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Theme: Digital safety and judgement

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1 Theme: Digital safety and judgement
ITELab – Innovating ITE curricula Key Action 2 - Knowledge Alliance project ITE FORUM Theme: Digital safety and judgement 22nd March 2018 #ITELab_eu


3 ITE FORUM: 22nd March 2018, 15h-16:30H CET
Attendees: Associate Partners plus Partners. Chair: Dr. Conor Galvin, UCD. Supported by Dorothy Cassells, EUN. Forum: to engage wider stakeholders in knowledge exchange, pilots, sharing inspiration and ideas to develop recommendations. Agenda for today: Digital safety and judgement – student teachers: sharing work at European level (presenter: Sabrina Vorbau); in Portugal (presenter: Rui Gonçalo Espadeiro) Open discussion and Q&A. Short project update – planning for Autumn Maite to talk to

4 Project officer, Digital Citizenship team, EUN
Ite forum 22nd march digital safety and judgement Digital Citizenship Education Sabrina Vorbau, Project officer, Digital Citizenship team, EUN

5 Digital citizenship At European schoolnet

6 Defining Digital citizenship
European Schoolnet's Perspective on the New Skills Agenda for Europe Digital citizens belong to the digital society. They use technology to actively engage in and with society. Digital citizenship empowers people to reap the benefits of digital technology in a safe and effective way. Digital citizenship is a right; digital skills enable people to exercise this right.

7 Practicing digital citizenship
Safe and responsible use of online technology A safer online environment: Better Internet for Kids A global day of focus on a safer and better internet: Safer Internet Day Certified accreditation for schools: eSafety Label Combat bullying through online and offline interactions: ENABLE Foster confidence in behaviour changes through serious games: eConfidence Digital literacy Foster critical thinking for digital citizens: Web We Want Digital skills for jobs and life Empowering youth for employability: I-LINC Bridging the digital skills gap: Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition Coding and computational thinking Promoting teaching and learning coding and programming: European Coding Initiative and DIS-CODE Understanding the uptake of computational thinking in formal education: Computhink

8 Trends and issues Working with various stakeholders

9 Audience Children and young people
Teachers, educators, school staff, social workers, etc. Families (parents, grandparents, etc.) Policy makers Industry representatives NGOs and other organisations in the field

10 Trends and issues Safer Internet Centre
Awareness Centre Helpline Hotline More info:

11 Trends and issues Parents Teachers Young people

12 ITE Lab MOOC Digital Footprints

13 To share or not to share, that is the question!
What if you could create digital expiry dates, so that information would be automatically deleted at a time you had chosen years back? What sort of content would you to keep? What pieces of information do you think you should delete before start looking for a job? More info: Tip: Guide to online services on the Better Internet for Kids portal:

14 Self-evaluation exercises
Tip: Web We Want hanbooks: Scenario: Self-assessment:

15 More resources Opportunities to get actively involved

16 Discover the online safety world
For your daily online safety update: Explore a resource gallery with over 700 online safety resources in multiple languages Learn about positive online content Get involved in Safer Internet Day Discover the BIK Youth corner Get active and join the #SAFERINTERNET4EU campaign

17 Thank you for your attention!

18 Ite forum 22nd march digital safety and judgement Seguranet Project
navigate safely Rui Gonçalo Espadeiro University of Evora, Portugal

19 Seguranet project
Part of the consortium Internet Segura (Portuguese consortium)

20 Seguranet project – Internet Portal

21 Seguranet project – Internet Portal

22 Seguranet project – Internet Portal

23 Seguranet project – Internet Portal

24 Studies
Multiple-choice study about the participation of the portuguese schools on the project (2011)  Impact assessment study of the Seguranet project (2015)

25 Responsible use of social networks on the Internet
Work with teachers and student teachers

26 Work with teachers informal sessions addressing key themes
MOOC Seguranet training of trainers Presentations about Seguranet Project and its resources short-term accredited training sessions

27 Work with teachers

28 CPD Lab esafety course
eSafety in the 21st Century eSafety in Teaching and Learning Critical Thinking and Reflection Practical approaches to take forward Practical approaches to eSafety in the classroom

29 Moral Compass

30 Work with student teachers
Starting point: rudimentary and uncritical use of technology; superficial knowledge of esafety; lack of care with your own digital security. Their needs: deepen knowledge on the key themes; Discuss and reflect on the issues; To have contact with good work practices with students

31 Work with student teachers
informal sessions addressing key themes (e.g.): Copyright and creative commons licenses; Cyberbullying « Think before you post » and Digital footprint Responsible use of social networks on Internet PBL methodology – groups of student teachers

32 Wide field with a lot themed and a lot of different approaches;
Conclusions Wide field with a lot themed and a lot of different approaches;  There is a lot of work done but still much more to do; Quality versus quantity; Education over ban.

33 Digital safety and judgement presentations/discussion

34 Project ACTIVITIES AND DELIVERABLES– 2018 (year 2)
Targets 60 ITE, 15 MoE, 20 Industry ITE Forum 1. April meeting- early feedback on beta pilots and planning Information gathering: 2. April/May survey 30 ITE 5,000 students Design & develop-ment ITELab module A Pilot1 : BETA Evaluation CYCLE 2: Module A, B, C. MOOC student teacher MOOC1: BETA Student FG Design 2 6th-8th June Dorothy to talk to briefly Translation 2019 FULL PILOT Module A, B, C MOOCv2 Future Pilot(s) planning 3. Autumn 18? Beta pilot +?: Module A MOOCv1

35 Design and development: process – BETA modules, mooc
The ITELab module challenge Proposed course modules Conor to talk to briefly re pilot – and come on later in discussion to share experiences so far Hallmarks of ITELab modules Iterative Learning Design process Reference points

36 Ite FORUM – 2018 diary dates

37 Any other business

38 ITELab project partners

39 ITELab associate partners

40 #ITELab_eu
ITELab (Initial Teachers Education Lab) is a Knowledge Alliance project between higher education institutions and industry to foster innovation and knowledge exchange in initial teacher education (ITE). Project number: EPP BE- EPPKA2-KA. It is co-funded under the European Commission’s Erasmus+ Programme from January 2017 to December This publication was created with the financial support of the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. This publication reflects the views only of the authors and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained herein. #ITELab_eu

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