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Drill - Coaching Tips.

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1 Drill - Coaching Tips

2 Handgrip

3 HANDGRIP – Drill Requirements from the Technical Handbook
Hands will be closed, but not clenched. The fingers will rest lightly but flat on the palm of the hand, suitably positioned for the fingernails to be visible. Thumb lying naturally straight over the crook of the index finger. Wrists straight, an imaginary line through the centre of the forearm will pass through the centre of both the wrist and the hand. Thumb always facing directly to the front during the forward swing of the arms. Due to the naturally slight turn of the elbow on the rear swing the thumb may appear to turn slightly inwards.

4 Judging Factors from the Technical Handbook
HANDGRIP – Judging Factors from the Technical Handbook Hands closed, but not clenched Natural thumb to front Thumb lying naturally straight Wrists straight

5 HANDGRIP – Correct Positions
Hands will be closed, but not clenched. The fingers will rest lightly but flat on the palm of the hand, suitably positioned for the fingernails to be visible. Thumb lying naturally straight over the crook of the index finger. With Position of Attention – Back of the index finger lightly brushing the skirt/garment. Thumb level with the outside centre of the thigh, and pointing at the ground directly below. With armswing – Wrists straight, an imaginary line through the centre of the forearm will pass through the centre of both the wrist and hand. Thumb always facing directly to the front during the forward swing of the arms. On the rear swing the thumb may appear to turn slightly inwards.

6 HANDGRIP – Incorrect Drill
Drill Requirement – Thumb lying naturally straight over the crook of the index finger. Incorrect Drill Judging Factors – Thumb lying naturally straight Drill Requirement – The fingers will rest lightly but flat on the palm of the hand, suitably positioned for the fingernails to be visible. Incorrect Drill Judging Factors – Hands closed but not clenched Drill Requirement – An imaginary line through the centre of the forearm will pass through the centre of both the wrist and hand. Judging Factors – Wrists straight

7 ASSESSMENT What’s wrong with this drill?
Back of the index finger lightly brushing the skirt/garment. Incorrect Drill Thumb level with the outside centre of the thigh, and pointing at the ground directly below. Incorrect Drill

8 ASSESSMENT What’s wrong with this drill?
Back of the index finger lightly brushing the skirt/garment. Thumb level with the outside centre of the thigh, and pointing at the ground directly below.

9 Mark Times

10 MARKTIMES – Drill Requirements from the Technical Handbook
Feet will be raised alternately, meaning one foot action will complete before the other one starts. The leg and foot will be lifted to the Line of March. As the knee is raised, the toe will be left behind until the required foot angle of the Mark Time is achieved. This will be maintained until the toe returns to the ground. In the raised position the tip of the toe will be immediately below the tip of the knee. The foot will be at an angle to the ground at a minimum height of at least 15cm. (Such height need not be consistent from movement to movement)

11 Judging Factors from the Technical Handbook
MARKTIMES – Judging Factors from the Technical Handbook To (Angle/Direct) AT (Angle/Hgt/Posn) FROM (Direct To Stat. Posn Transfer Weight) 1KNOB Timing (smooth/on beat) Relative Attention On/spot

12 MARKTIMES – Correct Positions
Commencing from the correct – Attention or, Stationary Position The Mark Time “At” Position – The leg and foot will be lifted to the Line of March. As the knee is raised, the toe will be left behind until the required foot angle of the Mark Time is achieved. In the raised position the tip of the toe will be immediately below the tip of the knee. The foot will be at an angle to the ground at a minimum height of at least 15cm. Lowering to the ground – The foot angle of the Mark Time will be maintained until the toe returns to the ground. Feet will be raised alternately, meaning one foot action will complete before the other one starts.

13 MARKTIMES – Incorrect Drill
Drill Requirement – In the raised position the tip of the toe will be immediately below the tip of the knee. Judging Factor – AT (Angle/Hgt/Posn) Drill Requirement – The leg and foot will be lifted to the Line of March. Judging Factors – To (Angle/Direct) AT (Angle/Hgt/Posn)

14 ASSESSMENT What’s wrong with this drill?
Relative Attention On/Spot – Handgrip 1KNOB – Back Knee Bent AT – Tip of Toe Under Knee

15 ASSESSMENT What’s wrong with this drill? 1KNOB – Back Knee Bent
Relative Attention On/Spot – Handgrip AT – Tip of Toe Under Knee

16 Position of Attention

17 POSITION OF ATTENTION – Drill Requirements from the Technical Handbook
FEET: Heels together and in line. (ie. It is not required that the heel platform be touching, only some portion of the heel structure of the boot.) Feet turned out at an angle of at least five degrees each from the Lines of March unless specified otherwise – ie Stationary position. LEGS: Knees naturally straight.

18 POSITION OF ATTENTION – Correct Positions – Feet & Legs
Heels together and in line. (ie. It is not required that the heel platform be touching, only some portion of the heel structure of the boot.) Feet turned out at an angle of at least five degrees each from the Lines of March unless specified otherwise – ie Stationary position. LEGS: Naturally Straight

19 POSITION OF ATTENTION – Drill Requirements from the Technical Handbook
BODY: In fully erect posture, a line dropped from the ear would go through: 1. The tip of the shoulder. 2. Middle of the hip. 3. Back of the knee cap. 4. Front of the ankle bone. Body carried evenly over both thighs, with the hips directed over the front of the heels. The chest will sit squarely over the pelvis, and not be pushed forward or sunken. The head will be balanced directly over the trunk. Shoulders, which will be level and square to the front, down and moderately back, to form a fairly flat area across the shoulder blades and back of the shoulders.

20 POSITION OF ATTENTION – Correct Positions - Body
In fully erect posture, a line dropped from the ear would go through The tip of the shoulder, Middle of the hip, Back of the knee cap and front of the ankle bone. Body carried evenly over both thighs, with the hips directed over the front of the heels. The chest will sit squarely over the pelvis, and not be pushed forward or sunken. The head will be balanced directly over the trunk. Shoulders, which will be level and square to the front, down and moderately back, to form a fairly flat area across the shoulder blades and back of the shoulders.

21 POSITION OF ATTENTION – Drill Requirements from the Technical Handbook
ARMS: Arms hanging from the shoulders as straight as the natural bend of the arm will permit. HANDS: Hands closed, but not clenched. Thumb lying naturally straight over the crook of the index finger. Back of the index finger lightly brushing the skirt/garment. Thumb level with the outside centre of the thigh, and pointing at the ground directly below. When the fingers are in position, the fingers will rest lightly on the palm of the hand with the fingers flat, so that if the arm was moved from the position, the fingernails would be visible. Wrists straight. An imaginary line should pass through the centre of the forearm and through the centres of both wrist and hand.

22 POSITION OF ATTENTION – Correct Positions – Arms & Hands
ARMS: Arms hanging from the shoulders as straight as the natural bend of the arm will permit. HANDS: Hands closed, but not clenched. Thumb lying naturally straight over the crook of the index finger. Back of the index finger lightly brushing the skirt/garment. Thumb level with the outside centre of the thigh, and pointing at the ground directly below. When the fingers are in position, the fingers will rest lightly on the palm of the hand with the fingers flat, so that if the arm was moved from the position, the fingernails would be visible. Wrists straight. An imaginary line should pass through the centre of the forearm and through the centres of both wrist and hand.

23 POSITION OF ATTENTION – Drill Requirements from the Technical Handbook
HEAD & EYES: Head balanced evenly on the neck. Neck in as straight a line as possible with the spine. Chin held in without strain at about 90 degrees to the neck, bringing the bottom of the chin about parallel with the ground. Eyes focused directly ahead and will not give the appearance of looking down or up. GENERAL: The weight of the body will be balanced over the feet and evenly distributed between the fore part of the feet and the heels. Breathing will not in any way be restricted. Proper breathing whilst marching is essential. It prevents the marcher tiring and helps the flow of movement.

24 POSITION OF ATTENTION – Correct Positions – Head & Eyes
HEAD & EYES: Head balanced evenly on the neck. Neck in as straight a line as possible with the spine. Chin held in without strain at about 90 degrees to the neck, bringing the bottom of the chin about parallel with the ground. Eyes focused directly ahead and will not give the appearance of looking down or up. GENERAL: The weight of the body will be balanced over the feet and evenly distributed between the fore part of the feet and the heels. Breathing will not in any way be restricted. Proper breathing whilst marching is essential. It prevents the marcher tiring and helps the flow of movement.

25 POSITION OF ATTENTION – Judging Factors from the Technical Handbook
Foot position – heels in line, feet/angles Knees straight Body stretched, weight centred Head balanced, eyes looking ahead Arms straight, thumb in the centre of leg Hand position

26 ASSESSMENT What is wrong with this drill?
In fully erect posture, a line dropped fro the ear would go through, the tip of the shoulder, middle of the hip back of the knee cap and front of the ankle bone. Body carried evenly over both thighs. Leaning forward = Drill Incorrect Heels together and in line. Not in line = Drill Incorrect Feet turned out at an angle of at least 5° No angle = Drill Incorrect

27 ASSESSMENT What is wrong with this drill?
ARMS: Arms hanging from the shoulders as straight as the natural bend of the arm will permit. Nothing - Drill is correct – arm is “naturally straight” HANDS: the fingers will rest lightly on the palm of the hand with the fingers flat, so that if the arm was moved from the position, the fingernails would be visible. Incorrect drill. Thumb level with the outside centre of the thigh, and pointing at the ground directly below. Incorrect drill. Wrists straight. An imaginary line should pass through the centre of the forearm and through the centres of both wrist and hand. Incorrect drill.

28 ASSESSMENT What is wrong with this drill?
HEAD & EYES: Head balanced evenly on the neck. Chin held in without strain at about 90 degrees to the neck Incorrect Drill Chin held in without strain at about 90 degrees to the neck, bringing the bottom of the chin about parallel with the ground. Eyes focused directly ahead and will not give the appearance of looking down or up Incorrect Drill

29 Head and Eyes / Head Turns

30 HEAD AND EYES / HEAD TURNS – Drill Requirements from the Technical Handbook
Neck in as straight a line as possible with the spine. Chin held in without strain at about 90°to the neck, bottom of the chin parallel with the ground. Eyes focussed directly ahead Head Turn At the Halt = One beat of quick time On the march, the head turn will complete, in conjunction with the foot contacting the ground in tempo. Heads will turn to a position of one eye being in alignment with the front of the shoulder On the March – one half-beat of quick time from mid-stance to end of pace

Judging Factors from the Technical Handbook Head balanced Neck straight Chin in/angle/neck Eyes focused directly ahead 4WS (Four Way Stretch) Head Position Timing

32 HEAD AND EYES / HEAD TURNS – Correct Positions
Neck straight. Chin held in and 90°to the neck, bringing the bottom of the chin parallel with the ground. Eyes focused directly ahead. Head Turns – Heads will turn to a position of one eye being in alignment with the front of the shoulder.

33 ASSESSMENT – What’s wrong with this drill?
Drill Requirement = Heads will turn to a position of one eye being in alignment with the front of the shoulder. Incorrect Drill

34 Salute at the Halt

35 SALUTE AT THE HALT – Drill Requirements from the Technical Handbook
The right hand will be brought as close to the head as the headwear will allow, palm to the front, fingers extended together, point of the fore-finger about 3cm above the right eye or on to the leading edge of peaked headwear (the centre of the peak). The thumb will be alongside the fore-finger and the elbow will be in line and square with the shoulder alignment. Tips of the fingers, wrist and elbow as near as possible in a straight line. The timing for the Salute at the Halt will be: Beat 1: UP Beat 2 & 3: STATIC POSE Beat 4: DOWN

36 Judging Factors from the Technical Handbook
SALUTE AT THE HALT – Judging Factors from the Technical Handbook 4WS (Four Way Stretch) Action Up Hand/Wrist Position Pause 2 Action Down Timing

37 SALUTE AT THE HALT – Correct Positions
The Salute at the Halt Action Up (“To”) – Raise the opening hand, knuckles facing upwards, with a straight arm in a circular motion, so that the elbow remains in line with the shoulder alignment and when the arm is about parallel to the ground, turn the palm to the front, flex the arm sufficiently to achieve the hand position.

38 SALUTE AT THE HALT – Correct Positions
The “At” Position – In the Attention or The Stationary Position Action Down – The folding down of the arm, will be made by the shortest route, at the same time closing the hand to arrive at the Position of Attention.

39 ASSESSMENT – What’s wrong with this drill?
Drill Requirement – In the raised position the tips of the fingers, wrist and elbow as near as possible in a straight line. Judging Factors – Salute position Drill Requirement – The right hand will be brought as close to the head as the headwear will allow, palm to the front, fingers extended together, point of the fore- finger about 3cm above the right eye or on to the leading edge of peaked headwear (the centre of the peak) Judging Factors – Hand/Wrist/Shoulder alignment

40 Armswing

41 ARMSWING – Drill Requirements from the Technical Handbook
Arms will swing as straight as the natural bend will allow in a smooth even speed in conjunction with the opposite feet. They will continually move in their own line of swing. When the left foot swings forward the left arm swings backwards. Shoulders will be level and square to the front. Arms naturally straight reach the extended position on the emphasis of the beat. The arm timing will be uniform within the unit. The height of the arms is relative to the length of pace taken, unless specified otherwise. The height may vary within a group but the angle achieved by the arms to the body will be relatively the same.

42 Judging Factors from the Technical Handbook
ARMSWING – Judging Factors from the Technical Handbook LOS (Line of Swing) Timing Height Hands / Wrists Smooth Even

43 ARMSWING – Correct Positions
Extended Position – In the fully opened out position attained (point of shoulders level and square to the front) by the arms and legs when completely extended to meet the specified pace length. This always occurs on the emphasis of the beat. The height of the arms is relative to the length of pace taken, unless specified otherwise. Height & Direction– The height may vary within a group but the angle achieved by the arms to the body will be relatively the same. The arms at the extended position when viewed from the side will have a space between the body and the elbow. Arms will move in their own line of swing

44 ARMSWING – Correct Drill
Drill Requirement – Arms will swing in their own line of swing and will reach the extended position on the emphasis of the beat. The timing will be uniform within the unit. Judging Factors – LOS, Timing, Height Drill Requirement – Arms will swing in a smooth even speed in conjunction with the feet. Wrists straight Judging Factors – Hands/Wrists, Smooth, Even

45 ASSESSMENT – What’s wrong with this drill?
Drill Requirement – Arms will swing in their own line of swing Judging Factors – LOS

46 ASSESSMENT – What’s wrong with this drill?
Drill Requirement – The height may vary within a group but the angle achieved by the arms to the body will be relatively the same. Judging Factors – Height

47 Leg Foot Action

48 LEG FOOT ACTION – Drill Requirements from the Technical Handbook
The speed of the pace will be even from start to finish and the platform of the heel with strike the ground on the emphasis of the beat. The pace will be the stipulated length. The Arms will swing alternately with the action of the legs. Both knees straight in the extended position. Each leg will swing straight below the hip and in line of march. The raising and lowering of the hip will allow the leg to swing smoothly through mid-swing unimpeded, without bending both knees (heel just clear of the ground). Toes will be pointing straight ahead, in line of march, and will be in alignment with the knee.

49 LEG FOOT ACTION – Drill Requirements from the Technical Handbook
Footwear: Should have cushioned heels and soles, for bounce on hard surfaces and traction on slippery ones. There should be about half a centimetre of room between the toes and the shoes. The toe-box should not rub against the foot. Timing: The speed of the step out pace will be even from start to finish; the rear half of the platform of the heel will contact the ground surface lightly but firmly on the musical emphasis of the beat, and the pace will be the stipulated length. NB Arms will commence to swing simultaneously with the commencement of the heel lift of the propelling foot. They will swing alternately with the action of the legs. The swing of one arm will mirror that of the other.

50 Generalities: 1. The leg is the part between the hip and the ankle, consequently any swing of the leg stems from the hip with no imbalance in the gait Each leg will swing straight below the hip and at ‘heel strike’ legs will be appropriately apart, so that the feet fall directly below the hips The hip regions should rotate. The raising and lowering action combined during the foot into with a reduction in the leg / foot angle and a relaxation of the knee, will allow the leg to swing smoothly through mid-swing unimpeded (heel just clear of the ground). The action of one leg will mirror the action of the other The foot is the part below the ankle joint and is considered a separate limb. There should be flexibility so that the feet do not appear mere extensions of the legs When marching the feet are moved forward successively without taking both feet off the ground at any one time or bending both knees simultaneously. Each foot will rise the same distance off the ground, so that one foot is not dragging in comparison to the other Toes will be pointing straight ahead, in line of march, and will be in alignment with the knee. The toe is the part of the boot which covers the toes, this commences at the base of the big toe to the end of the footwear. NB If the hand is cupped over the fore-part of the boot, placing the fore-finger on the base of the big toe, it will cover the ‘toe of the boot’ In marching, the body weight meets the ground at the heel and is transmitted evenly along the outer border of the foot thence across the line of metatarsal heads. This rolling forward onto the ball of the foot occurs during the foot into, simulating the action of a wheel. The rolling progressive action cannot occur in a foot that is rigid. A properly functioning foot alters its shape with every step, to accommodate the ground surfaces.

51 Judging Factors from the Technical Handbook
LEG FOOT ACTION – Judging Factors from the Technical Handbook 4WS (Four Way Stretch) LOM (Line of March) Platform 1KNOB (One Knee only Bent) Just Clear Heel / Toe Even Length Even Action Smooth Timing Extended Position

52 LEG FOOT ACTION – Correct Positions
Leg and Foot Action – Each leg will swing below the hip and at “heel strike” will be apart, with knees straight. The raising and lowering action of the hip combined with the foot into will allow the leg to swing smoothly through mid-swing unimpeded. The action of one leg will mirror the action of the other. The feet are moved forward successively without taking both feet off the ground or bending both knees simultaneously. Each foot will rise the same distance off the ground, so that one foot is not dragging in comparison to the other. Toes will be pointing straight ahead, in line of march, and will be in alignment with the knee.

53 LEG FOOT ACTION – Incorrect Drill
Drill Requirement – the platform of the heel with strike the ground on the emphasis of the beat. Judging Factors –Heel/Toe

54 ASSESSMENT – What’s wrong with this drill?
Drill Requirement - The raising and lowering of the hip will allow the leg to swing smoothly through mid-swing unimpeded, without bending both knees (heel just clear of the ground). The hip regions should rotate. The raising and lowering action combined during the foot into with a reduction in the leg / foot angle and a relaxation of the knee, will allow the leg to swing smoothly through mid-swing unimpeded (heel just clear of the ground).

55 ASSESSMENT – What’s wrong with this drill?
Drill Requirement - The raising and lowering of the hip will allow the leg to swing smoothly through mid-swing unimpeded, without bending both knees (heel just clear of the ground). The hip regions should rotate. The raising and lowering action combined during the foot into with a reduction in the leg / foot angle and a relaxation of the knee, will allow the leg to swing smoothly through mid-swing unimpeded (heel just clear of the ground).

56 Foot Positions for Drills

57 FOOT POSITIONS FOR DRILL – Drill Requirements from the Technical Handbook
Attention Position – Heels together and in line. Feet turned out at an angle of at least 5°each from the lines of March. Stationary Position – This is the position of Attention, except the feet will be in Line of March, toes in line and where it is required that more than one member of the Team execute identical drill, then such will be uniform. Position No 1 – The foot will rest (directed to the line of march) sufficiently to the front of the other foot so that if the feet were pressed together, the instep of the front foot would fit into the width of the ball of the other foot.

58 FOOT POSITIONS FOR DRILL – Drill Requirements from the Technical Handbook
Foot Front Position No 2 – Both feet will be in their own Line of March, weight over the back foot. The distance from toe to toe will be about 30cm and uniform. Foot Position No 3 – The front foot will be about 30cm ahead and in the Line of March of the back foot. The distance will be measured from toe to toe. Reversed Leg Position No 4 – The left foot, pointing to the front, will be about 30cm ahead of and sufficiently to the right of the right foot. The distance will be measured from toe to toe. The ball of the left foot will be on the ground and the heel may be raised or the foot flat on the ground.

Judging Factors from the Technical Handbook 4WS (Four Way Stretch) Knees straight Heel Raised / Foot Flat Relative Attention Weight Foot positions Timing

60 FOOT POSITIONS FOR DRILL – Correct Positions
Stationary Position – This is the position of Attention, except the feet will be in Line of March, toes in line and where it is required that more than one member of the Team execute identical drill, then such will be uniform. Attention Position – Heels together and in line. Feet turned out at an angle of at least 5°each from the lines of March.

61 FOOT POSITIONS FOR DRILL – Correct Positions
Foot Position No 1 The foot will rest (directed to the line of march) sufficiently to the front of the other foot so that if the feet were pressed together, the instep of the front foot would fit into the width of the ball of the other foot. Foot Position No 2 Both feet will be in own Line of March, weight over the back foot. The distance from toe to toe will be about 30cm.

62 FOOT POSITIONS FOR DRILL – Correct Positions
Foot Position No 3 The front foot will be about 30cm ahead and in the Line of March of the back foot. The distance will be measured from toe to toe and will be uniform. Foot Position No 4 The left foot, pointing to the front, will be about 30cm ahead of and sufficiently to the right of the right foot The distance will be measured from toe to toe. The ball of the left foot will be on the ground and the heel may be raised or the foot flat on the ground.

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