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Welcome To Class! Would you rather be rich with no friends or poor but have a group of close friends?

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome To Class! Would you rather be rich with no friends or poor but have a group of close friends?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome To Class! Would you rather be rich with no friends or poor but have a group of close friends?

2 Activity: Connections Quiz
For this quiz, number your papers from one to six 1. Name the three wealthiest people in the world. 2. Name the last three Heisman trophy winners. 3. Name the last three winners of the Miss America contest. 4. Name three people who have won the Nobel or Pulitzer Prize. 5. Name the last three Academy Award winners for best actor and actress. 6. Name the last five World Series winners.

3 Activity: Connections Quiz
For this quiz number your papers from one to six 1. List three teachers, counselors, or school officials who have helped you in school. 2. Name three true friends who you can count on. 3. Name one or two people you consider a hero or has had a positive influence on your life. 4. Name three people who have made you feel appreciated and special. 5. Who are three people you enjoy spending time with? 6. List three people who really care about you.

4 Alternate Activity: Connections Quiz
Was it easier to answer the first set of questions or the last set of questions? Why? Who has more lasting impact on our lives: The people who would be in the first set of questions or the last set of questions? Why? Which of the people for the second set of questions had the biggest impact on your life? Why? How can we find more people like those in the last set of questions to help us in life? How can we be this type of person for others? How can connecting with others help us achieve our goals?

5 Teacher/Counselor/School Official
1 Parent/Care Giver How much time am I spending with a parent or care giver? (if you’re not spending at least 30 minutes a day then create and demand more time.) What is one “conflict,” “argument,” or “power struggle” that I can give up today that won’t hurt me but will help lower my parents anxiety about me? 2 Positive Friend Remember – You know you have a “real “ friend when you are hanging out and they are doing things that help (not hurt) themselves or you. What could I do to help a friend overcome peer pressure and deal with challenges at home and at school? 3 Teacher/Counselor/School Official Make sure that someone at school knows the real you and what you can become with their help. Ask how they help you reach your dreams and potential? Let them know what you are willing to do and work together with them – (identify three things that you’re willing to do) These 5 Connections will help turn on the “light” to see your future more clearly 4 Positive Mentor Who can I identify that has accomplished goals and dreams similar to those that I want to accomplish. What are three things (qualities) about them that I respect and admire, that I would like to develop also? Take a risk – If possible ask them how they can help you achieve the same thing. 5 Something that inspires or motivates you to do good What motivates me to not hurt myself or others? What do I do with my time that’s “fun,” gives me self respect and doesn’t get me into trouble? (How can I do More of this?).

6 Sir Richard Branson "The fundamental driver of our success at Virgin has, and will always be, our people working together. To be successful in business, and in life, you need to connect and collaborate." Story: Richard Branson Richard Branson is the billionaire owner of hundreds of companies including Virgin Atlantic airlines. He is know for is creativity and his unusual approaches to doing business. When he was in school, many of Richards teachers considered him stupid and lazy. The future billionaire struggled in school in part because of his learning disability, dyslexia. But clearly he did not let it prevent him from going on to greatness. “If you have a learning disability, you become a very good delegator. Because you know what your weaknesses are and you know what your strengths are, and you make sure that you find great people to step in and deal with your weaknesses.” "Dyslexia is a kind of disability, but actually it's an opportunity if you turn it into such.” Dyslexia is a common learning disability that causes reading, writing and learning difficulties. "I quickly found people who were much better at things I wasn't capable of doing," Branson has always considered the people that he works with a major key to the success has had in each of his businesses. One story illustrates this… in the early days of his airline, British Air was doing everything it could to try and cause his airline to fail. They resorted to “dirty marketing” tactics by illegally stealing Virgin’s customer database and making phone calls to customers stating that their flight had been cancelled and booking them on a British Airlines flight instead. Virgin took British Air to court and won $945,000 in damages, the largest libel settlement in UK history. Branson chose to invest the money back into his Virgin Atlantic team. "It was Christmas time," he said "It became known as the BA Christmas bonus — we distributed it to all our staff equally." After all, the Virgin Group founder credits the success of his hundreds of companies to his employees: "The fundamental driver of our success at Virgin has, and will always be, our people working together. To be successful in business, and in life, you need to connect and collaborate."

7 Journal Activity / Homework
Go home and do something to serve your parent or guardian (like take out the garbage or help with the dishes) without out being asked. Pay attention to how they respond and come prepared to write about your experience in class.


9 Remember: If you don’t have good support systems you can create them
Remember: If you don’t have good support systems you can create them! If you have weak support systems you can strengthen them! Thanks for Coming!

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