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List of priority spatial data sets

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1 List of priority spatial data sets
5th INSPIRE MIG 1st December 2016, Brussels European Commission Directorate General for Environment Directorate E - Implementation and Support t o Member States Unit E.4 – Compliance & Better Regulation 1

2 Feedback received (till 28/11/2016)
SE, MT, LV, PL, FR, DE, NL, CZ, ES Publishing reporting data under INSPIRE and reporting under the environmental acquis is double work. COM should avoid this. Action should be aligned and synchronized with work on eReporting concept document and take into account feedback from reporting communities. Support to tackle this in the context of Eionet. List Clean up / improve list (doubles, terminology, clarify) Further detail the list as deep as possible for better implementation guidance. Some comments have already been addressed in the current version of the list.

3 Objectives communicate ENV information priorities and expectations to MS by clearly identifying the spatial data sets relevant for environmental reporting; provide guidance on consistent mapping of reporting obligations and supporting data to INSPIRE spatial objects for the development of pan-European data sets; identify reporting redundancies and explore opportunities for streamlining; improve the timeliness and the quality of reported data to provide a governance instrument to: incrementally build comparable INSPIRE maturity across MS for all INSPIRE components (metadata, services, interoperability, data sharing) based on a common setting, plan tangible and usable INSPIRE deliverables for eReporting, monitor progress on INSPIRE implementation in general and for the reporting use case in specific promote the reuse of the INSPIRE infrastructure for reporting purposes.

4 Further work on the initial list
Status of the list Further work on the initial list Corrections Added prioritization criteria Main: CDF; Timing Secondary: REFIT; Reference; EU and UN SDG relevance; support by policy unit Candidate score based on criteria Extensions to the list Tab with reference objects Tab with a spatial data set view Overview of spatial data sets and their INSPIRE mapping Added: As Is; maturity level; MS readiness; recommendations Allowing to filter based on spatial data sets

5 3-step action plan as follow-up
Next Steps 3-step action plan as follow-up MS action: Implement the priority data sets (as-is) following the priority roadmap Policy Unit action: Asses existing reporting obligations, optimize where possible. Analyse ‘As Is’ (incl. information requirements for reporting), assess INSPIRE maturity, make recommendations Implement recommendations in reporting flow MS implementation of updated reporting flow EEA action: support eReporting flow and make EU-level data interoperable and accessible for supported data flows (CDF)


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