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Union Grove High School

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1 Union Grove High School

2 @ the Lindquist Swim Center
UGHS Girls Swim Team Today Nov 11th @ the Lindquist Swim Center in Clayton County 7:15pm

3 Nov 11th & 12th World War I,II and Vietnam display
on the gym floor for everyone’s viewing

4 JV Basketball Nov Hampton 5:30/7 Nov 14th vs Henry Co. 10/11:30

5 *Sign up in the Counseling
Thursday Nov. 12th *Sign up in the Counseling Office until TODAY

6 Drama Club Meeting Thursday, Nov 12th
Room #308 3:30 to 5:00

7 WINNERS! Dev Shastri Hope Brown Zakiyyah Benoit Keely Siddon
Gavin Johnson Tanner McKenzie Hope Brown Keely Siddon Helen Nguyen Come to the media center for your prize.

8 GHP STATE NOMINEES Dominique Johnson Haley Parker James Fletcher
CONGRATULATIONS GHP STATE NOMINEES We are very proud of you! Haley Parker Jessica Moore Camille Adams Maggie Silvey Amy sethna Andre Blair Dominique Johnson James Fletcher Sanhith Maddineni Kendall Carden Duncan Lopatine Sierra Cannon

9 Erase your Media Center fines by donating canned goods!
today! TODAY until November 13 Erase your Media Center fines by donating canned goods! One can = $1.00 in fines

10 Congratulations 3rd place at State Championships!

11 Wrestling 11/14 Varsity/JV Duals @ East Coweta 9:00

12 Any girls interested in
GYMNASTICS stop by Coach Blackmon’s office in the gym to pick up an information packet

13 There will be a mandatory informational meeting for anyone interested in TENNIS Nov 18th
at 3:30 in Room 127

14 and IF passes are NOT available next week
MOCK JOB FAIR START TUE OCT 28th The media center and IF passes are NOT available next week

15 SENIORS FINAL DEADLINE SENIOR ads Friday, Nov. 20th !
(this date must include a late fee of $25). All forms are on the school website under activities & yearbook.

16 Donations will benefit our local food pantry
UGHS Help feed a neighbor by donating CANNED FOOD Today until Friday, Nov. 20th   Donations will benefit our local food pantry THERE ARE BARRELS TO PUT CANS IN BY THE FRONT OFFICE, THE MEDIA CENTER!


18 Scholarships: $50 to $3,500 Deadline: December 4, 2015
The Colored Rocks Foundation recognizes male students of color who set positive examples and make worthy commitments to the success of their peers.

19 Deadline: December 17th at 5pm
Scholarship: $20,000 Deadline: December 17th at 5pm The Foot Locker Scholar Athletes program honors student-athletes who demonstrate exceptional academic ability and strong leadership skills in sports, in their schools, and within their communities

20 Candidate Orientation Program
U. S. Air Force Academy Candidate Orientation Program Saturday, Dec 19th 10:00 AM to 12:00 noon American Legion Post 160 160 Legion Drive SE Smyrna, GA 30080 Free event to all interested Please contact

21 Award: 20 recipients up to $40,000 Deadline: January 7, 2016
This Scholarship Program rewards college-bound students Who demonstrate exemplary leadership, drive, integrity, and citizenship with financial assistance to pursue higher education.

22 Deadline: January 13th 2016 To be eligible for the Gates Millennium Scholars Program students must: be a minority with a cumulative GPA of 3.3 and meet Federal Pell Grant eligibility criteria.

23 Scholarship Program Deadline: January 20th

24 Scholarship for Christian Student Athletes! Accepting Applications:
NOW - February 1, 2016

25 PROM is April 30th, 2016 Nov $60.00 Dec-Jan $70.00 Feb-Mar $80.00
@ GA Tech Conference Center Tickets can be purchased from Ms. VonLanken in the front office or from Ms. Merlino. Also students must be in school the entire day, April 29th in order to attend prom (no check-ins or check outs). *All school debts MUST be cleared to attend prom Ticket prices are as follows: Nov $60.00 Dec-Jan $70.00 Feb-Mar $80.00

26 300 hall & COCOA Grove Grounds Shop

27 New Days / Hours for the Smoothie Business En Route to Fruits
Days Open: Fridays (11/13, 11/20, 12/4, 12/11) Exam Days (12/16, 12/17, & 12/18) Hours: 7:35 - 8:10 Room 406 $3.00 for 16oz

28 LUNCH Chicken Tetrazzini w/toast Cheeseburger Garden Salad w/tuna
WED 11-11 LUNCH Chicken Tetrazzini w/toast Cheeseburger Garden Salad w/tuna Green peas, sweet potato fries, Celery sticks, spiced apples THURSDAY Nov 15th

29 Windy Wednesday

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