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The Victorian Personal Learning Network (VicPLN)

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1 The Victorian Personal Learning Network (VicPLN)
Kelly Gardiner Online Learning Manager 17 July 2013 Argus collection, 1941 State Library of Victoria

2 Personal learning networks
A Personal Learning Network (PLN) is an on-tap stream of information, resources, answers, discussion, contacts and support Enables networking of organisations, researchers, learners, teachers Constantly update tools, resources and skills Happens on blogs, social media, social bookmarking, , online learning, real life conferences & training For professionals – ongoing PD For learners – networks of likeminded people.

3 Victorian Personal Learning Network (VicPLN)
Originated in 23 Things and Library 2.0 concepts Online courses for school library staff and educators Run by SLV in collaboration with School Library Association of Victoria VicPLN network continues beyond the course on social media Piloted internal course for SLV staff. Why? Encourage development of an online personal learning network in Victoria Enhance skills of individuals – learn by exploring and doing Model use of online tools, collaboration and resources for educators and encourage them to do the same Encourage group participation.

4 Concepts: moving beyond the shiny tools Identify user tasks and needs
Approach Concepts: moving beyond the shiny tools Identify user tasks and needs Research and assess options Choose the best solution Workflow: arrange your information flow to suit you - subscribe, publish, record screencasts, share resources, search, back-up, collaborate, network. Then choose your tools Common and simple web tools We model their use in the course Participants learn by doing, sharing and discussing. Examples: Feedly, blogs, Screenr, Diigo, Google tools & tips, Dropbox, wikis, Twitter.

5 Four to seven units, self-paced Real life meet-ups in computer lab
How do the courses work? Structure: Four to seven units, self-paced Real life meet-ups in computer lab Weekly web conferences Monitoring all day, multi-channel, by PLN team on roster PLN team provides support, answers queries, comments on blog posts Low-cost: discounts for groups of six or more Scalable business model per module PD model is sustainable, paying for staff time. Course journal: Each participant starts their own course journal They record and post progress and reflections Journal stands as a record of learning beyond the course Weekly assignments are marked and recorded.

6 Results Participants Around 150 people in each course Pilot of Research Toolkit aimed for 50 people – 150 enrolled. Survey 2012: was it an effective learning experience? 90% reported the PLN changed their professional practice, 69% said it changed it somewhat or completely 73% reported a sense of substantial personal progression 93% would recommend the course to colleagues 73% felt excited or passionate about the course 90% reported a sense of having learned. Research underway In conjunction with the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) Action research on impact of courses on practice and school communities.




10 Library learning online
What? Spectrum of information and training provided through web resources, multimedia, social media, videoconference, online classrooms. Why? Perfect way to engage with people in rural and outer suburban areas Provides existing library learning and professional development via online medium Web users now expect us to provide information and services online Can be available for people at any time Repackages existing library learning course materials Delivers staff expertise on new platforms Standard in university and many school environments.

11 Advanced course PLN Plus, 29 July Research toolkit course, 14 October.
What next? PLN courses in education Seven-unit introductory course for school libraries and educators just completed Advanced course PLN Plus, 29 July Research toolkit course, 14 October. Network to community PLN Plus is focused on transitioning VicPLN to a collaborative community of practice. Lifelong learning online First PLN-style course for library learning – Branching out: an introduction to family history, 9 September Continuing series of short ‘how to’ videos about using the Library Planning for future learning offer as part of Library strategy Focus on internal capability to provide learning online.

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