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Classification of Life

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1 Classification of Life
Kingdoms and Domains

2 Why classify? To study the diversity of life, biologists use a classification system to name organisms and group them in a logical manner.

3 Words to Remember: Taxonomy is the branch of biology that organizes living things based on shared characteristics and evolutionary history A domain is the largest group into which life is organized. There are 3 domains: Archaea, Bacteria, and Eukarya. A prokaryote is an organism whose cells do not have a nucleus or membrane-bound organelles. Eukaryotes are organism with cells that have a nucleus enclosed by a membrane.

4 Levels of Classification (Taxon/Taxa)
Kingdom Continent Phylum Country Class State Order County Family City Genus Street species House #

5 PHYLUM Chordata GENUS Ursus KINGDOM Animalia CLASS Mammalia
ORDER Carnivora FAMILY Ursidae GENUS Ursus SPECIES Ursus arctos

6 King Phillip Came Over For Good Spaghetti

7 Binomial Nomenclature
A two name naming system that was developed by a Swedish scientist named Carolus Linnaeus

8 Example: Tyranosaurous rex
The Genus name is CAPITALIZED, followed by the Species name in lower case. Both names are Underlined or put in Italics.

9 Examples of Scientific Names
Wolf: Canis lupus Cat: Felis catus CHicken: Gallus gallus Human: Homo sapiens Emperor penguin: Aptenodytes forsteri Apple: Malus domestica Sunflower: Helianthus annuus Carrot: Daucus carota Orange: Citrus sinensis

10 Examples of Scientific Names
Wolf: Canis lupus Cat: Felis catus CHicken: Gallus gallus Human: Homo sapiens Emperor penguin: Aptenodytes forsteri Apple: Malus domestica Sunflower: Helianthus annuus Carrot: Daucus carota Orange: Citrus sinensis

11 The 3-Domain System Domain: is a more inclusive category than any other – larger than a kingdom.

12 The Three – Domain System
Domain: is a more inclusive category than any other – larger than a kingdom. Three Domains: Eukarya: composed of protists, fungi, plants, and animals. Bacteria: corresponds to eubacteria Archaea: corresponds to the kingdom archaebacteria.

13 Domain Bacteria Unicellular and prokaryotic.
Thick rigid cell walls that surround a cell membrane. Cell walls contain a substance known as peptidoglycan.

14 Domain Archaea Unicellular and prokaryotic members that live in some extreme environments – volcanic hot springs, brine pools, and black organic mud totally devoid of oxygen. Cell walls lack peptidoglycan and cell membranes contain unusual lipids.

15 Consists of all organisms that have a nucleus.
Domain Eukarya Consists of all organisms that have a nucleus. Organized in the following kingdoms: Protists, animals, plants, and fungi.

16 (this will take up pages 5 -6)
Go to page 459 and copy the entire table.

17 Carolus Linnaeus Binomial Nomenclature
A two name naming system that was developed by a Swedish scientist named Carolus Linnaeus

18 Pictures go in the bottom

Cell Type:_____________ Cell Structures:________________ Number of Cells:________________ Mode of Nutrition:____________________ Examples:_______________________ Kingdom EUBACTERIA Cell Type:_____________ Cell Structures:________________ Number of Cells:________________ Mode of Nutrition:____________________ Examples:_______________________

20 The 6 Kingdoms Page 7

21 Kingdom Eubacteria Page 8 The 3 shapes of bacteria (p.473) Cocci =
= peptidoglycan present in cell walls = lives almost anywhere Page 8 The 3 shapes of bacteria (p.473) Cocci = Bacilli = Spirilla =

22 Kingdom Archaebacteria
No peptidoglycan Loves extreme environments (hot springs, brine pools, mud, etc) Bacterial Growth and Reproduction (p475) Binary Fission (Define & Draw for all 3) Spore Formation Conjugation Page 9

23 Draw 3 Fungi from p535 p10 Define these words: Chitin (p527)
Kingdom Fungi Define these words: Chitin (p527) Saprobes (p537) Lichens (p540) Mycorrhizae (p541) Draw 3 Fungi from p535 p10

24 Kingdom Protista Protists = p497 PLANT-LIKE PROTISTS
Euglena (p507) Diatoms (507) Dinoflagellates (p508) Red Algae (p510) Brown Algae (p511) Chlamydomonas (513) Protists = p497 ANIMAL-LIKE PROTISTS Draw: Zooflagellates (499) Sarcodina (p500) Ciliates (p501) Radiolarian (p497) List 3 Human uses of algae: (p. 515)

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