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Presentation on theme: "MATERIAL CONTROL’S RECEIVING AND TURN-IN PROCEDURES"— Presentation transcript:

DISCUSSION: - Introduce chapter and its significance to day to day operations. TOPIC 11.6

2 TERMINAL OBJECTIVE 34.0 IDENTIFY the purpose of the Aviation Material Control and the relationships and responsibilities for maintaining Material Control in accordance with the Naval Aviation Maintenance Program (NAMP). DISCUSSION: - Introduce terminal objective

3 Enabling Objectives 34.13 SELECT Material Control’s responsibilities when receiving material in accordance with the NAMP. 34.14 SELECT the purpose of the proof of turn-in file. 34.15 SELECT the form that will accompany all retrograde components to the Intermediate Maintenance Activity (IMA). 34.16 SELECT the cards that must accompany equipments/components to the IMA. 34.17 SELECT the purpose of the Aeronautical Material Screening Unit (AMSU). DISCUSSION: - Introduce enabling objectives and explain.

DISCUSSION: - Introduce pub references.

5 Maintenance/Material
RECEIPT Verify Process Determine Maintenance/Material Control (SQD) Deliver Obtain ASD File DISCUSSION: - Discuss steps that must be followed in the receipt process. Eliminating any of these steps could affect inventory, OPTAR budget, or degrade mission capability. MC MDU

6 Retrograde Turn-In Protection Turn-IN VIDS/MAF Sign File DISCUSSION:
- The AVDLR/DLR program must be managed effectively since it involves high value dollar component. Adequate protection, use of right container, proper documentations, and obtaining signature file are all essential to the proper management of repairables.

7 Examples of Packaging Discrepancies
Circuit Card & Plain Air Cap REFERENCE: NAVSUP P-485, PARA 4274(QDR) NAVSUP P-485, PARA 4270, NAVSUPINST (TDR) NAVSUPINST , FASOINST (ROD) Arrows point to impact areas between the asset and the platform corners DISCUSSION POINTS: ESDS circuit card exposed to Static Discharge by using plain poly bubble wrap SCADC in wrong container = platform frame + vibrations destroyed asset during shipment Packing: gyros are very sensitive! ROD Corrosion? ROD Incorrect Container

8 Examples of Packaging Discrepancies (cont.)
Improper Container/No Blocking REFERENCE: NAVSUP P-485, CH4 DISCUSSION POINTS: Example of importance of Shipping Packaging & Receiving. Crate closure nails penetrate through the crate lid and into the F-14 Rudder 20 MM cannon container too large, not blocked & braced, resulting damage to cannon and components ESD cushioning (Pink) on a Non-ESD asset (Rudder) RELATED ACTIVITY: NA REFER TO: SEE SLIDE Improper Cushioning/Wrong Closure Materials

Inadequate Container Incorrect Size Container Inadequate Blocking Or Cushioning ESD Materials Not Used Inadequate Closure Improper Strapping Incorrect/Incomplete Marking REFERENCE: NAVSUP P-485, PARA 4274(QDR) NAVSUP P-485, PARA 4270, NAVSUPINST (TDR) NAVSUPINST , FASOINST (ROD) DISCUSSION POINTS: Single wall/Double wall/Tri-wall/ Wood Crate/Skidded Crate etc. ESD Impacts Electronic Assets Gyros are very sensitive: Special Containers Corrosion Wrong Marking =Lost Assets RELATED ACTIVITY: NA REFER TO: SG CH13-30

TARP = Technical Assistance for Repairable Processing - Staffed by civilians who embark on ships during deployment. Their mission is to TRAIN SK’s (ASD/S-6) on how to properly package repairables for shipment using NAVSUP P Additionally the use of eRMS for carcass tracking. - To access the Web-based P700, go to Click on “Tools” then “P700 WebPack.”

11 NAVSUP P-700 Search Help Search by NIIN Part Number or Part Name
Type in Search Data Search Help DISCUSSION: - P-700 tells you what specific container NIIN or packaging materials are required for a specific NRFI turn-in. - Containers are free issues (6K). You can enter a NIIN (no hyphens or spaces), part number or part name. The normal query is by NIIN. Once you enter the data, click on the “Search” button. Don’t use dashes or spaces when searching using the NIIN. However, they must be used when searching by Part Number. Use the SEARCH HELP to find ways to make your search broader than a specific number. Search by NIIN Part Number or Part Name

12 NAVSUP P-700 DISCUSSION: - P-700 tells you what levels of protection are required for a specific component. Level 1 – Organization and Intermediate – Protection for NRFI DLRs in house(i.e. storerooms, AIMD).

13 NAVSUP P-700 Instructions DISCUSSION:
- Certain DLRs require the mandatory use of specially designed containers or multi-application containers to prevent damage during shipping. - If the specified mandatory container is not available, contact your local area TARP Rep or the TARP program office as shown in the text in P700 for support in determining an alternate packaging method or container. Instructions

14 Some Containers Shown as a Visual by Link
NAVSUP P-700 Some Containers Shown as a Visual by Link DISCUSSION: - In some cases, P700 will have an active link to show a visual of the required container. In the example on this slide, note the size difference between the two containers.

15 VIDS/MAF Must accompany Non-RFI Fill in blocks that are highlighted
WORK UNIT CODE JOB CONTROL NUMBER A48 TYPE EQUIPMENT A52 BU/SER NUMBER TURN-IN DOCUMENT (Assigned by MC) A58 DISCD (When Discovered) A59 T/M (Type Maintenance) DISCREPANCY PILOT/INITATOR E08 MFGR (CAGE/MFG Code) DISCUSSION: - OPNAV 4790/60 VIDS/MAF must contain the following information when turning-in defective components to AIMD: - Turn in doc# - Discover code: flight, maint, Y code (bad from supply) A799, Still broke. No errors found. - No more than 1% should be Y coded. - Time/Cycles: meter, Part Number, FSCM Serial Number Job Control Number (JCN) Document Number Discrepancy explanation Removed by: ? E13 SERIAL NUMBER E23 PART NUMBER E38 DATE REMOVED E42 TIME/CYCLES

16 Trackable Component Cards
Scheduled Removal Component Card (SRC) OPNAV 4790/28A DISCUSSION: - Defective components must be accompanied by required equipment history cards/records prior to induction to AIMD. Check NALCOMIS /RSUPPLY database if item has a required history card. 2 page form records maintenance history, installation usage date on major aeronautical components

17 Trackable Component Cards
Assembly Service Record (ASR) OPNAV 4790/106A DISCUSSION: - ASR, used when components are assembled together to form one unit. 2 page form provides data tracking on assemblies items for rework or overhaul life limits

18 Trackable Component Cards
Equipment History Records (EHR) OPNAV 4790/113 DISCUSSION: - EHR, see explanation above. 2 page form Provides a method of monitoring specific maintenance data on designated aeronautical components & equipment that does not qualify for an SRC card.

19 Aeronautical Material Screening Unit (AMSU)
Unit of AIMD. Screens all Aeronautical components to determine whether the item is within check, test or repair capability of the IMA. AMSU uses the ICRL to determine which IMA work center works on the component, and what repair capability they have. If component is Beyond Capability Maintenance (BCM) of the IMA, the component will be forwarded to DRP. If IMA has repair capability on the component route component to the applicable IMA work center. DISCUSSION: - AMSU belongs to AIMD. Their mission is to screen, identify, and induct components into the AIMD repair cycle by identifying the ICRL (Individual Component Repair List) code assigned and the specific AIMD work center who will work on the item.

20 SUMMARY 13.1 Selected Material Control’s responsibilities when receiving material in accordance with the NAMP. 13.2 Selected the purpose of the proof of turn-in file. 13.3 Selected the form that will accompany all retrograde components to the Intermediate Maintenance Activity (IMA). 13.4 Selected the cards that must accompany equipment/components to the IMA. 13.5 Selected the purpose of the Aeronautical Material Screening Unit (AMSU). DISCUSSION: - Recap enabling objectives and check for understanding.


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