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DoD Discovery Metadata Specification (DDMS) Update

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Presentation on theme: "DoD Discovery Metadata Specification (DDMS) Update"— Presentation transcript:

1 DoD Discovery Metadata Specification (DDMS) Update
JA0074C.1 BM6710 AL 11/14/2018 4:24:59 AM11/14/2018 4:24:59 AM Marcom DoD Discovery Metadata Specification (DDMS) Update Pete Attas FGM, Inc. August 23, 2011

2 Open Change Request summary

3 Open DDMS CRs DDMS and IRM Convergence Focus
Obligation Securable Complexity 4 Add Activity element with activityType attribute Optional Required Low 6 Add IntelType element with subelements Significant 7 Add NoticeList with subelements from IC-ISM Medium 8 Add ProductionMetricsList element with subelements 9 Add ProductLine element 10 Add PublishingAgency element with subelements

4 Open DDMS CRs DDMS and IRM Convergence Focus
Obligation Securable Complexity 11 Add RecordsManagementInfo element with subelements Optional Required on a subelement Medium 12 Add RevisionRecall element with subelements Required Significant 13 Add TaskingInfoList with subelements from IC-ISM Impact: Significant Version Change: Major version release – v4.0 Voting Period End: July 29, 2011 Suggested Release Date: August 31, 2011

5 Other Open DDMS CRs DDMS_CR_ Focus Obligation Securable Complexity 14 Change the DDMS namespace to the new top-level domain N/A Low Impact: Significant – Impacts all schemas, documentation, and examples – not backward compatible Version Change: Major version release – v4.0 Voting Period End: July 29, 2011 Suggested Release Date: August 31, 2011

6 Additional DDMS and IRM Convergence Changes (CR 15)
Additional optional elements to be added to DDMS (CountryCodeCoverageList, NonStateActorCoverageList, ProcessingInfoList, SubCountryCodeCoverageList) Additional optional attributes to be added to several existing DDMS elements (dates, countryCode, creator, publisher, contributor, pointOfContact) Optional inclusion of NeedToKnow (NTK) Migration from a limited xlink profile to the full XLink.xml schema (Xlink 1.1 schema file) Migration to ISM v7, currently draft and only available in FOUO form Documented in a new CR DDMS_CR_2011_15

7 Metacard Element and Attribute Packaging
IRM requires the ability to specify elements and attributes that describe the metacard itself, in addition to those which describe the target resource Some of the elements that describe the metacard also are used to describe the target resource Global elements can be reused inside another element DDMS does not currently have an element that contains metadata about the metacard, only root attributes Adding a new Global DDMS element metacardInfo, that will contain all metadata about the metacard (classification, metacard publication info, dates, etc.)

8 Change Request Summary
1st round of CR Voting was between 19 July and 29 July Total votes cast leaned for approval, but significant comments were provided Due to community feedback, the CR solutions were reviewed again and alternate solutions found for many of them In some cases this involved creation of new elements and in others it involved mapping the IC elements to existing DDMS elements Coordinated with IC Metadata representatives Revised implementation open for voting between 22 and 29 August Participation across the Metadata community is requested – this vote impacts all DDMS deployers Implementation expected by 31 August – very aggressive schedule to meet IC needs If approved, DDMS 4.0 will minimize the metadata gap between DoD and IC metadata publishers

9 Proposed CR Implementation

10 Proposed Implementation CR 4 -- Activity
JA0074C.10 BM6710 AL 11/14/2018 4:25:00 AM11/14/2018 4:25:00 AM Marcom Proposed Implementation CR 4 -- Activity CR Problem Description: “The capability to associate a resource with a particular activity is currently not supported, but needed. It will be used to identify if the resource is a crisis, exercise, or operation activity.” DDMS 4.0 solution: Maps Activity to ddms:type and adds the capability for ddms:type to hold a string to describe the activity This solution does not implement the IRM structure explicitly, however it does hold all of the IRM specified Activity metadata

11 JA0074C.11 BM6710 AL 11/14/2018 4:25:00 AM11/14/2018 4:25:00 AM Marcom
Proposed Implementation CR 6 – IntelType and ReportingLevel & CR 9 – ProductLine CR 6 Problem Description: “Additional information should be provided pertaining to the type of intelligence that applies to a particular resource, including the discipline or sub-discipline of that type of intelligence. This will be an optional element.” CR 9 Problem Description: “There needs to be a way to distinguish an agency-specific suite of resources, such as serials. This designation can be used to maintain consistency within members of that product line; For example, if "CAR" is the accepted acronym for campaign analysis report, producers should check that the acronym is consistently used in each CAR resource. This will be an optional element.” DDMS 4.0 solution: Maps IntelType, ReportingLevel, and ProductLine to ddms:type This solution does not implement the IRM structure explicitly, however it does hold all of the IRM specified metadata The expectation is that the IC will create a taxonomy and the use it as part of the qualifier to identify which part of the structure the attribute will hold See DDMS_IRM_Instance1.xml as an example

12 Proposed Implementation CR 7 – NoticeList
JA0074C.12 BM6710 AL 11/14/2018 4:25:00 AM11/14/2018 4:25:00 AM Marcom Proposed Implementation CR 7 – NoticeList CR Problem Description: “Notices should be included within the resource to which they pertain in order to keep important updates or notifications. These notices will be grouped into list elements for maintainability and clarity. This will be an optional element.” DDMS 4.0 solution: Adds a ddms:noticeList element which is used as a child element under a new ddms:metacardInfo element (addressed in CR-15) and as a child element under the ddms:security element

13 Proposed Implementation CR 8 – ProductionMetric
JA0074C.13 BM6710 AL 11/14/2018 4:25:00 AM11/14/2018 4:25:00 AM Marcom Proposed Implementation CR 8 – ProductionMetric CR Problem Description: “There should be a way to associate a resource with the production areas to which it applies. This includes the topics associated with a resource, as well as the geographic coverage areas that the resource concerns. This will be an optional element.” DDMS 4.0 solution: Adds an optional, repeatable productionMetric element as a child to ddms:subjectCoverge

14 Proposed Implementation CR 10 – PublishingAgency
JA0074C.14 BM6710 AL 11/14/2018 4:25:00 AM11/14/2018 4:25:00 AM Marcom Proposed Implementation CR 10 – PublishingAgency CR Problem Description: “Currently, there is no way to track the agency or country that published a particular resource and that capability should be added. While the publisher could also be the author, since that is not necessarily the case, these items should be stored in separate fields. This will be an optional element.” DDMS 4.0 solution: Adds an optional, POCType attribute to ddms:contactInfoType and an acronym attribute to ddms:OrganizationType. The POCType attribute is currently not linked to ISM pocType. A new child element, ddms:subOrganization, was added to ddms:organization. In order to ensure that at least one publishing agency was specified for the metacard, publisher was added to ddms:metacardInfo and made mandatory. There is a sibling choice that allows for additional contact information using the element structure previously implemented in DDMS for the choice of creator, publisher, contributor, or pointOfContact

15 Proposed Implementation CR 11 – RecordsManagementInfo
JA0074C.15 BM6710 AL 11/14/2018 4:25:00 AM11/14/2018 4:25:00 AM Marcom Proposed Implementation CR 11 – RecordsManagementInfo CR Problem Description: “A RecordsManagementInfo element should be added with the attributes and sub-elements listed below. It will be used as a container for the information relating to the publication file and the software used to produce it. This will be an optional element.” DDMS 4.0 solution: Adds an optional, repeatable ddms:recordsManagementInfo element as a child to both ddms:metacardInfo and ddms:resourceManagement, both of which are added by CR-15

16 Proposed Implementation CR 12 – Revision Recall
JA0074C.16 BM6710 AL 11/14/2018 4:25:00 AM11/14/2018 4:25:00 AM Marcom Proposed Implementation CR 12 – Revision Recall CR Problem Description: “There should be the capability to specify information related to the revision or recall of a previously released document. The memorandum titled Intelligence Community Standards and Procedures for Revised or Recalled Intelligence Products signed by DNI Negroponte on 5 August 2005 specified how to indicate, in a textual form, the revision or recall of a previously released document. A new element should be added to specify methods for conveying revision and recall indicators and additional data in XML. This will be an optional element.” DDMS 4.0 solution: Adds an optional revisionRecall element as a child to both the ddms:metacardInfo and ddms:resourceManagement elements (addressed in CR-15) to enable revision and recall information to be specified for both the metadata card as well as the resource it describes.

17 Proposed Implementation CR 13 -- Tasking
JA0074C.17 BM6710 AL 11/14/2018 4:25:00 AM11/14/2018 4:25:00 AM Marcom Proposed Implementation CR Tasking CR Problem Description: “Currently, there is no way to store information about the task that resulted in the development of a particular resource. This information should include the entity that requested the resource be produced, the entities to whom the task is assigned, and the tracking number that identifies the task itself. This will be an optional element.” DDMS 4.0 solution: Adds an optional ddms:taskingInfo element as a child to the new ddms:resourceManagement element (see CR-15) to enable tasking information related to the resource to accompany the resource, including the requestor, addressees, task ID and system that generated the task. This provides the community with a logical link back to the original tasking order.

18 Proposed Implementation CR 14 – Namespace Change
JA0074C.18 BM6710 AL 11/14/2018 4:25:00 AM11/14/2018 4:25:00 AM Marcom Proposed Implementation CR 14 – Namespace Change CR Problem Description: “The Data Services Environment url has changed to . The older url is still currently supported, but all references in the DDMS schema, documentation, and example files need to use the new domain. “ DDMS 4.0 solution: Changes the namespace for DDMS 4.0 to a URN, urn:us:mil:ces:metadata:ddms:4. This is a unique name. It will be up to the implementer to ensure the required DDMS schema files are locally available for the use of any applications. Further guidance will be provided prior to final schema release.

19 Proposed Implementation CR 15 – Multiple Issues
JA0074C.19 BM6710 AL 11/14/2018 4:25:00 AM11/14/2018 4:25:00 AM Marcom Proposed Implementation CR 15 – Multiple Issues CR Problem Description: “In order for DDMS and the Information Resource Metadata (IRM) Specifications to converge the DDMS must incorporate elements introduced in IRM version 5 (draft), add additional metacard metadata in a named element, and import additional content from IC-Common.xsd and XLink.xsd. DDMS must also import and use the Information Security Metadata Specification version 7 (draft).” DDMS 4.0 solution: Adds a mandatory ddms:metacardInfo element at the resource level that can contain attributes and multiple elements that hold metadata about the ddms:resource. It also adds an optional ddms:resourceManagement element to contain child elements that are used for managing the resource being described. NEW WORDING: The proposed solution adds a mandatory ddms:metacardInfo element at the resource level that can contain attributes and multiple elements that hold metadata about the ddms:resource. It also adds an optional ddms:resourceManagement element to contain child elements that are used for managing the resource being described. An additional attribute was added to country codes

20 Proposed Implementation CR 15 – Continued
DDMS 4.0 solution Cont’d: Imports and uses content from IC-Common and the latest version of Xlink Uses ISM V7 Maps countryCodeCoverage to ddms:countryCode Adds subDivisionCode to ddms:geographicIdentifier to allow for identification of sub country / division codes, such as the ones identified in ISO 3166. Adds nonStateActor to ddms:subjectCoverage

21 Proposed Implementation Additional Changes
Striping Previous versions of DDMS attempted to implement striping as an assist to ontology implementers. Object-predicate-Object striping was implemented without consistent use of predicates. This version of DDMS removes the structures that attempted striping and the resulting wrapper elements. Case Because of the attempts at striping, DDMS was not consistent in its’ use of case. To make the use of case consistent, elements and attributes will use lower camel case.

22 Proposed Implementation Additional Changes
DESVersions Because this version of DDMS is using elements from both ISM and NTK, the versions of both of them need to be identified. Thus, there is a DESVersion as a ddms:resource attribute that identifies the version of ISM used. There is also an ntk:DESVersion that identifies the version of NTK used. Classification markings The classification marking attributes of ddms:resource apply to the metadata card. The classification marking attributes of ddms:metacardInfo apply to the ddms:metacardInfo hierarchical structure. The classification marking attributes of ddms:security apply to the resource being described.

23 Summary of Changes resource publisher / creator / Organization dates
Added ddms:metacardInfo, ddms:resourceManagement Added nkt:DESVersion attribute publisher / creator / Organization Added POCType to ddms:ContactInfoType Added ddms:subOrganization and acronym to ddms:OrganizationType dates Added receivedOn to dates type Altered the element to accept an xs:string description of the type held in the value attribute format Removed Media wrapper element subjectCoverage Removed Subject wrapper element Added ddms:productionMetric and ddms:nonStateActor

24 Proposed Implementation Summary of Changes Cont’d
temporalCoverage Removed the TimePeriod wrapper element geospatialCoverage Removed GeospatialExtent wrapper element Added ddms:subDivisionCode to ddms:geographicIdentifier Related Resource Removed RelatedResources wrapper element Note: In previous versions of DDMS the relatedResources element could have multiple related resources under one relationship and direction. This version requires each related resource to explicitly state its’ own relationship and direction. Security Added ddms:noticeList and ntk:Access to security ISM Usage When dealing with IRM-specific fields, ICISM:SecurityAttributesGroup was used. When dealing with DDMS-wide fields, ICISM:SecurityAttributesOptionsGroup was used Namespace Updated the namespaces used in all schemas Documentation and Annotations Updated DDMS Specification and annotations in the schema will be completed upon final release

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