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Wanted Reward: $40,000 Directions: Create a WANTED poster for:

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Presentation on theme: "Wanted Reward: $40,000 Directions: Create a WANTED poster for:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Wanted Reward: $40,000 Directions: Create a WANTED poster for:
 1. Amoeba  2. Paramecium  3. Euglena  4. Volvox The front should have "Wanted Alive", a picture of the 4 protists, and a reward. The back should 
contain information about each protist pertaining to food gathering (energy), movement, reproduction, and where it's found. ! Wanted FRONT Euglena Volvox Amoeba Paramecium Gathers food by: Moves by: Reproduces by: Found at: BACK Reward: $40,000 **Gathers food= ENERGY!

2 Macro Macronucleus Euglena Amoeba Volvox Paramecium

3 Organelles of Cells! cell membrane endoplasmic reticulum (definition)
1. Fold your paper in half hot-dog style. 2. Now fold your paper in half hamburger style twice! 3. Count your small squares... you should have 8 squares! 4. Draw a line to separate the top 4 squares from the bottom 4 squares. 5. Four squares are for one organelle. In each of the four squares write the name of the organelle, draw a picture of it, define it, and create a real world analogy for it. cell wall - protective tough layer surrounding plant cell -like a brick wall that protects a castle cell membrane (picture) (definition) (analogy) endoplasmic reticulum ribosome (picture) (analogy) (definition) FRONT BACK Cover: endoplasmic reticulum, cell wall, vacuole, cell membrane, mitochondria, ribsomes, cytosplasm, golgi bodies

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