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Evergreen Valley College

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1 Evergreen Valley College
Summary of EVC Achievement Data June 13, 2017 SJECCD Board of Trustees Meeting Place a Year Fix the Font and Format Make sure each page has a page number Each slide has N’s and sources Evergreen Valley College Lynette Apen, Interim Dean of Research, Planning & Institutional Effectiveness

2 Presentation Goals Annual report to the board on Global Ends Statement
The SJECCD exists to ensure all students, especially those with educational and/or socioeconomic challenges, will have the skills and capabilities to be successful in the next stage of their life, sufficient to justify use of resources Overview of Institutional Set Standards and Institutional Effectiveness Partnership Initiative (IEPI)

3 Setting Standards Floor March Report 6 Required Program Review
ACCJC- Institution Set Standards (ISS) CCCCO- Institutional Effectiveness Partnership Initiative (IEPI) Goals Floor 6 Required Program Review March Report Aspirational Long Term & Short Term 3 Required-Scorecard Program Review June Report

4 EVCs process setting standards
Institutional Effectiveness Committee Academic Senate College Council Annual Reporting Added to planning docs

5 Institutional Effectiveness through Program Review

6 Course Success Rates (Fall)
Percentage of students who earned a grade of C or better in a class 5-year-average: 70% IEPI 6 yr (2023) Aspirational Goal (72.5%) Institutional Set Standard (64%) 2016 = 70.41% Success count is the number of enrollments with grade of A,B, C, P, IA, IB, IC, IPP Enrollment Count is the number of enrollments with grade of A, B, C, D, F, P, NP, I, IPP, INP, FW, W, DR Course Program Type: All Instruction Method: Distance Ed and Non-Distance Ed) Trend Data Details: Enrollment Count / Success Count 2012: 24,546 / 17,418 2013: 24,297 / 16,993 2014: 23,342 / 16,406 2015: 22,909 / 16,173 2016: 23,369 / 16,454 Success Count: 2012 (17,418); 2013 (16,993); 2014 (16,406); 2015 (16,173); and 2016 (16,454) Source: California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office, Management Information Systems Data Mart, Outcomes – Retention/Success Rate

7 Institutional Effectiveness through Program Review
Questions asked of PR authors: With respect to success rates, how are your program success rates similar to or different from the rest of the campus? What equity gaps have you identified? If equity gaps for success are identified, what interventions will be implemented in the program to address these equity gaps? Please include a timeline of implementation and reassessment. With respect to disaggregated success rates (ethnicity/race, gender and age), how did the students do in reaching your program set standard for student success? How about reaching the program success goal?

8 Institutional Effectiveness through Strategic Planning

9 EVC Scorecard – how are we doing?

10 IEPI AG: 52% GAP Define Aspirational Goal (AG) beginning on slide 8
49.7% is the average completion overall for the 3 years shown. GAP Avg. Cohort Size: AA (39); AS (526); H (523); W (106) Source: 2017 Evergreen Valley College Student Success Scorecard

11 IEPI AG: 52% GAP Avg. Cohort Size: M (742); F (809)
Source: 2017 Evergreen Valley College Student Success Scorecard

12 Key Findings Achievement Gaps Completion Overall
Gap between highest and lowest overall completion- Asian & Hispanic Improved from 31% in 13/14 to 18% in 15/16 African American and Hispanic students both below IEPI Goal for completion Slight improvement in gender gap Females have consistently higher overall completion rates compared to males Improved from 6.5% in 13/14 to 5% in 15/16

13 IEPI AG 42.2% Average completion unprepared for cohort years shown: 39.6% Note: and represents the gap between highest and lowest subgroups (excluding African-American group). ∆ ∆ ∆ GAP Avg. Cohort Size: AA (45 for ‘13-’14 cohort only); AS (301); H (439); W (60) Source: 2017 Evergreen Valley College Student Success Scorecard

14 GAP IEPI AG 42.2% Avg. Cohort Size: M (513); F (575)
Source: 2017 Evergreen Valley College Student Success Scorecard

15 Key Findings Achievement Gaps Completion Underprepared
Gap between highest and lowest overall completion- Asian & Hispanic Improved from 23.1% to 10.3% (between ‘13-’14 and ‘15-’16) African American Cohort suppressed due to small cohort size in 14/15 & 15/16 African American and Hispanic students both below IEPI Goal for completion Slight improvement in gender gap Females have consistently higher completion rates compared to males Improved from 5.8% (’13-’14) to 4.3% (’15-’16)

16 (AS-H) (AS-AA) (AS-AA) GAP
IEPI AG: 52% Average remedial English for cohort years shown: 49.2% ‘13-’ ‘14-’ ‘15-’16 (AS-H) (AS-AA) (AS-AA) GAP Avg. Cohort Size: AA (49); AS (214); H (478); W (49) Source: 2017 Evergreen Valley College Student Success Scorecard

17 IEPI AG: 52% GAP Avg. Cohort Size: M (476); F (526)
Source: 2017 Evergreen Valley College Student Success Scorecard

18 Key Findings Achievement Gaps Remedial English
Largest gap between Asian and African American Improvement from 14/15 to 15/16 with a decrease in the gap from 46% to 37% Both Hispanic and African American students are below IEPI goals Increased achievement gender gap Females outperform males Increased from 6% in 13/14 to 12% in 15/16

19 Interventions and success story
Sharing Oscar’s success story by Enlace English Faculty, Raquel Rojas Oscar Z. – EVC Enlace Student Completed 104 and 1A at EVC, Transferred to Cal State East Bay Sociology/Psychology double major Implementation of Multiple measures Developed Spring 2017 Implemented for fall 2017 placement 600+ students at “Days at the Green”

20 (W-AA) (AS-AA) (AS-AA) GAP
IEPI AG: 29.7% Remedial math average for cohort years shown: 26.4% ‘13-’ ‘14-’ ‘15-’16 (W-AA) (AS-AA) (AS-AA) GAP Avg. Cohort Size: AA (53); AS (211); H (510); W (62) Source: 2017 Evergreen Valley College Student Success Scorecard

21 GAP Avg. Cohort Size: M (445); F (569)
Source: 2017 Evergreen Valley College Student Success Scorecard

22 Key Findings Achievement Gaps Remedial Math
Gap remains consistent between the two highest performing groups (Asian and White) and African American students - 18% Both African American and Hispanic students are below the IEPI goal Increased gender gap for Remedial Math Gap between female and male increased from 2% to 7%

23 Interventions and success stories
Enlace Accelerated Math Pathway Summer bridge- basic math and study skills Fall- accelerated elementary and intermediate algebra Course Fall 2015 % success for Latinos in Enlace Math % success for Latinos in Non-Enlace Math Math 111 84% 46% Math 13 64% 56% Course Spring 2016 Math 63 75% 60% Data provided by Professor Cynthia Burnham

24 EVC Celebrates Student Success

25 EVC Progress: Program Awards
ISS 545 Undertracking certificates, esp CTE ISS 52 Source: Data Mart

26 625 EVC Transfer Numbers ISS: 583 CSU: 437 UC: 62 Other: 126
Source: UC System, Info Center; CSU Analytic Studies; Data Mart

27 CTE Star Awards Spring 2017, The Chancellor's office recognized EVC for its track record on advancing students’ economic mobility. Accounting Certificate and AD-T Advanced Manufacturing Automotive Technology Certificates Participants boost earnings by 69% 80% participants attain regional living wage Participants boost earnings by 79% Career pathway Certificates Degree Transfer Manufacturing tech+ entrepreneurship + career pathways Partner: NetFlex High Schools- Dual Enrollment Partnership Honda Chrysler Tesla Bay Area Dealers Created tax related coursework FlexFactor project based learning Created basic skills in context of auto jobs Source: Dr. Lena Tran

28 EVC CTE Skills Builder Source: Scorecard

29 Building Opportunities for Success- Pathways

30 Building Opportunities for Success Continued
In Progress Coming Soon EVC/SJ Promise Integrated Plan (SSSP, Equity, BSI) Dual Enrollment College Connection Academy (CCA) Accel Middle College Latino College Prep Academy (LCPA) Statway-shorter pathway to stats 17/18 curriculum development 18/19 course offerings Dual Enrollment Eastside Union HS district ESL Non-Credit Pathway CTE Resource Center Guided Pathways College Connection Academy (CCA)- 8 yrs- Franklin McKinley, Yerba Buena HS Accel Middle College- 10+ years Eastside Union Latino College Prep Academy (LCPA)- 3 years

31 Areas for improvement- Action Plan/Resources
Optimize utilization of degree audit Improve accurate capturing of certificates completed <12 units Secure dedicated faculty for Affirm Math Identify faculty champions to develop accelerated movement through basic skills Through Resource Allocation process: Identify ongoing financial support for innovation and strategies coming out of program review- not just “one time” funding Financial support for implementation of statewide initiatives


33 Special Thanks EVC Team
Hazel De Ausen, Research Analyst Ronald Lopez-Ramirez, Senior Research Analyst Merryl Kravitz, Dean of Language Arts Julie Vo, Associate Dean Non-Credit and Basic Skills Rachel Rojas, English Faculty Cynthia Burnham, Math Faculty Monty Bott, Student Retention Assistant STEM Core Sithparran Vanniasegaram, Math Faculty Lena Tran, Dean of Business and Workforce Mark Gonzales, Interim VPAA Adela Swinson, VPSA Henry Yong, President EVC

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