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Metamorphic rocks Introduction

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Presentation on theme: "Metamorphic rocks Introduction"— Presentation transcript:

1 Metamorphic rocks Introduction

2 Today Updates: ? Lecture outline: Basics of metamorphism:
T, P (and stress), fluids

3 Metamorphism

4 Lower limit Low-temperature limit grades into diagenesis
Arbitrary boundary; examples: Diagenesis/weathering physically similar processes Metamorphism begins ~ oC (unstable protolith) Some zeolites = diagenetic, others metamorphic Granite Melts w/ H2O Diagenesis Metamorphic rocks

5 Upper limit High-temperature limit grades into melting
While melting solids and liquids coexist If we heat a metamorphic rock until it melts, when does it become “igneous”? Gradational, so naming =difficult Granite Melts w/ H2O Diagenesis Metamorphic rocks

6 Metamorphic Agents

7 Temperature

8 Temperature cont’d

9 Pressure

10 P-T example conditions
Fig = estimates of metamorphic temperature-pressure relationships from ancient orogenic belts Based on P-T estimates for rocks exposed at the surface in these areas along a traverse from lowest to highest metamorphic conditions: metamorphic field gradients – not same as geotherms

11 Estimating P and T

12 How metamorphic? Granite Melts w/ H2O Diagenesis Metamorphic rocks

13 Stress and pressure

14 Stress and pressure

15 Stress and strain

16 Deviatoric stress

17 Tension strain ellipsoid original shape s1 s3

18 Compression s3 s1

19 Result of deviatoric stress

20 Shear s1

21 Fluids

22 Fluids 2 Components: Pfluid = total fluid pressure, = sum of the partial pressures: Pfluid = pH2O + pCO2 + … (or molar: X) Source of fluids: Meteoric (rain etc) Magmatic Subduction related Trapped sedimentary Mantle degassing

23 Fluids 3 (+P&T)

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