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Nasrin Changizi FPFD Fellowship

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1 Nasrin Changizi FPFD Fellowship


Nasrin Changizi FPFD Fellowship

4 ANORGASMIA Female Orgasmic Disorder may be : LIFELONG /ACQUIRED

5 Prevalence A recent meta-analysis of studies (limited to English language publications published between 2000 and 2014) Overall female orgasmic disorder prevalence of 20.9%, -25.7% Nasrin Changizi FPFD Fellowship

6 Prevalence of female orgasmic disorder in Africa was highest, followed by Asia and the Middle East, with the lowest nominal prevalence in Europe and the non-European West. Nasrin Changizi FPFD Fellowship

7 Other Mental Disorders
RISK FACTORS Lower Education Lower Income Poorer Health Status Deppression Other Mental Disorders Comorbid Disorders Nasrin Changizi FPFD Fellowship

8 Pelvic Floor Dysfunction
Sexual Dysfunction Nasrin Changizi FPFD Fellowship

9 Significance Avoidance of Intercourse has been in 11-45% of Women with UI. Women with symptomatic POP are less likely to engage in sexual relations(POOR BODY IMAGE) Nasrin Changizi FPFD Fellowship

10 Clinical Findings Vaginal Bulging Pelvic Pressure Splinting/Digitation
UI/FI Nasrin Changizi FPFD Fellowship

11 Assessment Are you Sexually Active Any Problem Any Pain
Nasrin Changizi FPFD Fellowship

12 Research Tools Validated questionnaires :PISQ 12 –question short form
Limitations : Include only Heterosexuals Sexually Active in last 6 months Not validated for Anal Incontinence PISQ-IR Nasrin Changizi FPFD Fellowship

13 IMPACT OF PROLAPSE Sexual Function generally worsen with increasing severity of POP. Sexual Function domain affected by symptomatic POP are :Arousal,Orgasm,Pain Nasrin Changizi FPFD Fellowship

14 Impact of Prolapse Treatment
Nasrin Changizi FPFD Fellowship

15 Non Surgical May improve sexual Dysfunction in some,and have no Hartm.
Pessary PFMT(not specifically studied) Nasrin Changizi FPFD Fellowship

16 Surgical Regardless of type of Prolapse and Methods of Surgical Repair :this approach is generally associated with improvements. Improvement may be related to improve Body Image as well as reversal of Physical Symptoms. Nasrin Changizi FPFD Fellowship

17 De novo Dyspareunia(1-28%)
Nerve Injury Narrowing Vaginal Mesh Shortened Vag.Length Nasrin Changizi FPFD Fellowship

18 Impact Of SUI /OAB Decreased Libido Increased Vag.Dryness
Increased Dyspareunia Nasrin Changizi FPFD Fellowship

19 Impact Of Treatment All kinds of Treatment is associated with betterment of Sexual Function Nasrin Changizi FPFD Fellowship

20 Non surgical PFMT (Desire-Orgasm-Less Dyspareuia )
Pessary (Alone/Combined ) Nasrin Changizi FPFD Fellowship

21 PFMT Nasrin Changizi FPFD Fellowship

22 Nasrin Changizi FPFD Fellowship

23 Surgical Treatment The Impact Varies But Mostly reperted Unchanged or Improved In those who reported worsened sexual Function it Had been mainly due to De no Vo Dyspareunia Nasrin Changizi FPFD Fellowship

24 ANAL Incontinence Less Desire Less Satisfaction
Nasrin Changizi FPFD Fellowship

25 Impact Of Treatment Several Studies of women treated with Sphincteroplasty reported no improvements in Sexual Funtion Scores . Post Operative Counselling Nasrin Changizi FPFD Fellowship

26 Sexual function measured improved following surgery.
Can sex survive pelvic floor surgery? Sushma Srikrishna & Dudley Robinson & Linda Cardozo & Juan Gonzalez Sexual function measured improved following surgery. A better supported pelvic floor (POP-Q) was associated with significantly improved GRISS scores. Conclusions These findings aid in pre-operative counselling of women with POP and SUI about potential improvement in sexual function post-operatively. Nasrin Changizi FPFD Fellowship

27 Impact of urinary incontinence on female sexual health in women during midlife
Overall, though studies are lacking and of poor quality, treatment of incontinence has been shown to improve sexual function. Both pelvic muscle training and midurethral slings have been shown to improve sexual function in those with stress urinary incontinence. In urgency urinary incontinence, evidence indicates improvement in sexual function after treatment with anti-muscarinic medications. Coital incontinence commonly improves with treatment of the underlying incontinence subtype. Although problems related to sexual health are complex and involve both psychological and physical factors, it is important to consider treatment of urinary incontinence as part of management of sexual dysfunction. Nasrin Changizi FPFD Fellowship

28 The effect of mode of delivery on postpartum sexual functioning in primiparous women
C/S Mediolateral/Median Nasrin Changizi FPFD Fellowship

29 Nasrin Changizi FPFD Fellowship

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