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AP World History Early Humans

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1 AP World History Early Humans
(Even before) 8000 BCE 

2 Important Terms Prehistory Hominids Anthropology Paleontology

3 Hominids 3 species that arose at different times in prehistory:
Homo habilis = person with ability ~3 million to ~1.5 million years ago Homo erectus = person who walks upright ~2 million to ~70,000 years ago Homo sapiens = person who thinks ~200, ,000 years ago (To present)

4 Hominids Animals adapt themselves to environment
Hominids adapt environment to themselves Use of tools Language Complex cooperative social structures


6 Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds

7 Dispersal

8 Prehistory “Before written record” Paleolithic – Early (old) Stone Age
Lasted 2 million + years Mesolithic – Middle Stone Age ~20,000 BCE - ~5000 BCE Neolithic – New Stone Age ~10,000 BCE - ~3000 BCE

9 Paleolithic Evidence:
Archaeological finds Nomadic existence precludes advanced civilization Groups of 30-50 Division of labor along gender lines precludes accumulation of land-based wealth More likely determinants of status: age, hunting skill, fertility, charisma

10 Mesolithic Tools become more refined Modified lifestyle
Chipped tools Modified lifestyle As environment and climate changes Becoming less nomadic Domestication of plants and animals

11 Neolithic Tool production becomes even more refined
Chipped vs. polished Herding instead of hunting Nurturing vegetation instead of foraging Spread of Agriculture Slash-and-and burn techniques Overuse of soil = migration Dispersal of crops from one region to another

12 Origins of early spread of agriculture

13 Agriculture and Population Growth

14 Examples of Neolithic construction
Stonehenge ^ England Temple of Mnajdra Malta 

15 Surplus Food, Specialization of Labor
Emergence of villages and towns Range of manufactured products Pottery, Jewelry, Textiles, Copper tools Surplus food = TIME Beginnings of Urbanization Craft specialization Social classes Government

16 Social Distinctions Accumulation of wealth = development of social classes household decorations goods buried with deceased members Archaeological evidence of religious worship clay figurines drawings on pots tool decorations other ritual objects

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