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AP Human Geography Maps.

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1 AP Human Geography Maps

2 Map Projections The representation of the spherical earth, or part of it, on a flat surface To do this requires a frame of reference for converting a round to a flat surface…

3 Grid Lines Give exact distance and directions
Lines of Latitude (parallels) Horizontal 10 degree intervals North and South 0 degrees Latitude = Equator Lines of Longitude (meridians) Vertical 15 degree intervals Converge at the poles East and West of Greenwich, England (Prime Meridian) Decided in 1884, France abstained using Paris

4 Common Map projections
Different map projections are used for different purposes so the projection choice when planning a map to be made is important Mercator’s Projection Perfect directional utility Less accurate land mass size moving N. or S. from Equator because meridians can’t converge For centuries and up to modern times, used for navigation at sea Robinson Projection Official Nat. Geo More accurate land mass size Less accurate directional utility

5 More Projections Cylindrical Projection Conic Projection
Planar Projection

6 Major Circles of Latitude
Arctic Circle Tropic of Cancer Equator Tropic of Capricorn Antarctic Circle

7 Map Symbols Represented in a key
Range from different sizes, shapes, and colors of dots and lines, as well as patterns and colors Compass Rose shows direction on map

8 Map Scale Ratio or fraction showing difference between distance on map to distance on ground Ex. On a 1:10,000 (or 1/10,000) scale map, 1 inch on the map = 10,000 inches on the ground The Metric system is easier for conversion rates Most maps use a scale in Graphic Form instead of ratios or fractions (1 inch = 5 miles, etc.)

9 Map Scale Cont. When the area represented by the map is smaller, the problems of distortion are lessened Maps representing small areas in detail are referred to as large-scale maps Maps representing large areas, but with less local detail are referred to as small-scale maps

10 Different Types of Maps
Climate Maps give general information about the climate of a region. Cartographers, use colors to show different climate zones. Economic or Resource Maps feature the type of natural resources or economic activity that dominates an area. Cartographers use symbols to show the locations of natural resources or economic activities Physical Maps illustrate the physical features of an area, such as the mountains, rivers and lakes. The water is usually shown in blue. Colors are used to show relief—differences in land elevations

11 More Types of Maps Political Maps Road Maps
do not show physical features. Instead, they indicate state and national boundaries and capital and major cities. A capital city is usually marked with a star within a circle Road Maps show highways and roads, airports, cities and other points of interest in an area Contour or Topographic Maps Use isolines (iso meaning the same) to show the shape and elevation of an area. The closer the lines the steeper the terrain

12 Pages 14 – 19 Maps

13 Cartography The science and art of map making
Create maps for multiple purposes Reference Maps – show locations and geographic positions Thematic Maps – tell stories, usually depicting the degree of an attribute or the movement of a geographical phenomenon "can portray physical, social, political, cultural, economic, sociological, agricultural, or any other aspects of a city, state, region, nation, or continent" All maps however generalize, whether its features or phenomenon being represented

14 Cartography Oldest field of geography Babylonian map, 6th century BCE
City map from 1300’s

15 Location Absolute Location – the precise position of something on Earth Distance and Direction lines of latitude and longitude Geocaching Never change Relative Location – describes a place in relation to other physical or human characteristics Do change over time

16 GPS (Global Positioning System)
Utilizes satellites Remote Sensing , a method of collecting data using instruments that are physically distant from the area or object of study, data is frequently used for this

17 Mental Maps Maps in our heads May have been there or just studied it
Accuracy depends on the frequency of visits to a place Activity Spaces, places visited routinely in our daily lives, have more accurate mental maps How might these differ with age or socioeconomic status?

18 Mental Maps Early Humans had incredibly accurate mental maps
Think of a place and how to get to it or get around in it Share Are there differences between the men and women? According to research Women tend to use landmarks Men tend to use paths

19 GIS (Geographic Information System)
Combines layers of spatial data in a computerized environment Patterns and processes are superimposed upon each other Remote Sensing, a method of collecting data using instruments that are physically distant from the area or object of study, data is frequently used for this

20 Uses of GIS Tracking weather Transportation improvements
Tracking disease Urban planning Fish and Wildlife Management

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