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FY2018 Continuum of Care (CoC)

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Presentation on theme: "FY2018 Continuum of Care (CoC)"— Presentation transcript:

1 FY2018 Continuum of Care (CoC)
NOFA Process Concetta Scerbo, CFTH

2 Agenda NOFA Overview HUD Policy Priorities The Way Home CoC Priorities
Things to Note in FY18 Competition Changes in this NOFA

3 CoC Program Description
As stated in FY2018 NOFA: “The CoC Program is designed to promote a community-wide commitment to the goal of ending homelessness; to provide funding…to quickly re-house homeless…while minimizing the trauma and dislocation caused by homelessness; to promote access to and effective utilization of mainstream programs by homeless; and to optimize self-sufficiency among those experiencing homelessness.”

4 HUD Policy Priorities End homelessness for ALL persons
Create a systemic response to homelessness Use a Housing First Approach Rapid placement and stabilization in PH No service participation requirements or preconditions Remove barriers to entry Strategic allocation and use of resources

5 The Way Home CoC Priorities
What about YYA?

6 Solo Applicants Project applicants that believe they were denied the opportunity to participate in the local CoC planning process in a reasonable manner and were rejected or reallocated by the CoC may appeal the rejection directly to HUD by submitting a Solo Applicant project application in e-snaps prior to the application deadline of September 18, 2018 by 8:00 PM Eastern time. Any project applicant that intends to submit as a Solo Applicant must adhere to the Solo Applicant submission information outlined in Section X.C of this NOFA to be considered. HUD will not consider any Solo Applicant that does not meet all requirements outlined in Section X.C of this NOFA. (page 77)

7 Racial Disparity Research has found racial disparities in rates of homelessness. Specifically, blacks and Native Americans experience homelessness at disproportionately higher rates. Efforts to prevent and end homelessness should consider and address racial inequities to achieve positive outcomes for all persons experiencing homelessness (e.g., receiving necessary services and housing to exit homelessness).

8 Changes in FY18 CoC NOFA Bonus specifically for DV Providers in addition to Bonus for ALL Providers Expansion Changes Consolidation of similar projects DURING application process If you remember, GIW process didn’t allow consolidations – now is the time to make those consolidations Transition grants from one eligible component to another

9 DV Bonus Up to 3 separate DV specific projects
May apply for up to 10% of PPRN ($3,322,325) Eligible Components RRH Joint TH-RRH SSO for Coordinated Access Term is limited to 1-year Only one application PER component type Can submit more than 3, but lowest ranking application will be competed against the CoC’s General Bonus amount

10 New Projects Funding Available
Bonus Funding Available – 6% of FPRN $1,993,395 Reallocation Funding Available Reallocation & Reduction Policy

11 Expansion Project Eligible under Bonus
Expand current renewal projects to Increase units, beds, services, or persons served Must be same component as renewal RRH can only expand RRH PSH can only expand PSH Non-CoC Funded Project Expansion Can request CoC Funds to add to homeless project funded by other funds “…prohibited from using CoC Funds to replace state and local funds.”

12 Consolidation of Projects
Consolidate DURING the application process Up to 4 renewal projects can consolidate into 1 renewal project Eligibility Same Recipient Same Component Type Limitations Outstanding audit/monitoring findings

13 Transition Grants Project applicants can transition an existing renewable component (ex: TH) to another component (ex: PH-RRH). Same recipient for the one being eliminated Must wholly eliminated one or more projects to create the single, new transition grant

14 The Way Home CoC Ranking Policy
Renewal Scoring Rubric As was communicated throughout the year, ranking will be by overall score rather regardless of project type, with exceptions to protected TH, SSO-CA and HMIS projects. Measures were Implemented due to NOFA Requirements Cost Effectiveness DV Specific Questions

15 The Way Home CoC Scoring
APRs June 1, 2017 – May 31, 2018 Scoring Rubric & Criteria Renewal New Projects

16 Funding Tier 1 & Tier 2 Tier 1 Tier 2 94% of ARD - $31,169,124
6% of ARD ($1,989,519) plus any Bonus If a project straddles Tier 1 and Tier 2, HUD will conditionally select the project up to the amount of funding that falls within Tier 1.

17 CoC Application Checklist
Read what you are signing! Agencies will be upheld to all aspects of the attachments including: Coordinated Access referrals ONLY DV Coordinated Access Policy Addendum forthcoming PIT volunteers HUD Equal Access Rule Housing First Chronically Homeless Prioritizations

18 CoC Application Checklist
Documents on list are due electronically to by August 12, 2018 at 12PM. Save as separate files

19 Application Details Must be consistent with GIW
Renewal applications will have an FY17 start date before 12/31/2018 and an expiration date in Calendar Year 2019 One year only All PSH beds not dedicated to Chronically Homeless ARE prioritized for CH per CoC Policy

20 Things to Note VAWA – Grants awarded under this NOFA will be the first grant required to comply with the VAWA rule. CoC Transfer Plan Environmental Requirements All scattered-site projects where participants choose their own unit will only need to submit an Exempt/CENST form for each project rather than each unit.

21 Things to Note HUD forms are embedded in ESNAPS project application and not attachments Grants that have renewed at least once, that have not been amended or consolidated, may ‘submit without changes’

22 CoC Important Dates Located on the website
Check to make sure you are working with the latest version

23 Steps for New Applications
New Projects for Bonus OR Reallocation Concetta Scerbo is the Point of Contact Technical Assistance Mandatory Sign-up Online per posted schedule Input into e-Snaps per posted schedule Presentations per posted schedule

24 How to Register Your Project
eSNAPS Website

25 Contact Information Skype:

26 Important Websites eSNAPS HUD AAQ Coalition for the Homeless
HUD AAQ Coalition for the Homeless


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