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Ionic Compounds Chapter 8

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1 Ionic Compounds Chapter 8
I will define a chemical bond I will describe how ions form I will identify ionic bonding and the characteristics of ionic compounds I will name and write chemical formulas for ionic compounds I will relate metallic bonds to the characteristics of metals

2 Forming Chemical Bonds
I will define chemical bond I will relate chemical bond formation to electron configuration I will describe the formation of positive and negative ions Vocabulary: chemical bond, cation, anion

3 Chemical Bond A force that holds two atoms together Form in two ways:
By the attraction between a positive nucleus and negative electrons By the attraction between a positive ion and a negative ion Recall: Valence electrons are involved in the formation of chemical bonds between 2 atoms Atoms want 8 valence electrons so they have a stable electron structure (helium only needs 2)


5 Formation of Positive Ions
Positive ions form when an atom loses one or more valence electrons in order to attain a full outer shell Cation A positively charged ion atom + ionization energy = ion+ + electron(s)

6 Which Elements Form Positive Ions?
Transition Metals (DIFFICULT to predict) Outer energy level ns2 (in general) L R atoms of each element are also filling in the d sublevel Commonly lose their 2 valence electrons (form+2 ions) Also possible for d electrons to be lost Allows them to form +3 ions or greater Group 1A Lose 1 electron Form +1 ions Group 2A Lose 2 electrons Form +2 ions Group 3A (a few) Lose 3 electrons Form +3 ions

7 Formation of Negative Ions
Negative ions form when an atom gains one or more valence electrons in order to attain a full outer shell Anion A negatively charged ion atom + electron(s) = ion-- + electron affinity

8 Which Elements Form Negative Ions?
Nonmetals Gain the number of electrons that when added to their valence electrons, equals 8 The number of electrons gained corresponds to their negative charge Ex gain 2 electrons = form ions To designate an anion, the ending –ide is added to the root name of the element Ex NaCl = sodium chloride Some nonmetals can gain or lose other numbers of electrons to form an octet Ex phosphorous Gain 3 electrons Or Lose 5 electrons MORE LIKELY to GAIN 3!!

9 Review- Ions that form Look at electron configurations (valence electrons) Metals lose electrons (+ ions) Nonmetals gain electrons (- ions) Typical charges of ions that form

10 The Formation and Nature of Ionic Bonds
I will describe the formation of ionic bonds I will account for many of the physical properties of an ionic compound I will discuss the energy involved in the formation of an ionic bond Vocabulary: ionic bond, electrolyte, lattice energy

11 Formation of an Ionic Bond
The electrostatic force that holds oppositely charged particles together (opposite charge attraction) Ionic Compound Compounds that contain ionic bonds Examples: Oxides Formed if ionic bonds are made between metals and the nonmetal oxygen Salts Most other ionic compounds

12 Formation of an Ionic Bond
Binary Compounds Contain ONLY 2 different elements Contain: Metallic cation Nonmetallic anion Which compound is Binary? MgO CaSO4

13 Formation of an Ionic Bond
The number of electrons lost must EQUAL the number of electrons gained Aka: the overall charge on one unit of the compound must be ZERO Example 1: Na and Cl 1 Na ion (+1) + 1 Cl ion (-1) = (+1) + (-1) = 0 NaCl Example 2: Ca and F 1 Ca ion (+2) + 1 F ion (-1) + 1 F ion (-1) = (+2) + (-1) + (-1) = 0 CaF2

14 Properties of Ionic Compounds
Chemical bonds that occur btwn atoms determine physical properties Ionic compounds (cations + anions) Regular repeating patterns Balance forces of attraction/repulsion Called ionic crystal 1-to-1 ratios of ions produce a cubic crystal Ex. salt

15 Conductivity Demonstration
. Do ionic compounds conduct electricity? ** First…what do you need to conduct electricity?? You need freely moving charged particles. Solid – Aqueous solution – Liquid – do not conduct…why not? do conduct…why? do conduct…why? *** electrolyte: an ionic compound whose aqueous solution conducts an electric current

16 Properties of Ionic Compounds
Crystal Lattice structure – 3D geometric arrangement of ions (positive to negative) Makes them hard – strong bonds Makes them brittle – attracted only to opposite charges/repelled by like charges Have high melting/boiling points

17 Properties of Ionic Compounds
Lattice Energy Energy required to separate 1 mole of ions of an ionic compound Also the energy given off when the ions bond I think of this as “ionic bond energy” – how strong the bond is… *Charge – the larger the charge, the larger the lattice energy Size – the larger the radius, the smaller the lattice energy NaBr, CaCl2, KI, MgO, CaO, BaI2, RbI (rank) RbI < KI < BaI2 < CaCl2 < CaO < MgO RbI = +1, large r + sm charge = smallest LE KI = +1, small r + sm charge = sm LE BaI2 = +2, large r + large charge = med LE CaCl2 = +2, -2 large r + large charge = med LE CaO = +2, large r + large charge = lg LE MgO = +2, large r + large charge = 1g LE

18 Names and Formulas for Ionic Compounds
I will write formulas for ionic compounds and oxyanions I will name ionic compounds and oxyanions Vocabulary: formula unit, monatomic ion, oxidation number, polyatomic ion, oxyanion

19 Metallic Bonds and Properties of Metals
I will describe a metallic bond I will explain the physical properties of metals in terms of metallic bonds I will define and describe alloys Vocabulary: electron sea model, delocalized electrons, metallic bond, alloy

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