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Welcome to Mrs. Cottrill’s Academic Research and Composition!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Mrs. Cottrill’s Academic Research and Composition!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Mrs. Cottrill’s Academic Research and Composition!
First Day of School September 3, 2013

2 Today… Assign seats Assign Student/Laptop Number
Introduction of the course Complete Student Information Sheet Present Senior Exit Presentation Hand out Senior Exit Presentation Assignment (due Monday)

3 Mrs. Cottrill’s Syllabus
Procedures and Expectations September 3, 2013

4 Grading scale A: 93.0-100.0 C: 73.0-76.9 A-: 90.0-92.9 C-: 70.0-72.9
B+: D+: B: D: B-: D-: C+: E: Percentages based on total points Grade Contract Semester grades Each marking period = 40% Exam = 20% Figured by percentages

5 Late Work Late work is NOT tolerated. Small Assignments
Large Assignments Office hours Wednesday 2:30-4:00 Work on missing work Turn in for 50% credit

6 Missing class Check the missing work binder and/or the website
Excused absence 1 day/day missed + 1 Unexcused absence No credit Quizzes and tests Made up within 1 week of return Wednesday office hours or by appointment After 1 week earn a 0

7 Expectations RESPECT

8 Plagiarism We will cover this in a unit at the beginning of the semester. School policy

9 Consequences If you CHOOSE to behave inappropriately…
Individual conference Phone call home Referral to Responsibility Room Referral to the office

10 Exam Portfolio Portfolio Box

11 Required materials PLANNER! Text as required by the day’s activities
Completed homework, if there was any 3 ring binder Pen and pencil Highlighter Post-it Notes CD-ROM/thumb drive/jump drive

12 I’m looking forward to a great semester
I’m looking forward to a great semester. Please come to me if you need help or have questions. The clock is ticking. Will you be ready?

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