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American Revolution.

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1 American Revolution

2 Causes of the American Revolution
The 13 English Colonies Growing Discontent Early Clashes Part of British global trade Mercantilist policies Navigation Acts: regulated colonial trade Colonists felt entitled to the rights of English citizens

3 Part of British global trade
The 13 English Colonies Growing Discontent Early Clashes Part of British global trade Mercantilist policies Navigation Acts: regulated colonial trade Colonists felt entitled to the rights of English citizens French and Indian War drained British treasury. Britain passed and enforced new tax law on the colonists “No taxation without representation.”

4 Part of British global trade
The 13 English Colonies Growing Discontent Early Clashes Part of British global trade Mercantilist policies Navigation Acts: regulated colonial trade Colonists felt entitled to the rights of English citizens French and Indian War drained British treasury. Britain passed and enforced new tax law on the colonists “No taxation without representation.” Boston Massacre Boston Tea Party Punitive laws passed by British to punish colonists Continental Congress with representatives from all 13 colonies

5 Checks & Balances Enlightenment Ideas
Gov’t’s power comes from the people Separation Of Powers People have natural rights to life, liberty and property Checks & Balances Enlightenment Ideas Checks & Balances US Constitution Guaranteed Individual Rights Gov’t’s authority comes from people Separation of three branches of gov’t

6 French Revolution

7 Key Terms: bourgeoisie – In French society – the middle class deficit spending – situation in which a government spends more money than it takes in

8 Three Estates in Old Regime:
First estate = Catholic Clergy Second estate = Nobility Third estate = Diverse group (bourgeoisie, laborers, peasants)

9 Which estate is represented by the man under the
stone? What is the picture saying about this estate?

10 Louis XIV – The Sun King (1643-1715) Created extensive military
Built Versailles Left France deeply in debt

11 Louis XV: 1715-1774 Continued deficit spending Taxed the third
Estate unmercifully

12 Louis XVI – The Last King
Inherited a huge economic crisis Third Estate objected to unfair conditions and demanded reform

13 Versailles


15 The Revolution Begins - 1789
Declaration of the Rights of Man & Citizen Modeled after American Declaration Freedom of religion Taxed according to ability to pay A new constitution created. Royal family attempts to flee to Austria. Captured and imprisoned in Paris.

16 Marie Antoinette “Madam Deficit” Had little understanding
of the conditions of the lower classes

17 Causes of the French Revolution
Long Term Causes: Immediate Causes: •Enlightenment ideas—liberty and equality Example furnished by the American Revolution Social and economic injustices of the Old Regime Economic crisis—famine and government debt Weak leadership Discontent of the Third Estate REVOLUTION Fall of the Bastille National Assembly Declaration of the Rights of Man and a new constitution


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