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Thanks to Richard Szeliski and George Bebis for the use of some slides

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1 Thanks to Richard Szeliski and George Bebis for the use of some slides
Stereopsis Thanks to Richard Szeliski and George Bebis for the use of some slides

2 Mark Twain at Pool Table", no date, UCR Museum of Photography

3 Woman getting eye exam during immigration procedure at Ellis Island, c
Woman getting eye exam during immigration procedure at Ellis Island, c , UCR Museum of Phography

4 Why Stereo Vision? 2D images project 3D points into 2D:
P’=Q’ P Q 3D Points on the same viewing line have the same 2D image: 2D imaging results in depth information loss

5 Stereo Assumes (two) cameras. Known positions. Recover depth.

6 Recovering Depth Information:
Q P’1 P’2=Q’2 Q’1 O2 O1 Depth can be recovered with two images and triangulation.

7 Finding Correspondences:
Q P P’1 P’2 Q’2 Q’1 O2 O1

8 Finding Correspondences:

9 Correspondence problem
Multiple hypotheses satisfy the epipolar constraint. Which one is correct?

10 3D Reconstruction P P’1 P’2 O2 O1
We must solve the correspondence problem first!

11 Stereo correspondence
Determine Pixel Correspondence Pairs of points that correspond to same scene point epipolar plane epipolar line epipolar line Epipolar Constraint Reduces correspondence problem to 1D search along conjugate epipolar lines (Seitz)

12 Simplest Case Image planes of cameras are parallel.
Focal points are at same height. Focal lengths same. Then, epipolar lines are horizontal scan lines.

13 Epipolar Geometry for Parallel Cameras
Epipoles are at infinite Epipolar lines are parallel to the baseline

14 We can always achieve this geometry with image rectification
Image Reprojection reproject image planes onto common plane parallel to line between optical centers Notice, only focal point of camera really matters (Seitz)

15 Stereo: epipolar geometry
for two images (or images with collinear camera centers), can find epipolar lines epipolar lines are the projection of the pencil of planes passing through the centers Rectification: warping the input images (perspective transformation) so that epipolar lines are horizontal

16 Rectification Project each image onto same plane, which is parallel to the epipole Resample lines (and shear/stretch) to place lines in correspondence, and minimize distortion [Zhang and Loop, MSR-TR-99-21]

17 Example courtesy of Marc Pollefeys

18 Epipolar Line Example courtesy of Marc Pollefeys

19 Rectification

20 Rectification

21 Rectification Epipolar lines are colinear and parallel to baseline
Epipolar lines are at arbitrary locations and orientations

22 Rectification (cont’d)
Rectification is a transformation which makes pairs of conjugate epipolar lines become collinear and parallel to the horizontal axis (i.e., baseline) Searching for corresponding points becomes much simpler for the case of rectified images ul ur rectification

23 Rectification (cont’d)
Disparities between the images are in the x-direction only (i.e., no y disparity)

24 Rectification: Example
before rectification after rectification

25 Rectification (cont’d)
Main steps (assuming knowledge of the extrinsic/intrinsic stereo parameters): (1) Rotate the left camera so that the epipolar lines become parallel to the horizontal axis (i.e., epipole is mapped to infinity).

26 Rectification (cont’d)
(2) Apply the same rotation to the right camera to recover the original geometry. (3) Align right camera with left camera using rotation R. (4) Adjust scale in both camera frames.

27 Rectification (cont’d)
Consider step (1) only (i.e., other steps are easy): Construct a coordinate system (e1, e2, e3) centered at Ol . Aligning it with image plane coordinate system.

28 Rectification (cont’d)
(1.1) e1 is a unit vector along the vector T (baseline)

29 Rectification (cont’d)
(1.2) e2 must be perpendicular to e1 (i.e., cross product of e1 with the optical axis) z=[0,0,1]T

30 Rectification (cont’d)
(1.3) choose e3 as the cross product of e1 and e2

31 Rectification (cont’d)
The rotation matrix that maps the left epipole to infinity is the transformation that aligns (e1, e2, e3) with (i ,j, k):

32 Then given Z, we can compute X and Y.
Let’s discuss reconstruction with this geometry before correspondence, because it’s much easier. blackboard P Z Disparity: xl xr f pl pr Ol Or T Then given Z, we can compute X and Y. T is the stereo baseline d measures the difference in retinal position between corresponding points

33 Correspondence: What should we match?
Objects? Edges? Pixels? Collections of pixels?

34 Julesz: had huge impact because it showed that recognition not needed for stereo.


36 Correspondence: Epipolar constraint.

37 Correspondence Problem
Two classes of algorithms: Correlation-based algorithms Produce a DENSE set of correspondences Feature-based algorithms Produce a SPARSE set of correspondences

38 Correspondence: Photometric constraint
Same world point has same intensity in both images. Lambertian fronto-parallel Issues: Noise Specularity Foreshortening

39 Using these constraints we can use matching for stereo
Improvement: match windows For each pixel in the left image For each epipolar line compare with every pixel on same epipolar line in right image pick pixel with minimum match cost This will never work, so:

40 Comparing Windows: ? = g f Most popular
For each window, match to closest window on epipolar line in other image.

41 Minimize Sum of Squared Differences Maximize Cross correlation It is closely related to the SSD:

42 Similarity Constraint
Left Right scanline Matching cost disparity Slide a window along the right scanline and compare its contents with the reference window in the left image Matching cost: SSD or normalized correlation

43 Similarity Constraint
Left Right scanline SSD

44 Similarity Constraint
Left Right scanline Norm. corr

45 Window size W = 3 W = 20 Effect of window size
Better results with adaptive window T. Kanade and M. Okutomi, A Stereo Matching Algorithm with an Adaptive Window: Theory and Experiment,, Proc. International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 1991. D. Scharstein and R. Szeliski. Stereo matching with nonlinear diffusion. International Journal of Computer Vision, 28(2): , July 1998 smaller window: more detail, more noise bigger window: less noise, more detail (Seitz)


47 Stereo results Data from University of Tsukuba Scene Ground truth

48 Results with window correlation
Window-based matching (best window size) Ground truth (Seitz)

49 Results with better method
State of the art method Boykov et al., Fast Approximate Energy Minimization via Graph Cuts, International Conference on Computer Vision, September 1999. Ground truth (Seitz)

50 Ordering constraint Usually, order of points in two images is same.
Is this always true?

51 This enables dynamic programming.
If we match pixel i in image 1 to pixel j in image 2, no matches that follow will affect which are the best preceding matches. Example with pixels (a la Cox et al.).

52 Other constraints Smoothness: disparity usually doesn’t change too quickly. Unfortunately, this makes the problem 2D again. Solved with a host of graph algorithms, Markov Random Fields, Belief Propagation, …. Uniqueness constraint (each feature can at most have one match Occlusion and disparity are connected.

53 Feature-based Methods
Conceptually very similar to Correlation-based methods, but: They only search for correspondences of a sparse set of image features. Correspondences are given by the most similar feature pairs. Similarity measure must be adapted to the type of feature used.

54 Feature-based Methods:
Features most commonly used: Corners Similarity measured in terms of: surrounding gray values (SSD, Cross-correlation) location Edges, Lines orientation contrast coordinates of edge or line’s midpoint length of line

55 Example: Comparing lines
ll and lr: line lengths ql and qr: line orientations (xl,yl) and (xr,yr): midpoints cl and cr: average contrast along lines wl wq wm wc : weights controlling influence The more similar the lines, the larger S is!

56 Summary First, we understand constraints that make the problem solvable. Some are hard, like epipolar constraint. Ordering isn’t a hard constraint, but most useful when treated like one. Some are soft, like pixel intensities are similar, disparities usually change slowly. Then we find optimization method. Which ones we can use depend on which constraints we pick.


58 Compositional Correspondence+Segmentation Algorithm
(D) Find best disparity for each point P(x,y) (A) Match (C) Find sizes (B) Connected components : find matching pixels for different shifts P(x,y) No match 20 10 78 7 9 8 5 41 27 47 25 78 41 20 ... Shift = 0 Shift = 1 Shift = 2 Shift = n ... For each point P(x,y), compare the sizes of the connected components containing it.

59 Results: Stereo Matching (IJCV’05)

60 Introducing Shape (Slanted surfaces, CVPR’04)
z Image plane x

61 Slant: Sampling, Correspondence, and Occlusions (CVPR’04)
Slanted surfaces are sampled differently. N to M pixel correspondence. Can no longer use uniqueness constraint to find occlusions. Slant, Sampling, Correspondence, Segmentation, Occlusions are all interconnected !

62 Compositional estimation of Shape (IJCV’05)
Joint Estimation xRIGHT = M xLEFT + D Search over slants and shifts!

63 Results - Horizontally slanted object
Left image Right image Graph cuts (Kolmogorov-Zabih ICCV’01) Our result

64 Results - Vertically slanted object
Left image Right image Graph cuts (Kolmogorov-Zabih ICCV’01) Our result

65 Contrast Invariance using Gabor Filters (ICRA’04)
Orientation Scale Real part (4 scales, 4 orientations) Imag. part Filter both images using complex Gabor filters. Find phase differences in each channel, ignoring amplitude. Compute local matching.

66 Results (ICRA’04, IJCV’06 Special Issue)
Left images Right images Disparity Maps

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