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흉관 관리 및 배액법.

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Presentation on theme: "흉관 관리 및 배액법."— Presentation transcript:

1 흉관 관리 및 배액법

2 Role of chest tube Removal of fluid or air from pleural space
restoration of the negative pressure full expansion of the lung effective gas exchange Instillation of chemotherapeutic agent after removal of malignant effusion

3 Indications of chest tube insertion
post-thoracotomy status hemothorax pneumothorax empyema chylothorax emphysema disease prophylactic: ARDS, high PEEP others



6 Placement of chest tube
Post-thoracotomy status usually two site insertion(28Fr, 32Fr) Pneumothorax usually 4th ICS on anterior axillary line 흉강경 수술이 예상될 경우 7th ICS on mid- axillary line Pleural fluid usually 5th, 6th ICS on mid axillary line (가능한 dependent position에 위치) Loculation이 된 경우라면 위치가 달라질 수도 있으며 . 방사선과에서 PCD (Pigtail Chest Drainage) 시행 Chest tube size Pneumothorax : 20-28Fr, Effusion : largest that can easily be drained

7 Post-thoracotomy status

8 Chest tube insertion, I

9 Chest tube insertion, II

10 Underwater seal drainage system
A. one-bottle system B. two-bottle system C. three-bottle system D. balanced drainage system * Heimlich valve outpatient management

11 Bottle systems

12 Commonly used bottles

13 One bottle Two bottle

14 Suction To overcome the air leak
To expand the lung early only in air leak Optimal pressure ~ -20 cm H2O Higher levels of suction should be avoided lung damage, pulmonary edema avoid vigorous milking or squeezing

15 Observation of drainage system
Fluctuations according to respiratory pattern absent - full expansion - blocked tubing Fluids: volume, color, consistency Hemothorax > ml/hr Air leak Tube clamping should be avoided Bottle position: 70-90cm below the thorax

16 Position & Drain


18 Check point during Chest tube management, I
Clot in chest tube inside patient clot in the tube dependent loop in patient tube with fluid kink in patient tube partial dislodgment of catheter partial disconnection between tube and catheter

19 Chest tubes

20 Check point during Chest tube management, I
Clot in chest tube inside patient clot in the tube dependent loop in patient tube with fluid kink in patient tube partial dislodgment of catheter partial disconnection between tube and catheter


22 Check point during Chest tube management, I
Clot in chest tube inside patient clot in the tube dependent loop in patient tube with fluid kink in patient tube partial dislodgment of catheter partial disconnection between tube and catheter

23 Check point during Chest tube management, II
Overfilled water seal in line connectors not properly secured patient tube clamp in situ chest drain in not upright insufficient suction suction is too vigorous too high chest drain position

24 Check point during Chest tube management, II
Overfilled water seal in line connectors not properly secured patient tube clamp in situ chest drain in not upright too high chest drain position insufficient suction suction is too vigorous

25 Check point during Chest tube management, II
Overfilled water seal in line connectors not properly secured patient tube clamp in situ chest drain in not upright too high chest drain position insufficient suction suction is too vigorous

26 Chest tube occlusion Etiology prevention
blood clots or viscous pleural effusion kinking of chest tube prevention strip chest tube hourly insert sufficient large tube insert additional tube to help evacuate blood, if needed eliminate kinking by proper positioning and exit location of the tube - never place tube posterior to midaxillary line

27 Pneumothrax kit Trocar Semirigid catheter Heimlich valve

28 Urgent transfusion

29 Removal of chest tube Indication Clamp the tube for 12-24hrs
air and fluid are no longer present in the pleural space full re-expansion of the lung Clamp the tube for 12-24hrs “Inflate and hold ” technique Occlusive dressing Be confirmed by chest X-ray

30 Reminder again Water seal Keep the bottle below the patient
Transporting injured patient with Chest bottle; do not clamp the tube Right connection between bottle and chest tube Periodic check kinking of the tube Avoid back pressure to chest tube drainage

31 Comment Very useful and effective measure to evacuate intrathoracic air and/or fluid Should be carefully observed because the chest tube and bottle system is not always safe

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