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An Overview of Nuclear Energy

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1 An Overview of Nuclear Energy
Madison Bailey and Daniel Pachkine Image from

2 History Early Developments Discovery of fission
Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen Antoine Henri Becquerel Ernest Rutherford Discovery of fission Otto Hann and Fritz Strassman Enrico Fermi and Chicago Pile-1 Nuclear Power Generation Atomic Fission Image from Other images from

3 Reactor Operation Containment Primary Coolant Loop Control Rods
Image from

4 Operation (Cont.) Secondary Coolant Loop Power Generation
Feedwater system Image from

5 Bruce Power Images from And

6 Drawbacks/Risks Waste Disposal Dangerous
The image to the right shows low-level waste being buried underground

7 Disasters Image taken from The remains of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant after the Chernobyl disaster

8 26th of April, 1986 when the operators ran the reactors at a lower power consumption rate (against protocol) The lack of power lead to a lack of cooling, which caused a steam explosion The surrounding area exceeded radiation levels of 6000 millisieverts people were forced to evacuate the city of Pripyat 31 people were killed in the accident

9 Usage In 1970 under 100 TWH of nuclear energy was produced; in 2015 nuclear power supplied 2441 TWH; and increased to 2476 TWH in 2016. Nuclear energy also supplies just under 11% of total electrical energy produced per year. Image taken from

10 Benefits Economically, nuclear power is a cost effect way to produce electrical energy Costs $1390 in fuel expenses per 1kg of processed fuel 1 kg of fuel produces kwh of electrical energy An average of $/kwh in fuel expenses Compared to coal, the leading electrical energy source, which costs about 0.06$/kwh, nuclear energy is over fifteen times cheaper Nuclear power also doesn't have carbon dioxide emissions

11 References Bodansky, D. (2005). Nuclear Energy. New York: Springer-Verlag New York, LLC. Nuclear Energy Institute. (2015, March 01). Chernobyl Accident and Its Consequences. Retrieved March 12, 2018, from Office of Nuclear Energy, Science and Technology. (n.d). The History Of Nuclear Energy. U.S. Department of Energy. Touran, N. (n.d.). History of Nuclear Energy. Retrieved March 19, 2018, from Union of Concerned Scientists. (2017, November). The Cost of Nuclear Power. Retrieved March 5, 2018, from power/cost-nuclear-power World Nuclear Association. (2017, May). Radioactive Waste - Myths and Realities. Retrieved March 6, 2018, from World Nuclear Association. (2017, December). Economics of Nuclear Power. Retrieved March 5, 2018, from World Nuclear Association. (2018, January). Nuclear Reactors. Retrieved March 24, 2018, from library/nuclear-fuel-cycle/nuclear-power-reactors/nuclear-power-reactors.aspx World Nuclear Association. (2018, February). Nuclear Power in the World Today. Retrieved March 5, 2018, from

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