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Protist Structures Ecological Roles Diseases Classification Fun with

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Presentation on theme: "Protist Structures Ecological Roles Diseases Classification Fun with"— Presentation transcript:

1 Protist Structures Ecological Roles Diseases Classification Fun with
Kerry Roy Protist Structures Ecological Roles Diseases 11/14/2018 Classification Fun with Fungi 5 pt 5 pt 5 pt 5 pt 5 pt 10 pt 10 pt 10 pt 10 pt 10 pt 15 pt 15 pt 15 pt 15 pt 15 pt 20 pt 20 pt 20 pt 20 pt 20 pt 25 pt 25 pt 25 pt 25 pt 25 pt

2 False feet that allow an Amoeba to move.

3 What are pseudopods?

4 A Paramecium moves with cilia that also have one other function.

5 What is to eat/consume food?

6 The structure that Euglena and Trypanosomes have in common for movement.

7 What is a flagellum?

8 A star-shaped organelle in a Paramecium used to pump out excess water.

9 What is the contractile vacuole?

10 Diatoms have these structures surrounding them.

11 What are double shells of silica?

12 Photosynthetic protists such as algae produce much of this atmospheric gas.

13 What is oxygen?

14 Empty shells of diatoms (a protist) can be used for this purpose.

15 What is abrasive quality to cleaners/sparkles in road paint/natural pest control?

16 The main ecological role of fungi.

17 What are decomposers?

18 The general term for medicine produced by some fungi to fight off bacterial infections.

19 What are antibiotics?

20 A mutualistic relationship between a fungus and plant roots.

21 What is mycorrhizae?

22 The fungal disease characterized by itchy feet.

23 What is Athlete’s foot?

24 A mosquito infected with Plasmodium, a protist.

25 What is the vector of transmitting Malaria?

26 A protist disease that can be transmitted through contact with infected cats or improperly cooked meat.

27 What is Toxoplasmosis?

28 This disease is characterized by symptoms include bloody diarrhea, vomiting, cramps, & fever and the protist that causes this disease has pseudopods.

29 What is Amoebic dysentery?

30 Transmission source of African sleeping sickness, a protist disease.

31 What is the bite of an infected tsetse fly?

32 The cell type of all protists and fungi.

33 What is eukaryotic?

34 The nutrition type of fungi.

35 What is heterotrophic?


37 What is an Amoeba, an example of a protist?

38 A polysaccharide in the cell walls of a mushroom.

39 What is chitin?

40 In water or moist environments.

41 What is the niche/habitat of Protists?

42 The only unicellular fungus.

43 What is Yeast?

44 The slender filaments that make up the body of a fungus.

45 What are hyphae?

46 Examples of foods and chemicals produced by fungi. (at least 3)

47 What are cheese, bread, alcoholic beverages, medicinal drugs?

48 Budding.

49 What is the asexual way Yeast reproduce?

50 Chloroplasts and chlorophyll.

51 What are things that are not in a fungus since they are all heterotrophs?

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