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Chapter 4, Part I Test.

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1 Chapter 4, Part I Test

2 There will also be several DBQ’s related to primary sources.
In addition to the content presented in this slide show review- - students should have a good understanding of the Patriot vs. Loyalist argument (binder page 24), the work we did with understanding Common Sense (binder page 23) AND this week’s Prime Time activities specifically those concerning the FCC and SCC There will also be several DBQ’s related to primary sources.

3 Why is was the first shot of the Revolutionary War known as the “shot heard round the world?”
It changed the course of world history

4 To which battles does the previous quote refer to?
The actions of the minutemen at Lexington and Concord

5 Which colonists wanted to fight the British for American independence?

6 Which colonists did not consider unfair taxes a good reason for rebellion?
Loyalists aka Tories

7 Prior to declaring independence, the colonists made one last effort to make peace with Britain – this document was called? The Olive Branch Petition

8 The purpose of the Declaration of Independence was to:
Declare independence from Britain AND explain to the world the reasons for the separation “a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation”

9 What document supported and encouraged the idea of revolution/independence?
Common Sense “We have it in our power to begin the world over again…the birthday of a new world is at hand.”

10 Common Sense was written by?
Thomas Paine

11 Why did he publish it anonymously?
By writing it he had committed an act of treason.

12   The idea that there was a social contract between the government and the people came from?
Enlightenment Thinkers/Philosophers

13 The idea of social equality was introduced during the?
Great Awakening

14 Taxation without representation was at the heart of the revolutionary cause because….
The colonists had been taxed without their consent.

15 Why is the Declaration of Independence a contradiction with regards to slavery?
It expresses that all men are created equal and should have liberties (freedom).

16 Who was the main author of the DOI?
T. Jefferson

17 Who was the first to sign the DOI and why?
J. Hancock / he was the president of Congress

18 Taxation without representation was at the heart of the revolutionary cause because….
The colonists had been taxed without their consent.

19 Who were loyalists? Mainly from the southern colonies Anglican Church members Relied on trade with Britain to maintain wealth

20 Who were Patriots? Mainly from New England colonies
Were affected by taxation measures put in place by Britian Younger colonists Influenced by the Enlightenment and Great Awakening

21 Significance of the Battle of Bunker Hill
Despite winning this battle due to the Patriots running out of ammunition, the British suffered nearly double the casualties as the Patriots. **1st major battle of the war

22 The Patriots abandoned traditional fighting formations, instead ambushing the British, chasing them all the way back to Boston using a guerilla style of fighting Lexington/Concord

23 Patriots under command of Benedict Arnold surprised the British and captured their cannons and weapons. Ft. Ticonderoga

24 Dorchester Heights George Washington ordered Henry Knox and his men to move the heavy artillery seized by Arnold and his troops more than 300 miles to free Boston from British control. The British retreated to Canada. This Battle?

25 Dorchester Heights George Washington ordered Henry Knox and his men to move the heavy artillery seized by Arnold and his troops more than 300 miles to free Boston from British control. The British retreated to Canada. This Battle?

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