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NC School Library Media Coordinator

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Presentation on theme: "NC School Library Media Coordinator"— Presentation transcript:

1 NC School Library Media Coordinator
Evaluation Process 2016

2 School Library Media Consultant
Kathy Parker School Library Media Consultant NCDPI, Division of Digital Teaching and Learning PicMonkey

3 Resources For This Webcast Are Posted Here

4 Check the Code Object Code 131 Purpose Code 5810

5 Attention Career Abbreviated

6 Evaluation Cycle Types
Comprehensive = < 3 yrs. Standard = > 3 yrs.

7 What May the Performance Indicators Look Like in Practice?
Provides technology-enabled one-on-one and group professional development for school-based educators (Standard 1, Element B, Proficient) Provides professional development on integrating information and instructional technology into all curricular areas at the school, district, state, and/or national level (Standard 1, Element B, Distinguished) Educates students, teachers, and other members of the school community to use best practices in copyright, ethical access and use of resources, intellectual property, and digital citizenship (Standard 1, Element D, Proficient) Leads professional development on resources and instructional strategies to meet the needs of a diverse population of students (Standard 2, Element A, Accomplished) Leads professional development in the design of learning experiences that result in student created content (Standard 2, Element B, Distinguished) Provides educational opportunities at the district, state or national level for professional staff members regarding the safe, ethical and appropriate use of information and technology resources (Standard 4, Element B, Distinguished)

8 Provides technology-enabled one-on-one and group professional development for school-based educators (Standard 1, Element B, Proficient)

9 Identify Roadblocks

10 Flexibility

11 Access

12 What May the Performance Indicators Look Like in Practice?
Participates in the recruitment hiring process and/or mentoring of school-based educators (Standard 1, Element B, Proficient)

13 What May the Performance Indicators Look Like in Practice?
Partners with other libraries and community organizations to promote the use of best practices in copyright, ethical access and use of resources, intellectual property, and digital citizenship (Standard 1, Element D, Accomplished)

14 What May the Performance Indicators Look Like in Practice?
Uses collection management plan data to solicit external resources to support collection development (Standard 3, Element A, Accomplished)

15 Partners

16 Artifacts

17 DTL Support

18 School Library Media Consultant
Kathy Parker School Library Media Consultant NCDPI, Division of Digital Teaching and Learning PicMonkey

19 Feedback Form is Posted Here

20 Attribution Unless otherwise noted, all images in this presentation are in the public domain without the requirement for attribution. They are accessible on

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