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Steve Noyes Executive Director, EUMETNET EIG

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1 Integrating new observing and monitoring systems into operational networks
Steve Noyes Executive Director, EUMETNET EIG Presentation to the Supersites Coordination Workshop June 2013


3 30 EUMETNET Members Austria The National Met Services of: Latvia
Belgium Croatia Cyprus Czech Rep. Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Iceland Ireland Italy Latvia Luxemburg Malta Montenegro Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Serbia Slovenia Spain Sweden The FYROM Switzerland United Kingdom

4 EUMETNET Mission To help its Members to develop and share their individual and joint capabilities through cooperation programmes that enable enhanced networking, interoperability, optimisation and integration within Europe; and also to enable collective representation with European bodies in order that these capabilities can be exploited effectively. From EUMETNET Strategy

5 Relation to Supersites
EUMETNET Members are users of the Supersites The Toulouse and London VAAC are operated by 2 EUMETNET Members During a major volcanic event, the national weather service will be sitting alongside the geophysical experts briefing governments on the airborne component of the eruption Weather forecast models are used to drive dispersion and air quality models – these need good quality input data from the supersites to initialise the models We also need ash and gas cloud monitoring data to verify and validate our model predictions

6 The EUMETNET Observations Programme
The Obs Programme is a mandatory (all 30 Members participate) Programme of EUMETNET. Covers non-space based observations and is designed to complement and not duplicate space capabilities.

7 Observations Programme
Key Output: The EUMETNET Composite Observing System (EUCOS) is the primary output of the Observation Programme in the form of standardised, quality controlled observations for use by downstream users including for example: Weather forecasting and numerical modelling Climate monitoring and climate services Civil protection and emergency response Transport (road, rail, maritime and aviation) Defence Energy (extraction, generation, demand management, distribution)

8 The current EUCOS network
All European automated weather balloon observations All measurements from European commercial aircraft 4 moored buoys and all European drifting buoys European Voluntary Observing Ships European weather balloon observations European synoptic weather stations Selected European wind profilers (+ wind profiles derived from weather radar data) Selected European weather radars Selected European GNSS sites and Analysing Centres

9 EUCOS Performance Standards
Describes Performance Standards, Monitoring and Change Control Procedures for all EUCOS networks Defining targets on (typically): Percentage of observations received from Network Percentage received by HH+100 Threshold target. Percentage received by HH+50 Breakthrough target. Accuracy targets of particular parameters (e.g. temperature, wind speed and direction, pressure, humidity)

10 EUCOS Performance Standards - example

11 Monitoring: EUCOS network performance Q1 2012

12 Monitoring: EUCOS network performance Q1 2012

13 Examples of a EUCOS network component
Examples of a EUCOS network component - Aircraft Observations (E-AMDAR) - Drifting Buoys (E-SURFMAR) - GNSS water vapour (E-GVAP)

14 E-AMDAR Daily coverage – 31st January 2013

15 E-AMDAR Network Performance 2012
EUCOS Objectives for E-AMDAR 2008 2012 ACTUAL (Gross) (Nett) Number of airports in EUCOS area observed daily 140 152 143 Number of 3 hourly observed airports 40 41 371 Total daily number of profiles within EUCOS area 780 845 (866 M-F/794 WE) 7211 Data over Sensitive EUCOS Areas 27% 35.86% 30.48% WWW contribution 12% 8.02%2 6.82%2 Annual number of E-AMDAR funded observations 12M 14.37M 11.10M3 Total number of E-AMDAR aircraft equipped with development WVSS-II units 3 2/14 2/1 4 Timeliness T + 50 90% 94,2% Timeliness T + 100 95% 97,2%

16 Drifting Buoys (network)
All buoys on the map are measuring air pressure at least Eumetnet drifting buoys in red Non-Eumetnet drifting buoys in blue January 2013

17 Drifting Buoys (availability & timeliness)
Target : 100 Number of E-SURFMAR operating drifting buoys The number of operating buoys has been back above the target of 100 since August Long term target : 90% Short term target : 70% Percentage of reports sent onto the GTS less than 50 minutes after the observation time The long term target has been definitely reached in May 2012 thanks to the use of Iridium instead of Argos for data transmission

18 GNSS DATA COVERAGE Status map from :17 from the E-GVAP validation site. Validation statistics and graphs are created automatically and shown via click at each square representing a GPS site

19 Total number of ZTD observations per month.
Order 14 million.

20 Expansion of network An MoU has been signed between EUPOS and EUMETNET (to provide a framework for the geodetic meteorological collaboration between the parties), and about specific access to data from, Hungary Poland Latvia Bulgaria National MoUs between the local NMHS and the national Geodetic agency are now being discussed.

21 EUPOS sites,

22 Why is all this important for volcanic ash observations?

23 Operational users need:
To know availability and anticipated timeliness To know quality and bias of individual observations To have confidence in the data before they invest in using it in their systems or decision making processes To understand the strengths and weaknesses of the data To have a cost effective solution through integration with existing operational networks rather than set up new independent systems To have complementary capabilities in an integrated system

24 E-PROFILE Operational Service (EUMETNET – vertical profile observations)

25 Network of Weather radar profiles

26 Mission E-WINPROF operational service
Provides vertical profiles of wind measurements from WP and WR from a network of locations across Europe. Improve the overall usability of wind profiler data for operational meteorology. Provide support and expertise to both profiler operators and end users. Addition of Lidar and Ceilometer (ALC) observations Provides vertical backscatter profiles from ALC Analysis of the user requirements for ALC observations. Production of business case. Implementation and operational acceptance.

27 Ceilometer Stations over Europe
Courtesy of W. Thomas (DWD)

28 What information does a ALC provide
Cloud aerosol/dust/ash Boundary Layer [Heese et al., 2010] A ALC provides much more than the cloud base…

29 Summary Important when developing R&D investments to plan for operational implementation Ensures operational user needs are considered at an early stage Standardisation, harmonisation, integration, complementarity, quality assurance, bias statistics and assured availability of information are important performance characteristics for operational users EUVONET roadmap and the EUMETNET observations programme both envisage a transition from H2020 R&D to operational implementation of non-space based volcanic ash monitoring systems later this decade.

30 Contact Details Steve Noyes Executive Director GIE/EIG EUMETNET
European Meteorological Services' Network GIE EUMETNET Secretariat c/o L’Institut Royal Météorologique de Belgique Avenue Circulaire Bruxelles, Belgique Registered Number RPM Bruxelles Tel:      +32 (0) Fax:     +32 (0)

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