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Updated Utah Flood Potential Salt Lake City Weather Forecast Office National Weather Service Tuesday, May 3, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Updated Utah Flood Potential Salt Lake City Weather Forecast Office National Weather Service Tuesday, May 3, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Updated Utah Flood Potential Salt Lake City Weather Forecast Office National Weather Service Tuesday, May 3, 2011

2 Spring Climate

3 33 Apr 1 Apr 15 May 1 May 15 April Precipitation 200% of Normal May Precipitation 225% of Normal April Avg. Temp 4.6 deg colder May Avg. Temp 5.3 deg colder Wettest March – April – May period on record 11.73

4 Areas with the highest flood threat

5 Areas of higher concern include: The Bear River The Logan River The Blacksmith Fork River The Weber River Chalk Creek The Provo River Little Cottonwood Creek City Creek Areas of Higher Flood Potential Areas of Higher Flood Potential National Weather Service – Salt Lake City

6 The Bear and Logan River Drainages The Bear, Logan, and the Blacksmith Fork River, in the Bear River Drainage are very likely to produce flood flows this spring. National Weather Service – Salt Lake City The Logan River The Blacksmith Fork River

7 The Weber River Basin The Weber River near the town of Oakley and to a lesser extent, Chalk Creek near Coalville, have the highest potential for river flooding this spring. National Weather Service – Salt Lake City Chalk Creek TheUpper Weber River

8 Provo River The Provo River Basin The Provo River near the town of Oakley and Chalk Creek near Coalville, have a high potential for river flooding this spring. National Weather Service – Salt Lake City

9 Big Cottonwood Creek Six Creeks Basin City Creek, Emigration, and Little Cottonwood Creeks have a high potential to produce river flooding this spring. National Weather Service – Salt Lake City City Creek Emigration Creek Little Cottonwood Creek

10 American Fork River American Fork Basin The American Fork River has a high potential to produce river flooding this spring. National Weather Service – Salt Lake City

11 Spanish Fork River Spanish Fork Basin The Spanish Fork River has a high potential to produce river flooding this spring. National Weather Service – Salt Lake City

12 Duchesne River Basin Many streams in the Duchesne basin have a high probability for produce river flooding this spring. They include The Duchesne River and Rock Creek. National Weather Service – Salt Lake City Duchesne River Rock Creek

13 North Slope Uinta Mountains The north aspect of the Uinta mountains can expect high flows with a higher than normal flood threat for the Blacks Fork River. National Weather Service – Salt Lake City Blacks Fork River

14 A Few Thoughts on the runoff period

15 Contact Information Brian McInerney

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