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Archaea Domain belonging to archaebacteria. Prokaryotic organisms

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1 Archaea Domain belonging to archaebacteria. Prokaryotic organisms
Contains many extremophiles – organisms that thrive in extreme environments Thermophiles: hot environments like geysers and thermal vents in the ocean floor Halophiles: extremely salty environments (Dead Sea) Methanogens: environments like the gut of cows

2 Bacteria Domain containing prokaryotic organisms.
Bacteria can be heterotrophic or autotrophic (chemotrophic or phototrophic) Perhaps the largest group of organisms in existence Some can be pathogenic Classified by shape, color and the makeup of their cell walls.

3 Eukarya Domain containing eukaryotic organisms. Made up of 4 kingdoms:
Animalia Plantae Fungi Protista Contains both unicellular and multicellular organisms.

4 Animalia Multicellular, eukaryotic organisms Heterotrophic
Motile for at least a portion of their lives Phyla include… Porifera – Mollusca Cnidaria – Tardigrada Platyhelminthes – Arthropoda Nematoda – Echinodermata Annelida – Chordata Bryozoa

5 Plantae Eukaryotic, multicellular organisms
Autotrophic, producing food by photosynthesis. Unlike animals, they have cell walls. Generally sessile (not moving) Organisms include… Angiosperms (flowering plants) Conifers (cone-bearing) Ferns Mosses

6 Fungi Multicellular or unicellular eukaryotes
Heterotrophic, generally decomposers Like plants, have a cell wall, but theirs contains a polysaccharide called chitin. Some are pathogenic. Members include… Mushrooms Molds Yeast

7 Protista Eukaryotic and generally unicellular
Some protists are animal-like Protozoa Amoeba Paramecium Euglena Some protists are plant-like Algae Some protists are fungus-like Slime molds

8 Porifera Phylum in the kingdom Animalia Sponges
Sessile adult form, but motile larvae Filter feeders Don’t have digestive, nervous, or circulatory systems

9 Cnidaria Phylum in the kingdom Animalia Jellyfish, anemones and corals
Some are motile and others are primarily sessile. Many have radial symmetry

10 Arthropoda One of the largest phyla in kingdom Animalia
Insects, Arachnids, Crustaceans, etc. Have an exoskeleton that contains chitin. Segmented bodies Open circulatory system

11 Chordata Another large phyla of kingdom Animalia
Chordates are unique in that they have a spinal cord (but not always a backbone). Representative groups… Mammals Reptiles Amphibians Fish Birds Tunicates (sea squirts)

12 Mammalia Endothermic (warm-blooded) chordates
Possess hair and a neocortex (region of the brain) Females produce milk for young Give birth to live offspring with the exception of monotremes (platypus and echidna) Contains the largest animals (whales) and the most intelligent (apes)

13 Reptilia Terrestrial (land-dwelling) chordates
Cold-blooded (ectothermic) Lay amniotic eggs Possess scales Members include… Lizards – Turtles Snakes – Tuataras Crocodiles

14 Fish Paraphyletic group, meaning that fish come from multiple phyla.
Gill-bearing aquatic animals Lack limbs with digits (fingers) Mostly ectothermic (cold-blooded), but some can maintain warmer body temperatures. Lay an external, non-amniotic egg.

15 Aves Class of chordates made up of birds
Endothermic (warm-blooded), egg-laying Have feathers and a beak with no teeth Four-chambered heart Strong, but lightweight skeleton Most are capable of flight, except for… Ratites (ostriches, emus) Penguins Some other island species

16 Amphibia Cold-blooded class of chordates Lay eggs in water
Larvae (tadpoles) are aquatic, but undergo metamorphosis to live on land as adults Use skin as a secondary respiratory surface Three chambered heart Includes… Frogs – Salamanders – Newts

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