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The Bill of Rights I Love Civics Class!.

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Presentation on theme: "The Bill of Rights I Love Civics Class!."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Bill of Rights I Love Civics Class!

2 Preview Activity: Look at the Freedoms we are guaranteed as a U.S. citizen. If you could only choose f , which would it be?

3 Testable Information Follow along and fill in your interactive notebook as we discuss the power point.

4 The Bill of Rights: The Bill of Rights is the first _____ ________________ to the Constitution. 10 amendments

5 First Amendment Freedoms

6 First Amendment Freedoms:
_________________ Government may not establish an official religion, nor endorse, or unduly interfere with free exercise of religion. Religion


8 First Amendment Freedoms: Individuals May Peacefully Gather.
_________________ Individuals May Peacefully Gather. Assembly


10 First Amendment Freedoms:
_________________ The Media has the right to gather and publish information, including that which criticizes the government. Press


12 First Amendment Freedoms:
_________________ Individuals have the right to make their views known to public officials. Petition


14 _________________ Speech First Amendment Freedoms:
Individuals are free to express their opinions and beliefs. Speech


16 Your Freedom of the Press & Speech do not protect you against
Libel = printing lies (that harm someone’s reputation). Slander = to speak/say a lie about someone that harms their reputation. Your Freedom of the Press & Speech do not protect you against these things.


18 YES or NO: Are there limits to your 1st amendment freedoms?
Does the Freedom of Speech allow you to threaten someone’s life? Can a newspaper print a true but negative story about Congress? Could a group of Neo Nazis peacefully march in a parade? Does Freedom of Speech allow you to have multiple tattoos? Does the Freedom of Religion allow you to sacrifice another human?

19 The Bill of Rights: due process The right to ____ _________ of the _____, the constitutional protection against unfair governmental actions and laws, is outlined in the ____ Amendment law 5th

20 The Bill of Rights: The 5th Amendment prohibits the ________________ government from acting in an unfair manner. national

21 The Bill of Rights: This means the 5th Amendment guarantees _____________________ from the national government. fair treatment

22 The Constitution of the United States has 3 basic parts

23 Preamble __________- states the 6 goals and purposes of the government 7 _________- establish the structure of the government 27 ________________- changes/additions to the Constitution Articles Amendments

24 The Constitution of the United States of America establishes and protects the citizen’s fundamental _____________________ rights and liberties

25 Processing Activity: Label the Fist Amendment Freedoms shown in Each of the Following Pictures. This is an independent activity!

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