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Resilience in Health Care

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1 Resilience in Health Care
Bouncing back! 14/11/2018 L Allison

2 Consider.. What is happening in the NHS that may cause you stress today? What is happening in your own workplace that may cause you stress? What is it like to work there? Workplace culture Caring culture? Looking after staff? Caring Cultures fons staff-experience/health-work-and-wellbeing/how-are-you-feeling-nhs-toolkit resilience ways-to-bounce-back 14/11/2018 L Allison

3 Stress…What keeps you awake?
Signs and symptoms of stress: Tiredness Depression Anxiety Reduced effectiveness Alcohol, diet, weight, smoking So… What is going on? 14/11/2018 L Allison

4 Emotional Labour of Nursing
Smith (1979, updated 2012). Linked research with Hochschild (1983) “The Managed Heart” Supressing feelings Sustain outward countenance/disguise stress Empathy and attentiveness, reassurance Results in Patients feeling cared for and safe The little things matter So… the need to learn to be resilient! 14/11/2018 L Allison

5 Resilience Resilience is the ability to “bounce back” Taking control
This is not an option in your role You need to stay confident and strong in mind, body and spirit So… what can we do to care for ourselves? 14/11/2018 L Allison

6 5 top tips (ref) Connect Learn Give Take notice Be active 14/11/2018
L Allison

7 And Finally…Be yourself
Bounce as much as you like! 14/11/2018 L Allison

8 Keep Dancing! Bring-Me-Sunshine-video-to-patient-with-winter-blues
Thank you and best wishes to you all! 14/11/2018 L Allison

9 References Hochschild, A. R. (1983) The Managed Heart: Commercialisation of Human Feeling. Berkeley: University of California Press New Economics Foundation (2008) Five ways to Wellbeing. (Cited in Craig, M. (2015) Providing Support to Teams in Difficulty. Nursing Times: Vol 111: No 16, p21-23) Smith, P. (1992) The Emotional Labour of Nursing: How Nurses Care. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Smith, P. (2012) The Emotional Labour of Nursing Revisited. Can Nurses Still Care? 2nd Edn. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 14/11/2018 L Allison

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