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Industrialization and Nationalism Chapter 26 Unit 4.

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1 Industrialization and Nationalism Chapter 26 Unit 4

2 How would industrialization encourage nationalism?

3 Nationalism Grows By 1890 Germany & U.S. surpass Great Britain as industrial powers “Nations” want to outdo one another Nationalism becomes the most influential idea of 19th century

4 Unity or Division? Language creates national identity/unity
BUT – can still be divided by religion, etc. Great Britain & United States Idea of drawing state boundaries to accommodate these differences was revolutionary In Italy & Germany – united the people In central & eastern Europe – divided the people

5 Liberalism (19th c) Conservativism (19th c) Came out of French Rev.
Sovereignty of the people, constitutional government, national parliament, & freedom of expression Idea to bring nationhood to repressed peoples Led to failed Revolutions of 1848 Conservativism (19th c) Preferred tradition Didn’t mind constitutional monarchy Typically upper class Preserve social status quo Did approve of public education & universal military service Favored national unity

6 1815: “We have redrawn Europe’s map for eternity.”
Prince Metternich 1815: “We have redrawn Europe’s map for eternity.”

7 Italian Unification

8 Sardinia-Piedmont: The “Magnet”
Italian unification movement: PM formed alliance with France & instigated war with Austria (which controlled 2 Italian provinces) other Italian provinces wanted to join since they had a constitutional monarchy

9 Austro-Sardinian War, 1859

10 Austro-Prussian War, 1866 Austria loses control of Venetia
Venetia is annexed to Italy

11 Garibaldi & His “Red Shirts” Unite with Cavour

12 French Troops Leave Rome, 1870
Italy is united! Showed that nationalism shifted from a radical democratic to a conservative method of building popular support

13 What problems still remain for Italy?
The Kingdom of Italy: 1871 What problems still remain for Italy?

14 German Unification

15 Prussia/Austria Rivalry

16 Advantages of Prussia Industries in the Rhineland
Army using railroads, telegraphs, steel artillery, etc.

17 Kaiser Wilhelm I

18 Chancellor Otto von Bismarck
“Blood & Iron”

19 The North German Confederation the “nucleus” of a future Germany

20 Franco-Prussian War [1870-1871]
Prussia attacked France Prussia wanted territory of Lorraine because people spoke German France said they considered themselves French

21 Treaty of Frankfurt [1871] Second French Empire collapsed and was replaced by the Third French Empire Italians took Rome and made it their capital Russia put warships in the Black Sea [in defiance of the 1856 Treaty of Paris that ended the Crimean War] France paid a huge indemnity and was occupied by German troops until it was paid France ceded Alsace-Lorraine to Germany Iron Textile industry

22 Coronation of Kaiser Wilhelm I [r. 1871–1888]

23 German Imperial Flag German for “Empire.”

24 Nationalism after 1871 France became more liberal
Germany, Austria-Hungary, & Russia became more conservative Governments in general saw advantages of an educated population Public schools Public jobs for women Unification through language (Spain, Russia, U.S.)

25 Differing Nationalities in the Austrian Empire

26 Austrian Imperial Flag

27 The Compromise of 1867: The Dual Monarchy  Austria-Hungary
The Hungarian Flag

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