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Think big, really BIG!. Think big, really BIG!

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Presentation on theme: "Think big, really BIG!. Think big, really BIG!"— Presentation transcript:


2 Think big, really BIG!

3 Limitless spaces, Limitless possibilities

4 How big is YOUR space?

5 Full Open Free . . .

6 What gets in your way?

7 Shame? Materialism? Addictions?

8 Is your God the real deal?

9 In him we live, and move, and have our being. Acts 17:28

10 When you live in Jesus, you enter a larger, freer world.

11 In the cross, we are free from guilt, fear, and other entanglements.

12 Live where love, kindness, unselfishness, beauty, faithfulness run wild!

13 Purposeful lives of freedom and joy!





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