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Managing the Patient With Tuberous Sclerosis Complex

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Presentation on theme: "Managing the Patient With Tuberous Sclerosis Complex"— Presentation transcript:

1 Managing the Patient With Tuberous Sclerosis Complex


3 Program Goal

4 Overview of Tuberous Sclerosis Complex

5 Case 1: A 3-Month-Old Girl

6 Video of Infantile Spasms

7 Results of the CT Scan

8 Approaching the Diagnosis of TSC

9 Case 1: CT Scan Follow-up

10 Case 1: Initial Treatment

11 Case 1: Diagnosis of TSC

12 Results of the MRI

13 Case 1: Follow-up

14 Abdominal CT Scan

15 TSC Clinical Diagnostic Criteria

16 Case 2: A 16-Year-Old Girl With a Known Diagnosis of TSC

17 Case 2: Presentation

18 Issues to Consider

19 Case 2: SEGA

20 Treatment Options for SEGA

21 Case 2: Treatment

22 Case 2: Follow-up

23 Common Adverse Effects of Everolimus

24 Duration of Treatment

25 Case 3: A 35-Year-Old With Renal Involvement

26 Case 3: TSC-Related Medical Issues

27 Case 3: Past Renal Imaging

28 Case 3: Current Renal Status Age 35 y

29 Case 3: MRI Results at Age 35 y

30 Case 3: Lipid-Poor Solid Mass

31 Case 3: Large Renal AML

32 Large Renal AML: Embolization

33 Large Renal AML: mTOR Inhibitors

34 TSC: Final Thoughts

35 Abbreviations

36 Abbreviations (cont)

37 References

38 References (cont)

39 References (cont)

40 References (cont)

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