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Best Practices in K-12 Education

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1 Best Practices in K-12 Education
Harford County Public Schools Presenters: Robert Limpert and Garrison Souder July 26, 2018

2 Presenters Info Robert Limpert
Supervisor of Magnet and CTE Programs CTE Director Curriculum and Assessment Garrison Souder S.T.E.M. Teacher Southampton Middle School Technology Education/PLTW-GTT Department Chair Teacher Coordinator and Trainer for 3D Printing

3 3D Printing High School Current Projects 3D puzzles
Sports drink bottles Cell phone cases Cell phone amplifier/speaker Bottle rockets Light sabers Enhance project by make custom Knex pieces for a hydraulic crane in ADA Wheels and keychains in FOT Print custom-made parts for students working on their senior capstone prototypes/projects 9th grade class we printed the end of the year projects Tech Design: Custom logos / ornaments / badges PLTW Capstone: miscellaneous custom parts for Engineering Project solutions

4 3D Printing High School Clubs based projects Engineering Club
Steering and mounting brackets for Electrathon Vehicle Repair parts for broken school equipment Individual 3D project for club members.

5 3D Printing High School Future 3D Printing Endeavors
Use the printers for the Automata projects (cams) Make customized nose cones, fins and air foils in the Aerospace Engineering class Design and create free for cereal box which is part of our graphic communication projects. Makerspace Used to make lots of prototyping before we use the CNC router on smaller stuff Create cases for Raspberry Pi based projects and airfoils for a drone-like project.

6 3D Printing in Elementary Schools
Makerspace Enrichment teachers Engineering is Elementary

7 3D Printing in Middle School
Current Projects 3D Print forms to elevate students understanding and skills to create isometric drawings. Wind turbine blades 3D Print manipulatives to allow students to better understand and challenge visual spatial skills. Sculptures/Vessel Studies PLTW-GTT Peg board toy design 3D modeled, converted to stl, and printed to understand assembly and use of tolerances. 3d Printed Co2 Car Performance wheels Custom nose cone designs for rocketry 3D printed articulated hand integrated with Vex Robotic Components Robotic Components

8 3D Printing in Middle School
GTT pegboard Personal artifact students design 2D visualization, create directions/steps to create 3D Model, then 3D model artifact to fit class specifications Models for Core area projects Gravity Car ½ scale models Extension activity- Design and 3D print custom design utilize 3D modeling skill set. Placards Apprentice Tool box project School Native Plants Court Yard

9 Printers and Slicing Software in Harford County
3D printers by Brand Solidoodle 4th Generation Printrbot Simple Metal Flashforge Creator Pro Slicing Software Repetier-Host Cura MatterControl

10 3D Modeling Software using in County
AutoDesk Inventor AutoDesk 123 Design Google Sketch Up TinkerCad

11 Harford Community College and 3D Printing
Point of Contact: David Antol Coordinator of Engineering Technology Principal Investigator Project: Regional Additive Manufacturing HCC

12 HCC Program- 3D printing class
3D printer kit– Assemble 3D printer from kit Collateral learning, critical thinking, troubleshooting, and perseverance Class philosophy Learning by doing, re-doing and more redoing Peer teaching to increase deeper learning and working with others Exposure to the engineering process (iterations) and learning from mistakes.

13 HCC Additive Manufacturing Certification
The Grant work for Additive Manufacturing technician certificate: Targeting Harford Community and Harford County high school students juniors and up – dual enrollment Working with industry to design current topics and skills Working with industry to develop Problem Base Case learning The final course is a capstone project with industry 5 - 3 credit courses (a quarter of the A.A.S. Engineering Technology degree)

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