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SwafS : Mobilising Research Excellence in EU Outermost Regions (OR)

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Presentation on theme: "SwafS : Mobilising Research Excellence in EU Outermost Regions (OR)"— Presentation transcript:

1 SwafS-22-2018: Mobilising Research Excellence in EU Outermost Regions (OR)
Science with and for Society Brokerage event Brussels, Monday 29 January 2018 Dr Stefan WEIERS European Commission - DG RTD Unit B.5 – Spreading Excellence and Widening Participation

2 Outermost Regions Challenges
remoteness and/or insularity, small size, adverse topographical and climatic conditions, dependence on a limited number of local industries. Participation in Horizon 2020 is inhibited by: fragmentation of the research community lack of commitment of research institutions missing connectivity beyond links with the mainland country Lack of qualified personnel, critical mass and infrastructures 2

3 Outermost Regions Assets
Exceptional geographical and geological characteristics which make them useful laboratories for research and innovation in scientific domains relevant of the future such as: biodiversity, terrestrial and marine ecosystems, pharmacology, renewable energies, space sciences. ? 3

4 Call Requests Mapping OR R&I fields of expertise and identifying potential partners in the EU and third countries, in particular with OR neighbouring countries; prepare an inventory of OR needs to increase R&I capacity; identification of means to maintain and attract researchers, foster R&I ecosystems, further develop smart specialisation strategies; organisation of events with potential partners (research and business innovation partners) in view of forming consortia for project proposals; awareness raising actions targeting the EU and international research community on the OR expertise and capacities. 4

5 Impact Increasing the participation of OR in RTD Framework Programmes and other research projects. Reinforce the visibility and recognition of OR R&I expertise and capacities and strengthen links with European and international research centres. Set up of consortia to prepare research proposals, including European and/or third country researchers. Improvement of research capacities in OR and emergence of sustainable R&I ecosystems. Identification of research challenges/missions relevant for the needs and innovation potential of OR and their S3 priorities - to ensure maximum impact, participants are expected to build on a proven track record of on-the-field experience in OR R&Is systems 5

6 Eligible costs In general costs relating to administration, networking, coordination, training, management, travel costs are acceptable; For personnel of all beneficiaries regardless of their function (researchers, administration, management) subject to conditions set in Article 6 of the Model Grant Agreement; Of particular interest for the R&I communities in OR: short term staff exchanges; expert visits and short term on site or virtual training; conference attendance; organisation of joint summer school type activities; dissemination and outreach activities. 6

7 Eligible costs (2) Though eligible, given the objectives of the call, any costs under the following categories shall be minor and duly justified in proposals: Infrastructure costs; Equipment. Ineligible costs: under this topic research costs 7

8 Call conditions In order to ensure maximum impact participants are expected to build on a proven track record of on-the-field experience in OR R&Is systems project duration up to three years EU contribution up to EUR 4 million. Call opening date: 05 Dec 2017 Call deadline: 10 Apr 2018 8

9 Learn more about the call:
Find the Work Programme & FAQs in the Participant Portal at: THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION!

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