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Regulation series WLTP-24-03e_Appendix 4

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1 Regulation 83 08 series WLTP-24-03e_Appendix 4
This document is a first draft of the potential full structure and content of a new UNR series of amendments. It has been developed for initial discussion in the UNR Transposition Task Force Rob Gardner, TRL limited 14th September 2018

2 Regulation 83 08 series: Main Body
Table of Contents Scope Expand scope to include CO2 emissions and fuel consumption? This will be needed if there is a requirement to demonstrate compliance with Level 1a or Level 2 of UNR WLTP or if ATCT is included (rather than being in UNR WLTP) monitoring on board the vehicle the consumption of fuel and/or electric energy? Be clear as to what UNR83 08 series does not cover

3 Regulation 83 08 series: Main Body
SCOPES OF CURRENT REGULATIONS COPIED BELOW FOR INFROMATION Scope of UNR series 1.Scope This Regulation establishes technical requirements for the type approval of motor vehicles. In addition, this Regulation lays down rules for in-service conformity, durability of pollution control devices and On-Board Diagnostic (OBD) systems. 1.1.This Regulation shall apply to vehicles of categories M1, M2, N1 and N2 with a reference mass not exceeding 2,610 kg. At the manufacturer's request, type approval granted under this Regulation may be extended from vehicles mentioned above to M1, M2, N1 and N2 vehicles with a reference mass not exceeding 2,840 kg and which meet the conditions laid down in this Regulation. Scope of UNR 101 Revision 3 1. Scope This Regulation applies to vehicles of categories M1 and N1 with regard to: (a) The measurement of the emission of carbon dioxide (CO2) and fuel consumption and/or to the measurement of electric energy consumption and electric range of vehicles powered by an internal combustion engine only or by a hybrid electric power train, (b) And to the measurement of electric energy consumption and electric range of vehicles powered by an electric power train only. It does not apply to a category N1 vehicle if both: (a) The engine type fitted to that type of vehicle has received type approval pursuant to Regulation No. 49, and (b) The total annual worldwide production of N1 vehicles of the manufacturer is less than 2,000 units.

4 Regulation 83 08 series: Main Body
2. Definitions Relevant definitions from UNR series Additional definitions from Article 2 of EU 2017/1151 as amended by 2nd Act Definitions from EU 2017/1151, Annex IIIA (RDE), Section 1.2. Definitions from EU 2017/1151, Annex XXII (Devices for monitoring on board the vehicle the consumption of fuel and/or electric energy), Section 2. Definitions needed for ATCT – if that is not included in UNR WLTP

5 Regulation 83 08 series: Main Body
3. Application for approval Amend text in UNR series as appropriate Include the requirement to demonstrate compliance with Level 1a of UNR WLTP (NB: this will cover the Type 1, Type 4 and Type 5 tests) 4. Approval

6 Regulation 83 08 series: Main Body
5. Specifications and tests incl. ref to ATCT + incl. family definitions, e.g. ATCT & PEMS families Small volume manufacturers General Type 1 test – only if needed for ATCT (i.e. if it is not included in UNR WLTP) Type 2 test – copy paragraph in 07 series Type 3 test - copy paragraph in 07 series and incorporate text from Annex V of EU 2017/1151 (as amended by the 2nd Act) which allows use of NEDC and WLTP road loads – see also the proposal for a new paragraph 14 for the 07 series in GRPE/2018/15 {or will this be obsolete when UNR WLTP comes into force?} Type 6 test - copy paragraph in 07 series and incorporate text from Annex VIII of EU 2017/1151 (as amended by the 2nd Act) which allows use of NEDC and WLTP determined road loads) – see also the proposal for a new paragraph 14 for the 07 series in GRPE/2018/15{or will this be obsolete when UNR WLTP comes into force?}

7 Regulation 83 08 series: Main Body
5. Specifications and tests (continued) OBD - copy paragraph in 07 series and incorporate all relevant text from Annex XI of EU 2017/1151 (as amended by the 2nd Act) – e.g. which allows use of NEDC and WLTP Type I/1 test cycles – see also the proposal for a new paragraph 14 for the 07 series in GRPE/2018/15 {or will this be obsolete when UNR WLTP comes into force?} RDE - The information and requirements from the main body of EU 2017/1151 Annex IIIA (RDE) will be copied into the Main Body of the R83 08 – where relevant. Some may be more relevant for the Part B Annex. OBFCM - Requirements for type-approval regarding devices for monitoring the consumption of fuel and/or electric energy. Use text from Article 4a of EU 2017/1151 2nd Act. Cross reference to the new Annex for OBFCM. Or does this remain as an additional EU requirement outside the Geneva regulations?

8 Regulation 83 08 series: Main Body & Appendices
6. Modifications of the vehicle type Standard UNR text? 7. Extensions to type approvals Align with EU 2017/1151 as amended by the 2nd Act 8. Conformity of production (COP) – Type 3 & OBD [OBFCM?] TBD

9 Regulation 83 08 series: Main Body & Appendices
9. In-service conformity – incl. Type 1 and Type 4 tests as ISC is not included in UNR WLTP? Align with EU 2017/1151 as amended by the 2nd Act Part A of EU 2017/1151 will be obsolete by the time of the introduction of the 08 series and therefore is not required in the 08 series Headings in Part B of 2nd Act: Introduction Process description ISC family definition Information gathering and risk assessment ISC testing Compliance assessment Remedial measures Annual report by the granting type approval authority

10 Regulation 83 08 series: Main Body & Appendices
10. Penalties for non-conformity of production Standard UNR text 11. Production definitively discontinued 12. Transitional provisions If ‘Approach 1’ or ‘Approach 2’ are used we will need to include Introductory Provisions 13. Names and addresses of Technical Services responsible for conducting approval tests, and of Type Approval Authorities

11 Regulation 83 08 series: Appendices to Main Body
Appendix 1 – Reserved Appendix 2 – Reserved NB: this means no CoP appendices. The appendices in EU-WLTP relate to Type 1 test only. Appendix 3 - In-service conformity check – base on Appendices in Annex II of EU 2nd Act: Appendix 3a – [Appendix 1] Criteria for vehicle selection and failed vehicles decision Appendix 3b – [Appendix 2] Rules for performing Type 4 tests during in-service conformity Appendix 3c – [Appendix 3] Detailed ISC report Appendix 3d – [Appendix 4] Format of the annual ISC Report by the granting type approval authority Appendix 3e – [Appendix 5] Transparency

12 Regulation 83 08 series: Appendices to Main Body
Appendix 4 - Statistical procedure for tailpipe emissions in-service conformity testing Appendix 5 - Responsibilities for in-service conformity NB: Appendices 3-5 in UNR83 07 series replaced by 3a-3e on previous slide Appendix 6 - Requirements for vehicles that use a reagent for the exhaust after- treatment system – this may be included in GTR15 and UNR WLTP so may not be needed in UNR83 08.

13 Regulation 83 08 series: Annexes
Annexes Part A Annex 1: Engine and vehicle characteristics and information concerning the conduct of tests – this will exclude all the specific Type 1 and Type 4 info that is currently in UNR series. NB: there will be a lot of duplication between the two information documents if we take this approach. May need a novel approach. Appendix 1 - Information on test conditions Appendix 2 – ATCT test report &/or test sheet (if not in UNR WLTP) Annex 2: Communication Addendum to type approval communication No … concerning the type approval of a vehicle with regard to exhaust emissions pursuant to Regulation series of amendments Appendix 1 - OBD – Related information Appendix 2 - Manufacturer's certificate of compliance with the OBD in-use performance requirements Annex 3: Arrangements of the approval mark

14 Regulation 83 08 series: Annexes
Annexes Part A (continued) Annex 4: Type 1 test –elements not in UNR WLTP Ambient Temperature Correction Test (ATCT)? Target speed correction? Annex 5: Type 2 test (Carbon monoxide emission test at idling speed) Annex 6: Type 3 test (Verifying emissions of crankcase gases) Annex 7: Empty Annex (is Evap Type 4 test in 07 series) Annex 8: Type 6 test (Verifying the average emissions at low ambient temperatures) Annex 9: Empty Annex (is Durability Type 5 test in 07 series) Annex 10: Reference Fuels for Low Temperature test (07 series has all the Type 1 and Type 6 test reference fuels) Annex 11: On-Board Diagnostics (OBD) for motor vehicles

15 Regulation 83 08 series: Annexes
Annexes Part B – RDE Based on Appendices 1 – 9 inc. of EU-WLTP Annex 3a.Cut and paste and then amend EU specifics to make them UN specific. Test sheet/report? – To be discussed. Introduction – will need to prepare a short introduction – depending on how the main annex 3a of EU 2017/1151 is incorporated into Section 5 of UNR series. Appendix 1: Test procedure for vehicle emissions testing with a Portable Emissions Measurement System (PEMS) Appendix 2: Specifications and calibration of PEMS components and signals Appendix 3: Validation of PEMS and non-traceable exhaust mass flow rate Appendix 4: Determination of emissions Appendix 5: Verification of overall trip dynamics using the moving averaging window method

16 Regulation 83 08 series: Annexes
Annexes Part B – RDE (continued) Appendix 6: Calculation of the final RDE emissions results Appendix 7: Selection of vehicles for PEMS testing at initial type approval Appendix 7a: Verification of trip dynamics Appendix 7b: Procedure to determine the cumulative positive elevation gain of a PEMS trip Appendix 8: Data exchange and reporting requirements Appendix 9: Manufacturer's certificate of compliance

17 Regulation 83 08 series: Annexes
Annexes Part C – On Board Fuel Consumption Monitoring (OBFCM)?? Base on Annex XXII of the EU 2017/1151 2nd Act

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