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Welcome to Back to School Night!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Back to School Night!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Back to School Night!
Ms. Brittney Bryan @brittbryan1118 School Board Message

2 About Me!

3 Tu: Computer Lab & Guidance
7:30-7:50 Arrival 7:50-8:00 Announcements 8:00-8:10 Morning Meeting 8:10-10:00 Reading & Writing 10:00-11:00 Specials 11:05-11:35 Lunch 11:35-11:50 Recess 11:55-1:20 Calendar & Guided Math 1:20-1:30 Snack 1:30-2:25 Social Studies / Science 2:25-2:30 Pack Up 2:35-2:50 Dismissal Classroom Schedule M: Music & P.E. Tu: Computer Lab & Guidance W: P.E. & Library Th: Music & P.E. F: Art & Search

4 Homework Nightly reading homework begins in September. Word Study homework will begin in October. More information about homework and a link to the reading log can be found on the First Grade page on the MTE website.

5 Take Home Folders Students will have a yellow take home folder that should be checked daily. One side of the folder will contain student work or other items that can remain at home. The other side will have information that needs to be returned to the school (forms, permission slips, etc.). Folders should be taken home each night and returned to school each day.

6 Communication Newsletters: Twitter Mighty Macaw Reports
A weekly update will be ed on Fridays. It will contain a summary of the week and a preview of the coming week and other important items. Twitter Please follow I will be posting updates and pictures throughout the week so you can stay connected to your children. Mighty Macaw Reports Mr. Stewart will out a weekly report about ongoing school events.

7 Reading Shared Reading Word Study Read Aloud Independent Reading
Fluency, content, reading skills Word Study Sight words, word families, decoding Read Aloud Model and practice strategies, reading is fun! Independent Reading Building stamina Guided Reading Small groups, targeting specific student needs Literacy Centers Writing Workshop How to express ideas on paper, becoming writers, handwriting

8 Math The following concepts are important for students to practice in the first grade: Addition and Subtraction facts to and from 20. Graphing Word Problems Money Time to the hour and half-hour Unit Fractions

9 Science and Social Studies
Past, Present, Future Famous Americans, holidays and symbols Map Skills Citizenship Economics World Cultures Force, motion, and energy Plants and animals Sun and Earth Seasonal Changes Natural resources Water

10 Absences & Tardies The building will open at 7:30 am
The bell rings at 7:50 am, students who are late are expected to go to the office to get a tardy slip. If your student will be absent, please call the absentee line or use the absentee found on the Madison’s Trust website. Do not leave requests for homework or missed work on this line. The school will call you if the absence is unverified. The next day your child is in school they need to have a written note explaining their absence. This will be given to the teacher and then go to the office.

11 Behavior Management Positive Behavior Intervention & Support (PBIS)
Individual Class Management School wide Students are expected to be responsible, be respectful, and be ready at all times. Each quarter 2 students per class will be recognized for being a Marvelous Macaw – Outstanding Citizenship or Mighty Macaw – Outstanding Effort Each month 1 student per class will be recognized for showing good character. Character traits include respectful, caring, trustworthy, etc. The goal is to create a supportive, respectful classroom where students are responsible for their classroom and learning. We will have daily Morning Meetings where we work on building community and personal skills.

12 Quiet Sign & Posters to review 3 R’s
[respectful, responsible, ready to…]

13 In the Cafeteria

14 Class Sticker Chart

15 Monthly Character Award & Quarterly Assemblies

16 Behavior Contract & think sheet

17 Grading Students in first grade have the following grading scale on their report cards: E = Exceeds Standard M = Meet Standard P = Progressing Toward Standard B = Performing Below Standard These grades should not be translated into A’s, B’s, or C’s. The goals grow more rigorous throughout the year and students continue to fine tune their skills as the year progresses. We do not do class rankings in first grade. All students will be supported and challenged to make progress.

18 Grading Continued Students will complete a lot of hands on work in first grade. Not all work done in the classroom will come home in the form of a paper-pencil assignment or worksheet. Assignments that come home with a letter are put into Phoenix. Other assignments with a check were reviewed but not placed into Phoenix. Work completed in centers is done independent of the teacher and may be done with the cooperation of other students. Not all center work will be graded.

19 DRA/PALS DRA = Developmental Reading Assessment
The benchmark goals for first grade are as follows: Beginning of the year: 4 Middle of the year: 10 End of the year: 16 PALS = Phonological Awareness Literacy Screening Given in the Fall and the Spring

20 Lunch Procedures Lunch money must be placed in an envelope or baggie with your child’s name and ID number. Lunches can be paid for online Go to MTE website Near the right towards the top is a button that says “School Menu” This will take you to Nutrition Services where you can make payments Students must memorize their lunch numbers. They will be expected to enter their own numbers each day for lunch and to log in to school computers.

21 Snack Students are permitted to bring a small, healthy snack each day.
Please pack independent snacks (they can open themselves). ie: fruit, chips, pretzels, goldfish, carrots...etc. Drinks should not be included with snacks since a water fountain is available in each room. First grade classrooms are nut free zone. Snacks may not be shared. Bringing snacks is voluntary. Students may choose not to bring one. Snacks will not be provided by the teacher.

22 The Clinic It is a county policy that any student who has a fever of must be sent home. Students cannot return to school until they are fever-free for 24 hours without the use of medication. Please advise your child to cover their mouth when they cough and sneeze, “Vampire Sneeze/Cough”. Please consider keeping your child home if they are ill to avoid infecting other students and staff. We will teach and encourage proper hand washing. Please reinforce this at home.

23 Birthdays Invitations for birthday parties cannot be given out at school unless every child in the class is invited. If you wish, you may send a small, non-edible treat. Examples include pencils, erasers, stickers, or a classroom book.

24 Please Help Your Child Learn To:
Tie his or her own shoes Type his or her lunch number and “secret number” (mm/dd) Button and zip clothing

25 For Now: If you have not already, bring school supplies Wednesday at Open House (8:00-9:00) Update to supply list: We have a set of ipads and 28 laptops to share among 1st grade. Please send headphones in a labeled gallon zip lock bag, because they will be using these throughout the year for reading, centers, and testing.

26 For Later: Conferences BYOT = Bring Your Own Technology
At the end of the First Quarter Sign ups will be sent out in early October. BYOT = Bring Your Own Technology More information will come in late September. A permission slip must be signed and brought back to school before bringing any type of device.

27 Questions?

28 Let’s Have a Great Year!

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