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Copyright 2005 Prentice- Hall, Inc.

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1 Copyright 2005 Prentice- Hall, Inc.

2 Motivating And Leading Employees
Chapter 9 Motivating And Leading Employees

3 Copyright 2005 Prentice- Hall, Inc.
Chapter Outline Psychological Contracts In Organizations Importance of Satisfaction & Morale Motivation In The Workplace Strategies For Enhancing Job Satisfaction & Motivation Managerial Styles & Leadership Copyright 2005 Prentice- Hall, Inc.

4 Psychological Contract
Employee’s Contributions Organization’s Inducements Human Relations- Interaction Of Employees With Company And Each Other Job Satisfaction/Morale/Turnover Organizational Success Copyright 2005 Prentice- Hall, Inc.

5 Trends In Satisfaction & Morale
Massive Layoffs/Cutbacks Improving Economy Could Mean Reduced Morale Reinstate Benefits Copyright 2005 Prentice- Hall, Inc.

6 High Priorities For Today’s Workforce
Family Orientation Sense Of Community Quality Of Life Issues Volunteerism Autonomy Flexibility & Nonconformity Source: TEC- Chief Executives Working Together, “Best Practices: Employee Retention- A Changing Workforce and Workplace”, Copyright 2005 Prentice- Hall, Inc.

7 Compensation & Benefits Importance
High Low Source: “Federal Human Capital Survey (2002), Survey of Employees of Federal Government Agencies, Copyright 2005 Prentice- Hall, Inc.

8 Copyright 2005 Prentice- Hall, Inc.
Workplace Motivation Motivation- Forces Affecting People’s Behavior Classical Theory/Scientific Management Behavior Theory Contemporary Motivational Theories Copyright 2005 Prentice- Hall, Inc.

9 Copyright 2005 Prentice- Hall, Inc.
Classical Theory Frederick Taylor (1911) More Money = Greater Motivation Efficient Company = Higher Profits & Pay Time-And-Motion Study Copyright 2005 Prentice- Hall, Inc.

10 Copyright 2005 Prentice- Hall, Inc.
Behavior Theory Hawthorne Studies (1925) Physical Environment Changes Affect Worker Output Increased Pay =Greater Motivation Hawthorne Effect Copyright 2005 Prentice- Hall, Inc.

11 Source Of McGregor’s Selection Of “X & Y”
McGregor Theory (XY) Y Focus Is On People Source Of McGregor’s Selection Of “X & Y” People Orientation Focus Is The Work X Work Orientation Copyright 2005 Prentice- Hall, Inc.

12 Copyright 2005 Prentice- Hall, Inc.
Theories X & Y (1960) Copyright 2005 Prentice- Hall, Inc.

13 Copyright 2005 Prentice- Hall, Inc.
Hierarchy Of Needs (1954) Copyright 2005 Prentice- Hall, Inc.

14 Job Satisfaction Depends On Two Factors
Two-Factor Theory(1959) Job Satisfaction Depends On Two Factors Copyright 2005 Prentice- Hall, Inc.

15 Copyright 2005 Prentice- Hall, Inc.
Expectancy Theory Victor Vroom (1964) People Work Towards Rewards Copyright 2005 Prentice- Hall, Inc.

16 Copyright 2005 Prentice- Hall, Inc.
Equity Theory J. Stacey Adams (1963) People Evaluate Their Treatment By Organization Copyright 2005 Prentice- Hall, Inc.

17 Reinforcement/Behavior Modification Theory
B.F. Skinner (1957) Reinforcement Piecework Performance = Rewards Punishment = Negative Reinforcement Copyright 2005 Prentice- Hall, Inc.

18 Management By Objectives
Peter Drucker (1954) Collaborative Goal Setting Copyright 2005 Prentice- Hall, Inc.

19 Recent Management Styles
Participative Management Or Employee Empowerment Employees Receive Greater Responsibility Employees Feel More Committed To Organization Team Management- Employees Given Decision-Making Responsibility Some Employees Frustrated By Increased Responsibility Copyright 2005 Prentice- Hall, Inc.

20 Job Enrichment/ Job Enlargement
Copyright 2005 Prentice- Hall, Inc.

21 Copyright 2005 Prentice- Hall, Inc.
Job Redesign Employee A Employee A Task 1 Task 1 Task 2 Task 4 Task 3 Task 6 Employee B Employee B Task 4 Task 2 & 3 Task 5 Task 5 Task 6 Copyright 2005 Prentice- Hall, Inc.

22 Modified Work Schedules
Work-Share Flextime Telecommuting/Virtual Office Advantages Employee Freedom/Control Of Life Improves Individual Productivity Disadvantages Complex Coordination Difficult To Keep Accurate Records Copyright 2005 Prentice- Hall, Inc.

23 Copyright 2005 Prentice- Hall, Inc.
Flextime Schedule Copyright 2005 Prentice- Hall, Inc.

24 Questions For Telecommuters
Can I Manage Deadlines? Can I Be Without The Social Context Of The Office? Networking Advancement What Will Be The Impact On My Family? Copyright 2005 Prentice- Hall, Inc.

25 Managerial Styles & Leadership
Managerial Styles- Patterns Of Management Behavior In Dealing With Employees Leadership- Motivating Others To Work Copyright 2005 Prentice- Hall, Inc.

26 Copyright 2005 Prentice- Hall, Inc.
Autocratic Style Issue Orders Expect Them To Be Followed Rapid Decision-Making Copyright 2005 Prentice- Hall, Inc.

27 Copyright 2005 Prentice- Hall, Inc.
Democratic Style Ask For Input From Subordinates Retains Final Authority Copyright 2005 Prentice- Hall, Inc.

28 Copyright 2005 Prentice- Hall, Inc.
Free-Rein Style Manager Is Advisor To Subordinates Subordinates Make Decisions Fosters Creativity Copyright 2005 Prentice- Hall, Inc.

29 Copyright 2005 Prentice- Hall, Inc.
Contingency Style No Specific Style Used All The Time Situation Dictates Manager’s Leadership Style Different Cultures Have Varying Expectations Of Leaders Copyright 2005 Prentice- Hall, Inc.

30 21st Century Leadership/Management
Motivation Money No Longer Prime Different Desires At Work Varying Lifestyles Reflect Varying Goals Of Employee Leadership Flatter Organizations = Less Autocratic Diversity Of Workplace = Diversity Of Leaders Network Mentality Copyright 2005 Prentice- Hall, Inc.

31 What Workers Want Most From Work
Copyright 2005 Prentice- Hall, Inc.

32 Federal Workplace Diversity
Source: “Federal Human Capital Survey (2002), Survey of Employees of Federal Government Agencies, Copyright 2005 Prentice- Hall, Inc.

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