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Ch. 2 Lesson 1 How are animals grouped?

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Presentation on theme: "Ch. 2 Lesson 1 How are animals grouped?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch. 2 Lesson 1 How are animals grouped?

2 Needs of animals :

3 1. water

4 2. oxygen

5 3. food

6 4. shelter

7 vertebrate animal with a backbone

8 trait body feature passed on to an animal from it’s parents
ex: fish’s gills

9 fish have fins & scales breathe thru. gills

10 feed milk to their young have hair or fur ex: dog, cat
mammals feed milk to their young have hair or fur ex: dog, cat

11 reptile dry, scaly skin ex: snake

12 amphibian born in water & most adults live on land smooth, moist skin
ex: frog

13 bird hollow bones- help make birds light enough to fly

14 Kid's Corner - Animal Characteristics Game


16 water oxygen food shelter

17 vertebrate animal with a backbone

18 Name that vertebrate...

19 mammal

20 fish Has fins & scales

21 bird Hollow bones help them to fly

22 bird

23 mammal feed milk to their young

24 amphibian lives in water after hatching from an egg and then lives on land

25 reptile dry, scaly skin

26 Vertebrates animals with a backbone
amphibian-frog reptile-iguana bird-penguin mammal-hamster fish-shark

27 animal without a backbone
invertebrate animal without a backbone

28 sea jellies soft bodies long, stinging body parts jellyfish

29 worms long soft bodies no legs earthworm

30 mollusks soft bodies many have hard shells octopus, snail, clam

31 arthropods legs with joints wear skeletons on outside insect, crab
My name is Art Thro Pod.

32 Name that invertebrate...

33 sea jellies soft bodies long, stinging body parts

34 worms long soft bodies no legs

35 worms earthworm

36 sea jellies

37 arthropods

38 wear skeletons on outside
arthropods legs with joints wear skeletons on outside

39 mollusks

40 mollusks soft bodies many have hard shells

41 Draw and label 2 pictures of each type of vertebrate.
Fish Amphibian Reptile Bird Mammal fish frog newt seahorse

42 vertebrates invertebrates

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