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Homeroom Reminders 1/25-2/12: Chocolate Fundraiser

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1 Homeroom Reminders 1/25-2/12: Chocolate Fundraiser
PROGRESS REPORTS GO HOME FRIDAY 2/12: Extra Credit Due State of the Union 2/19: No School Presidents Day

2 Do Now Copy and answer on your Do Now:
What article creates the Legislative Branch? What is its main job?

3 Articles I-III: The Three Branches of Government
Unit 4: Lesson 3 Essential Question: What is the structure and function of the United States Government?

4 Article I: The Legislative Branch
Key Players: Congress The Senate and the House of Representatives Job: Write and pass bills (Make LAWS) Cares about: Constituents (The people who vote for them) Make laws based upon public opinion and the public agenda!

5 The Senate The House of Representatives Qualifications At least 30 years old US Citizen for at least 9 Years Live in the State You Represent At least 25 years old US Citizen for at least 7 Years Size 2 Senators Per State= 100 Members Total Number Per State Depends on Population = 435 Total Members Length of Term and Representation 6 Years- Represents all citizens of their home state 2 Years- Represents citizens from their district of their home state Special Duties Acts as a court during impeachments A bill that raises money (taxes) must start in the House Role in Law Making A bill must be approved by BOTH HOUSES before it can go to the President to become a LAW! --

6 Other Important Powers of Congress
Collect Taxes Borrow money and pay debts Make rules for how to become a citizen Regulate trade Coin money Establish Post Offices Create the lower federal courts (under the Supreme Court) Declare War Punish Pirates

7 Article II: The Executive Branch
Key Players: The President Vice President, Cabinet Job: Most important: ENFORCE LAWS Set important issues for Congress to work on Sign bills into law or veto them Cares about: All Americans! Every American Votes for President Electoral College Elects President Based on Popular Vote

8 Presidential Powers Commander-in-chief of the armed forces (military)
Maintain a Cabinet of 15 advisors who run executive departments like the State Department (deals with foreign affairs) Grant pardons in all federal criminal offenses Negotiate treaties with other countries Appoint ambassadors, Supreme Court Justices and federal court judges, and Cabinet members Represent the US when dealing with foreign countries

9 Presidential Qualifications and Terms
35+ years old Native-Born American Citizen Lived in the U.S. for at least 14 years Presidents serve 4 year terms There were no term limits until 1951 22nd Amendment- President can only serve two-elected terms in office Amendment was added because President Franklin D. Roosevelt won office 3 times People worried about the President having too much power

10 Article III: The Judicial Branch
Key Players: The Supreme Court Job: Interprets the law, makes sure people are playing by the rules JUDICIAL REVIEW! Decide whether laws are allowed by the U.S. Constitution Cares about: The Constitution (the rulebook for government)

11 The Supreme Court Supreme Court is made up of 9 justices
The number of justices is set by Congress They can change this number No qualifications given to serve on the Supreme Court Hold their jobs for life Not elected by the people Do not represent a political party Remain neutral Protects them from public opinion when ruling on cases

12 Limits on Powers- System of Checks and Balances and Separation of Powers
Ideas of Baron de Montesquieu Government divided into 3 branches Power is split equally between the three branches of government Each branch has a “CHECK” power over the other two branches so no branch can abuse their power


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