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In the back of your books, while watching video write down:-

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In the back of your books, while watching video write down:- Key components of the Earth. What makes the earth an active planet 6min 40 secs

2 The Earth’s structure and composition
By the end of today’s lesson all of you will: Know the main features of the Earth’s layered structure. Know the difference between continental crust and oceanic crust Some of you will: Understand the different densities of the continental and oceanic crust. Key words: Continental crust, Oceanic crust, Mantle, Lithosphere, asthenosphere, Core, crystals, granitic rocks, basaltic rocks

3 Today I am looking for: Neatly labelled diagrams Good interpretation of dimensions Good analysing skills Good collaboration Clear communication – in written and verbal form.

4 Activity – Work in pairs How well do you know the Planet
Activity – Work in pairs How well do you know the Planet? Draw a cross section of the earth like the one below. Do not write the numbers on Annotate 1 -5 Finished – Can you add thickness in Km at A,B,C,D ? A Could brainstorm first to get some key words 1- crust 2-mantle 3a- outer core 3b-inner core 4- lithosphere 5 -asthenosphere B C D

5 Cross section view of the Earth
Pupils self assess their diagram add or correct anything Explain different layers Solid liquid etc www/.ebi accuracy/neatness Cross section view of the Earth

6 Sticky viscous dense rocks
Asthenosphere Sticky viscous dense rocks Lithosphere (Solid ) Explain the movement of the solid crust and upper mantle (LITHOSPHERE) Below the lithosphere sticky viscous and dense rock of the mantle compare to soup. Convection currents are driven by heat from the Core. In upper part of mantle asthenosphere the flows affect the lithosphere causing earthquakes and volcanoes NEXT LESSON WILL COVER CONVECTION CURRENTS ETC

7 Discuss with your partner Why do these massive slabs of rock (tectonic plates) not sink into the mantle? Only give a minute and then feed back answer composition of rock- Granitic (continental crust) relatively low density made of quartz and feldspar whereas Oceanic crust is basalt eg gabbro and much denser so sinks Continental crust less dense so therefore thicker as much as 100km whereas oceanic only around 7 km

8 Continental and Oceanic crust Answers in your book
What colour? What size are the crystals? Why do you think they are this size? Which is the most dense? So which is granite and which is basalt? Use rock samples students need to come up and answer the questions feed back

9 What part of the earth’s structure am I?
The heat I produce is partly due to pressure of overlying material and radioactivity The outer part of me generate the Earth’s magnetic field I am made mostly of iron and nickel My temperature is the same as the surface of the sun I am just over half the diameter of the Earth I am ⅙the volume of the Earth I am ⅓the Earth’s mass I am part liquid and part solid Don’t spend much time on this it is a quick let’s see

10 State two differences between oceanic and continental crust (3 marks)
Plenary State two differences between oceanic and continental crust (3 marks) Allow time to complete this task as it is important that students are able to write a longer answer on next slidefrom activity 2 SB

11 Swap books to peer assess Answers
Oceanic crust is denser than continental, oceanic crust(1 mark). It is also usually much ‘thinner. (1mark)’ It is composed of different minerals (crystal sizes/names of minerals)(1mark), Oceanic crust subducts, continental plate does not.(1 mark) WWW/EBI WWW /EBI

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