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High Points CSCI 1710 Fall 2017.

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Presentation on theme: "High Points CSCI 1710 Fall 2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 High Points CSCI 1710 Fall 2017

2 The Internet Packet switching Arpanet Cold War

3 The Web Part of the Internet Tim Berners-Lee HTML URI HTTP

4 The Web Protocols HTTP / HTTPS FTP Internet Protocol (IP) tcp/ip

5 The Web DNS Uniform Resource Locator (URL) Domain names
Top Level Domains Uniform Resource Locator (URL)

6 The Web Hypertext Server Client HTML - Hypertext Markup Language

7 Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)
“Language of the Web” Plain text Markup Syntax -- <tag>…</tag> or <tag>

8 HTML Tags Block Level/Inline Container/Standalone Nesting
Last on / first off

9 HTML Tags Attributes Tags vs Elements
Syntax -- <tag attribute=“value”>…</tag> OR <tag attribute=“value”> Tags vs Elements

10 HTML Document Structure
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> </head> <body> </body> </html>

11 HTML Tags Head element Meta-data Links Styles Scripts Comment block

12 HTML Tags Body Displayed content Comments

13 HTML Tags Comments Syntax -- <!-- Comment goes here -->
Best Practice, particularly for more complex code Code writer may not be same person who has to maintain it later Not secure

14 HTML Special Characters
Needed for literal display of characters that have special meaning to web browsers Examples -- < > & © “ Syntax -- < > & © "

15 HTML Lists Ordered Unordered Definition List Items Nesting

16 HTML Links Connect to other resources Internal / External Relative / Absolute Syntax -- <a href=“URL”>Link Text</a> Paths In-page

17 HTML Images Inline standalone
Syntax -- <img src=“image.jpg” alt=“alternative text” /> Must have alt attribute Formats GIF JPG PNG

18 HTML Images - Captions Syntax <figure> <img…> <figcaption>…</figcaption> </figure> Optimization Link

19 Web Design ‘Usefulness’ How users judge a website
Can be used Achieves a desired goal How users judge a website Content Usability User-centered Web Development Life Cycle

20 Web Development Life Cycle
Define mission & target user population Collect user requirements Create & modify conceptual design Create & modify physical design - Coding Testing Implement & market Evaluate & improve

21 WDLC - Mission Statement
Every site should have one Different from organizational mission statement What site is intended to accomplish List key parts of site

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