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Yurky Homer-Center HS US History

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1 Yurky Homer-Center HS US History
Salutary Neglect Yurky Homer-Center HS US History

2 Backcountry The first settlers in the frontier were pioneers
Ohio River Valley had good soil

3 French and Indian War British won the French and Indian War
Ended with Treaty of Paris; 1763 British took land France had controlled

4 War is expensive British Colonists War fought to protect the colonists
Colonists should pay for the war War fought to protect England’s economic interests England should pay for the war

5 To make things worse…. Indians Pontiac, the Ottowa Chief, proposes a coalition of Ottowas, Potawatomies and Hurons for the purpose of attacking Detroit

6 Pontiac’s Rebellion without help from the French, the tribes couldn’t fight for long and signed peace treaties with the British.

7 Proclamation of 1763 To stop future Indian attacks
Parliament declared area off limits Ordered those there to leave

8 George Grenville Wanted to make colonies pay for the war
Navigation Acts had only regulated trade Rarely enforced Merchants were to pay customs duties Avoided, by bribing or smuggling

9 Sugar Act - 1764 Revenue act Cut the existing duty in half on molasses
Gave customs officials power to enforce Writs of assistance Smugglers were tried in Britain First tax on colonies

10 Sugar Act Protests from New England merchants who were most affected
“No taxation without representation”

11 Rights of Englishmen Colonists felt the tax, the searches and denial of trials were a violation

12 Stamp Act 1756 Collected revenue from the American colonies by imposing a stamp duty on newspapers and legal and commercial documents First attempt to tax the colonists directly

13 Protests Non-importation

14 Stamp Act Congress

15 Repeal of Stamp Act George Grenville William Pitt
England has right to makes laws and tax England could make laws but not tax

16 Declaratory Act 1766 It stated that the British Parliament's taxing authority was the same in America as in Great Britain.

17 Declaration of Rights and Grievances, 1765

18 Quartering Act The 1765 Quartering Act made provisions for British troops to be given food and shelter at the expense of the American colonists

19 Townshend Acts 1767 A series of measures introduced by Charles Townshend imposed duties on glass, lead, paints, paper and tea imported into the colonies.

20 Committees of Correspondence

21 Sam Adams “Take a stand from the start”

22 Patrick Henry Virginia burgess who opposed British taxation
Later, in 1775 made famous speech “Give me Liberty or Give me death

23 Boston Massacre

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