals. Student A began to understand some of changes which were made by health care organisations when responding to patient feedback. Student A was able to undertake her virtual WPE at different periods throughout the academic year. She produced some reflective accounts for her E Portfolio throughout the year as evidence of ‘responding to the patient voice’ which she linked to recommendations from the Francis Report (2103). This was discussed with her personal tutor after the each placement and at the end of the academic year.

21 Example B Student B undertook preparatory reading about Patient Participation Groups (PPGs) in his local area during year 1. At the start of year 2, he decided to contact his own GP surgery to request joining the PPG. This involved attending PPG meetings (2 hour duration) every 3 months (6.00 – 8.00 PM). Student B negotiated with his personal tutor and nurse mentors during the clinical placement periods to attend the 4 meetings throughout the year. He attended 2 meetings on theory days which did not require negotiation. 2 meetings occurred during the placement periods which her negotiated leaving his shift at 5.00PM on the long days. His nurse mentors were supportive and understood how Student B was planning to link these experiences to his OAR Domains and provided evidence of his WPE for his E-Portfolio. Student B saved the PPG Agenda and Minutes to his E Portfolio (consent from the Practice). This included evidence of his contribution and discussion at the PPG meetings. Student B also contributed to a patient survey activity with other PPG members. This resulted in changes being made to improve to the patient experience of accessing GP Practice appointments.

22 Example C •Student C wanted to find out more about patient experiences and ongoing support after experiencing bowel cancer surgery in the county. This was during her surgical placement at the beginning of year 2. She had read a few ‘patient stories’ online by patients and their family members who had felt isolated and unsupported after hospital discharge. Student C contacted the colorectal specialist nurse in the local NHS Trust and arranged to meet to discuss finding out more about the patient and carer experience following discharge from hospital. The specialist nurse recommended to Student C that she might find it useful to request attending the local Bowel Cancer Support Group as a student nurse volunteer. The specialist nurses are part of this support group. This group has meetings every 2 months but also has virtual meetings.

23 Example C (cont) Becoming active with this group enabled Student C to develop a very good understanding of how patients and their families cope with the disabling effects of having cancer, the treatment regimes, challenges of role changes, and how these individuals cope with living with cancer after surgery. The group also takes part in health promotion activities to raise awareness of bowel cancer. Student C was able to collate evidence of her WPE contribution to designing awareness posters for local GP Practice waiting rooms. She linked these activities to the Domains in her OAR document and these were discussed as examples of WPE activity with her nurse mentor and personal tutor.

24 Example D Student D attended a local meeting to find out how health and social care organisations were communicating with the local population regarding the NHS Sustainability and Transformation Plan (STP). He contributed to some of the discussions with representatives from the Clinical Commissioning Group to find out more about potential proposals to save millions of pounds by Student D summarised the main issues raised by public and patients at the meeting and the responses made in his E Portfolio. He was able to reflect on this experience of gaining greater insight in to how patients and the public voice is communicated and how health and social care organisations response to their concerns. Student D has been engaging in EPIC activity – attending and participating in the EPIC Workshop enabled him to contribute to discussions with Health care professionals and managers, patient representatives & Small Businesses

25 My Year 1 WPE Preparation Mapping: Bethanie Woosnam
I created a WPE Folder in PebblePad (E Portfolio) I used PUNC Twitter account to follow Patient Opinion and explored patient stories in detail I saved screenshots as evidence I used the recommendations in the year 1 Student Guidance for WPE (3303X Adult Field Programme site) I visited NAPP website to find out more about PPGs I researched PPGs in my area I found out about my own GP Practice PPG I researched local charities / Memory Cafes in my area I researched 5 local charities in my area that I my be interested in linking to my WPE I attended a public consultation meeting in my area regarding the future of local health services

26 Year 2 WPE Activity: Bethanie Woosnam
Bethany was invited and attended 2 Health Education England (HEE) Think Tank Events in London Bethany contributed and was commended by HEE for her student contribution and input with national teams working on developing a national toolkit for ‘Patient and Public Involvement in Nurse Education’ Bethany has provided evidence of these WPE activities including new learning in her E Portfolio

27 Social Media WPE – Julie Woolman
Via Twitter and project I have connected with other students and registered nurses to share information to better inform my practice I became the first student leader for the Twitter nursing I host Tweetchats every month on nursing related topics. The Tweetchats often have patients and carers chatting with a variety of healthcare professionals enabling them to connect I have also connected with patient groups such as the 'Purple Angel Dementia Group' and their founder, a gentleman living with dementia from the age of 50, has been a source of endless information enabling me to understand what it is like to live with this disease Connecting with patients, carers and other healthcare professionals through Twitter enhances my professional practice

28 WPE Activities: Zoe Young – A Student’s View
Pathfields PPG, Plymouth & Mannamead PPG, Plymouth Health Education /Health Promotion related activities Engaging a wider patient audience Improving patient influence Revising practice leaflets and posters Making a Difference Project, Plymouth University Inter-professional research project Social engagement Student Learning

29 My WPE Stennack PPG Joined this PPG Became a valued member of the PPG
WPE involvement included working with patients non-clinically Evidenced reducing DNA Appointments Assisted with health promotion material for patients

30 My WPE Joined a PPG as a student nurse volunteer
PPG Meet every 3 months Built in PPG project work into her studies Negotiated meeting time with mentor and P/ Tutor Contributed to patient group activities to improve access to health services Contributed to influencing changes to improve access and services for the younger patient Assisted with social media improvements for the practice

31 Recent Publications of our WPE Innovation Work: Young, K. , H
Recent Publications of our WPE Innovation Work: Young, K., H. Eardley, and R. Jones (2016) Linking students to patient participation groups. Nursing Times, : pp Jones R, Young K, et al (2017) Including On-Line feedback Site, Patient Opinion in the Nursing Curriculum: Exploratory Study. Nurse Education Today

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