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FUSION Software FUSION Data interface LDV Data viewer Sample options

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1 FUSION Software FUSION Data interface LDV Data viewer Sample options
Image LIDAR data Points of interest (POI) Bare-earth model Hotspots Canopy model Tree data LDV Data viewer Color Lighting Glyph Motion Measurement Sample options Shape & size Coloring rules Snap to POI PDQ provides 3D viewing and manipulation for LAS, FUSION, ASCII LIDAR data and FUSION surface models PDQ Simple Data viewer Command line processing and utility programs

2 FUSION Software Displays a variety of data types
Users interactively select portions of large datasets for viewing “Mine” the data to discover new information Clips all data layers and makes them available for detailed 3D viewing Supports stereoscopic viewing Runs on a current hardware Training & Support available through RSAC (FS Remote Sensing Application Center) We really wanted something to let us explore the data Flexibility is needed so we can slice and dice data as needed and use range of visualization options to enhance understanding

3 Points are interesting to look at…
Visualization Points are interesting to look at… High-density LIDAR data covering a portion of Capitol State Forest located near Olympia, Washington. Douglas-fir is dominant over the area with some Western Hemlock and Red Alder. Return data have been color-coded according to the height above ground.

4 Visualization Return data colored by height

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