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Converge: a university and mental health provider work in partnership.

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Presentation on theme: "Converge: a university and mental health provider work in partnership."— Presentation transcript:

1 Converge: a university and mental health provider work in partnership.
Winners: Non-clinical team of the Year, Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Trust, 2016. Medipex NHS Innovation Awards (2014) winners in the category Mental Health and Wellbeing. 

2 Service-learning Service- learning is essentially experiential education that has the potential to empower the community and address social problems Dan Butin – 4 orientations to SL: technical, cultural, political and antifoundational. Impact of SL Challenges to consider Volunteering Charity Reinforcing negative views Sustainability

3 Our Research What we did Methodological approach Sample

4 Critical Reflection: ‘to examine axes of power’ (Weiner, 2015)
A recognition of the damaging and corrosive nature of the mental health identity An assumption that personal change will come within the context of community and institutional change The potential of education to transform lives and how the identity of ‘student’ can liberate and open up the possibility for change An understanding of the importance of place

5 Reciprocity Exchange, influence and generativity orientated reciprocity (Dostillo et al. 2012). Generativity-orientated reciprocity: participants or collaborators ‘produce something new together that would not otherwise exist.’

6 Disjuncture Jarvis learning theory (2006)
Disharmony- the moment it becomes impossible to respond without thinking Learning moments- disjuncture stimulates doing nothing, taking action, reflecting and thinking, responding emotionally, or a combination of the last three Disjuncture stimulated by internal or external changes Learning is situated in the social context of an individuals lifeworld

7 References Asghar, M. & Rowe, N. (2017a) Learning from the unfamiliar: How does working with people who use mental health services impact on students' learning and development? The Journal of Further and Higher Education. DOI / X Asghar, M. & Rowe, N. (2017b) Reciprocity and critical reflection as the key to social justice in service learning: a case study. Journal of Innovations in Education and Teaching International. Butin, D Service-Learning in Theory and Practice. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. Dostilio, L., Brackmann, S., Edwards, K., Harrison, B., Kliewer, B., & Clayton, P. (2012). Reciprocity: Saying what we mean and meaning what we say. Michigan Journal of Service-Learning, 19, 17–32. Jarvis, P Towards a Comprehensive Theory of Human Learning. Oxon: Routledge. Weiner, D. (2015) Across Boundaries of Privilege: Service-Learning for Social Justice in Jagla, V., Furco, A., & Strait, J., Service-Learning Pedagogy. How does it measure up? Information Age Publishing.

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