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Periodicity Search for Possible X-ray Counterparts to

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1 Periodicity Search for Possible X-ray Counterparts to
Gamma-ray Pulsar Candidates Introduction and Background Archive data of different instruments and their features Our way to find possible X-ray pulsation Compare our results with known Gamma-ray pulsars Conclusion and try to find some way to improve my work

2 Background of my research
Solving the mystery of the unidentified EGRET sources. Are they pulsars like Vela or Geminga? According to Lamb and Macomb, 1997; there are around 30 sources in the sky with GeV fluxes above 4x10-8 photons cm-2 s of these are blazars, 5-6 are identified pulsars, the rest, which lie almost exclusively along the Galactic plane, are currently unidentified. From Roberts and Romani, they present a catalog of 2-10 keV ASCA GIS images of fields containing bright sources of GeV emission. The images cover ~85% of the 95% confidence position contour for 28 of the 30 sources. Among the unidentified sources of Robert’s catalog, we work on the periodicity search for 13 possible X-ray counterparts to gamma-ray pulsar candidates.






8 --The archive data that we used--
X-ray Satellites: ROSAT( ) ASCA( ) RXTE(1995-) BeppoSAX( ) Chandra(1999-) XMM(1999-) XMM-Newton MOS keV ; 1.5 ms-2.6s PN keV ; 7 μs-73.4 ms ROSAT PSPC keV ; 130 μs HRI keV ; 61 μs BeepoSAX LECS keV ; 16 μs MECS keV ; 15 μs ASCA GIS keV ; 62.5ms/2N; 500ms/2N SIS keV ; Chandra ACIS keV ; 2.8 ms HRC keV ; 16 μs --The archive data that we used--

9 Our approach Choose the data whose source photons > 100
But in the case of small samples (10 ≤ n ≤ 100): Prob(H>h)~w(h) e-bn∙h De Jager et al., 1989

10 Upper limit of pulsed fraction
for H > 0.3 for H > 0.3 De Jager et al., 1994 If we assume all the photons are contributed from the source: δ=0.3, H=50, N=100; P2σ=0.7599 δ=0.3, H=50, N=400; P2σ=0.3799 δ=0.1, H=50, N=100; P2σ=0.3896 δ=0.3, H=30, N=100; P2σ= (H=30, prob.=9.95x10-6 ; H=50, prob.=4x10-8) More exposure time may help us get more source photons…..

11 Our approach Try to find any stronger signal from any way of timing analysis by blind search. (including epoch folding , Zm2-test, H-test) Example: The ROSAT data of RXJ (If there isn’t any significant signal…) 1993/10/23+10/26 1996/11/02 MJD= e+04 MJD= e+04 T=316.6 (ks)  (>46.0) T=62.3 (ks)  (>41.0) Frequency (s-1) H value r.p. 4.95E+01 4.49E-08 4.41E+01 1.68E-07 4.13E+01 4.52E-07 4.62E+01 9.91E-08 4.21E+01 2.84E-07 4.82E+01 6.10E-08 4.14E+01 3.42E-07 4.71E+01 7.94E-08 5.11E+01 4.00E-08 5.07E+01 4.27E+01 2.42E-07 242(35'': keV) 6.2x106 trials 159(60'':0.1-2keV) 3.2x107 trials

12 Analysis 1. If there is no evident known pulsar to be the counterpart….. Based on 4-7 independent significant trial periods of each data, we search related periods in other data of the same source by the condition that the characteristic age of the pulsar is larger than 1000 years. Furthermore, in order to let our choice to be more convincible, we only select that the random probability to corresponding H-value of the trial period times searching trials is less than 0.02. Example: The cross-checking results of RXJ Frequency: Hz ; Period: s s x Hz yr x10-13 total searching trials ~360 Frequency: Hz ; Period: s s x Hz yr 6.5x10-13 total searching trials ~6100

13 Analysis 2. If there is evident known pulsar to be the counterpart…..
Example: Chandra data of AX J Epoch(MJD)= From the right panel, we can estimate the pulse frequency of Chandra data = (13) s-1 (Roberts et al., 2004) ~250 trials (Telapse=20.8ks)`

14 Roberts et al., 2004

15 Unidentified GeV sources near pulsars
P(ms) B12(G) d(kpc) Age(105 yr) GeV J CTA 1 140.0 3.9 1.4 0.2000 GeV J J 68.2 2.4 7.7 0.13 GeV J B 415.8 6.9 3.0 0.5843 GeV J B 101.0 2.8 4.1 0.2143 GeV J B 267.0 7.5 3.3 0.2032 GeV J B 746.6 3.1 9.162 GeV J J 103.7 3.2 12.4 0.17 (L. Zhang & K.S. Cheng, 1998; Roberts et. al, 2001 & 2002; Cordes & Lazio, 2002)

16 Our results of Periodicity Search
We have 13 GeV pulsar candidates to search for X-ray counterparts. But we can’t resolve the point source in any X-ray archive data corresponding to the position error box of GeV J and GeV J (Although there is a radio pulsar in the error box of each γ-ray source……..) Because we can’t find any significant pulse period in X-ray archival data of these samples, we must have at least two useable data sets to work on cross-checking. On the purpose of periodicity search, AX J & AX J which are the X-ray counterparts of GeV J & GeV J only have one ASCA data to be analyzed. Let’s see the recommended pulse periods of the left 9 GeV sources by periodicity search for possible X-ray counterparts .

17 Results of Cross-checking
GeV J (3EG J ) ↔ RX J (CTA 1) RX J   period (s) Τc (year)  dp/dt (10-13 s/s)   Epoch(MJD) R.P. P1 6350 2.794 7.5x10-3 P2 1750 11.436 2.5x10-3 P3 12430 1.625 4.0x10-3 P4 1710 12.379 2.7x10-3 P5 2590 17.52 1.4x10-2 P6 4110 16.83 5.5x10-4 The R. P. (random prob.) in the Table of each feature has taken into account total number of trials, but excluding the number of periods which are picked out on discussion in our method. (Lupin & Chang, 2004)

18 Results of Cross-checking
GeV J (3EG J ) ↔ AX J ↔ 1E AX J   period (s) Τc (year)  dp/dt (10-13 s/s)   Epoch(MJD) R.P. P1 5010 3.713 1.9x10-2 GeV J (3EG J ) ↔ AX J AX J   period (s) Τc (year)  dp/dt (10-13 s/s)   Epoch(MJD) R.P. P1 1830 9.128 1.7x10-2 P2 16100 1.997 6.1x10-3 P3 1040 47.25 2.8x10-3 P4 2020 33.60 5.7x10-3 GeV J (3EG J ) ↔ AX J AX J   period (s) Τc (year)  dp/dt (10-13 s/s)   Epoch(MJD) R.P. P1 2900 6.647 1.2x10-2 P2 12540 2.013 6.1x10-3 P3 2470 17.318 1.7x10-2

19 Results of Cross-checking
AX J   period (s) Τc (year)  dp/dt (10-13 s/s)   Epoch(MJD) R.P. P4 1330 39.39 3.1x10-3 P5 1690 31.04 4.2x10-4 P6 7600 19.14 1.3x10-2 GeV J (3EG J ) ↔ AX J ↔ PSR J AX J   period (s) Τc (year)  dp/dt (10-13 s/s)   Epoch(MJD) R.P. P1 4750 6.0x10-3 P2 3630 4.750 6.7x10-3 P3 1880 10.257 4.3x10-3 P4 8700 2.220 8.4x10-3 P5 4.84 4.7x10-5 P6 3060 13.17 5.8x10-3

20 Results of Cross-checking
GeV J (3EG J ) ↔ AX J AX J   period (s) Τc (year)  dp/dt (10-13 s/s)   Epoch(MJD) R.P. P1 1230 3.6754 1.6x10-2 P2 1910 9.276 1.4x10-3 P3 3370 11.956 1.9x10-2 GeV J (3EG J ) ↔ PSR B AX J   period (s) Τc (year)  dp/dt (10-13 s/s)   Epoch(MJD) R.P. P1 1220 3.0218 4.1x10-3 P2 2310 1.8051 1.9x10-2 P3 3300 7.52 1.8x10-2

21 Results of Cross-checking
GeV J (3EG J ) ↔ AX J , RX J AX J period (s) Τc (year)  dp/dt (10-13 s/s)   Epoch(MJD) R.P. P1 4590 0.7734 7.2x10-3 P2 1960 2.7014 1.6x10-2 P3 2300 2.3119 4.1x10-3 P4 273800 0.0201 6.0x10-3 P5 169770 0.157 1.0x10-2 P6 1740 340.7 1.8x10-2 GeV J (3EG J ) ↔ AX J This work is done by Wohemos, and the results will be reported in PSROC 2007. GeV J (3EG J ) ↔ AX J ↔PSR J AX J   period (s) Τc (year)  dp/dt (10-13 s/s)   Epoch(MJD) R.P. P1 1390 11.452 1.4x10-2 P2 3480 5.960 1.2x10-2

22 Results of Cross-checking
GeV J (3EG J ) ↔ RX J (γCygni, 2CG078+2) RX J   period (s) Τc (year)  dp/dt (10-13 s/s)   Epoch(MJD) R.P. P1 2000 6.5245 9.8x10-3 P2 2090 105.32 8.2x10-3 After the work of cross-checking related data sets, did we find any tentative pulse period consistent with the pulsation of radio pulsar near these X-ray sources? NO!! What does it mean? 1. Our way is not good enough to reduce the effect of background photons. 2. These X-ray sources has no relation with those pulsars. Is there any significant feature in each data from the periods of those known pulsars? I have not finished the check of all the data. But for those obvious features that can be detected had already been reported in some articles.

23 Compare with known γ-ray pulsars
(Thompson et al., 1999)

24 The way to improve our work
Obviously, the easiest way is to apply for a better data. Based on the pulsed fraction of one selected pulse period, to estimate the related one can be detected or not in another instrument by it’s upper limit of the pulsed fraction. Compare with the similarity of the pulsed profile in the selected cross-checking results. -- Fisher exact test? Kolmogorov-Smirnov test? Numerical Recipes -- William H. Press er al Practical Statistics for Astronomers – J. V. Wall & C. R. Jenkins Astrostatistics – G. J. Babu and E. D. Feigelson Is our way really useful to detect the pulse period of the weak pulsar candidates? We can examine some dim neutron stars with weak pulse.

25 XDINS (Pavlov, Sanwal & Garmire; 2001) CCO (Haberl ; 2004)

26 Future Work There still remain some candidates of radio-quiet neutron stars. (Brazier & Johnson; 1999)

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