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Unit 1: Environmental Science

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1 Unit 1: Environmental Science

2 Environmental Science
Environ = surround, envelop, around) The study of the impact of humans on the environment.

3 Ecology Eco= house Logy= study of The study of how living things interact with each other and with their non-living environment.

4 Agriculture Agri = soil, field The practice of growing, breeding, and caring for plants and animals used for our basic needs. i.e. food.

5 A material found in nature and used by humans.
Natural Resource Re = back, again nature A material found in nature and used by humans.

6 Pollution lut = dirt In the environment, something that has a harmful or poisonous effect.

7 Di = two, double Biodiversity Bio = life, living (to) vary = to differ The number, variety, and genetic variation of organisms living in an area.

8 Ecological Footprint (= mark, trace, sign, track)
Log = study, say, speech, reason, study Ecological Footprint (= mark, trace, sign, track) Eco = house The impact of a person on the environment, shown a the amount of land required to continue their use of natural resources.

9 Tain = hold, keep, retain Sustainability Sus = survive, support The condition in which human needs are met in a way that a human population can survive indefinitely.

10 Observation A piece of information we gather using our senses.
Serv = save,observe, keep. Observation Ob = obtain A piece of information we gather using our senses.

11 Hypothesis Hypo = below A testable idea or explanation.

12 Dict = say, speak Prediction Pre = before A logical statement about what will happen if the hypothesis is correct.

13 Experiment Per = through, intensive. A procedure designed to test a hypothesis under controlled conditions.

14 Variable Any item that can be controlled or changes in an experiment.
Able = worth, ability Vary= to differ, change Any item that can be controlled or changes in an experiment.

15 Experimental Group The group receiving the experimental treatment.
Mental= brain Experimental Group Per = thorough, intensive The group receiving the experimental treatment.

16 Control Group The group NOT receiving the experimental treatment.

17 Data Information a scientist gathers during an experiment (gathered in graphs, charts, tables, etc)

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