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How did the Nazi’s control People?

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Presentation on theme: "How did the Nazi’s control People?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How did the Nazi’s control People?

2 Propaganda Government controlled Media
Dr. Joseph Goebbels, Minister for Enlightenment and Propaganda Posters plastered everywhere Rallies Radio Films Parades Newspapers Limited Opposition movement

3 Terror Political opponents taken to Concentration camps Communists
Socialist Cathothics/protestants Opposition groups SA, SS, Gestapo

4 Scapegoat Blamed Jew for problems in Germany Nuremberg Laws
Stripped of rights Segregated Small population of German Jews Estimated 566,000 Jews 66 million people Taught to be rats, infested Germany, sexual predators, Cheats,

5 Anti-religion Reich Churches Replace bible with Mein Kampf
Only official Nazis could preach German Faith Movement – replace Christianity

6 Women and Family Male dominated society Traditional roles
Job discrimination Women’s job create racial pure Germans Financial incentives to have at least 4 kids

7 Youth Organizations Education
State Controlled education Teachers mandated teach Nazi way First Loyalty to Hitler not parents Teach hatred of Jews/ mocked Jews/ sub-human German History Aryan Biology Hitler Youth/Hitler Jugend League of German Maidens

8 Youth Resistance Swing Kids Anti-Nazi /Rebellious youth/ Jazz Age
White Rose- Sophie Scholl Tried to expose the Nazis for who they really were Edelweiss Pirates Mocked Hitler/ helped shelter escaped prisoners/ Open defiance

9 White Rose

10 One people, One government , One Leader

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